Finally 90 Gallon setup!! (Pics)


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Pic time!!

As I have been promising here are some pics.

I got another timer for the t5's and for the canopy fans. At present I have only t5's running on the time. I was at work till 9 pm so could not connect it before.

Now here come the tank pics with the t5 lighting. I don't know but the camera just does not do any justice to the tank. The tank looks much better in person. How is the aquascaping. I am not happy with it. On Saturday I will have to re aquascape again.

Any suggestions are welcomed!!!!!


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
looks great!!!*thumbsups ..... only thing i would change is the way you have the rocks all the way up to the glass on each side... that makes it hard to clean the glass and you'll end up having to clean around the rocks wich always looks crappy IMO i would leave at least an inch or 2 to fit the mag float when needed....what are the plans for stocking??


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
looks great!!!*thumbsups ..... only thing i would change is the way you have the rocks all the way up to the glass on each side... that makes it hard to clean the glass and you'll end up having to clean around the rocks which always looks crappy IMO i would leave at least an inch or 2 to fit the mag float when needed....what are the plans for stocking??
I have put the rocks in such a way that I can squeeze the mag float in between them. At least a few important places.

As for stocking plans Fish

Already have

2 clowns
1 mandarin

Going to get

Blue tang and/or yellow tang
Maybe a dwarf angel or two.

Stocking corals

I am thinking of SPS, I really like montipora coral.
1 anemone after 6 months.

Maybe you guys can give me some suggestions on stocking fish. I am open to that. Don't have much in mind.

Cichlid-Man said:
Are those green Zoas on the left hand side?

Refresh my memory please, where did you get that LR from? I like the branchyness of it.

On the left side those are mushrooms. They don't look so good cuz they are still adjusting to the new environment or maybe just dying. (hope not).

I got 80 lbs is fiji rock which I got from ebay. Then 40 lbs I got from my lfs $3 per lbs. They say its Indonesian but i think it is marshal rock. Yeah I also like the branchiness of the rock. It gives it a natural reef look to the tank once it colors up it will look much better.


Small Fish
Aug 2, 2006
Looks awesome.

I'm with you in the fact I think you could aquascape a little differently to make it look a little better. By no means does it look bad....its incredible but I think for me the kinda U shape doesn't it for me.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Everybody thanks for the comments. I think I might just leave the rock work the way it is.. Too much work..

Do you get the "Ripple effect" with your MH?
Yeah I get a ripple effect!!

Ok update

I had to move the timers from the tank stand and place them higher as I think due to the moisture they are going crazy. So I mounted them on the wall.

As it has become very hot I had to do something so I got 2 x 6 inch fans and mounted them on each side to further cool the tank.

Left Side!

Right side!!



Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Keep an eye on evaporation with those two is really going to speed up now.
The 1st thing I took care off was the top off system. I have a JBJ top off system with a 5.5 gallon reservoir tank just next to the sump (need to get a bigger reservoir tank). The only thing is that I have to fill up the reservoir tank every other day and everything is going fine. So basically that has been taken care off.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
VERY NICE!! Can I get your plans for stand and canopy? I have a 90 also and need to build a canopy for it but Im getting ready to set up a custom Nano set up Im build but still have no plans for stand or canopy and yours looks great!!!

Thanks!! I actually don't have the plans to the stand and canopy cuz I had purchased the setup from somebody already built. The only thing I had to do was stain the stand and canopy. But I am sure that in the DIY section a few people have plans for a stand and maybe based on that you can built the stand. I am not very good with the building stands and canopy!

Update on the tank!!

A few of my corals are not doing well cuz of the new lighting. Apparently The new lighting came as a big shock to the corals. Since the transfer I have lost a few snails I have no idea why (I am thinking cuz of the acclimation process, I did not acclimate them that well. I know very stupid of me.) fish are doing great but the corals not so good. The frogspawn, leather coral and torch are the onces most effected. The mushrooms are somehow surviving. I have even put a glass shield for the light. Hope it should help.

P.S I didn't know that MH lighting could effect the corals in such a way.

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Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Yeah MH lighting you have to aclimate them to. Its like you going from a dark room walking outside on a sunny day, its like an instant shock like whoa! And you have to slowly adjust.

I've seen a lot of people cover their tanks with something like egg crate, still allowing light but it breaks it up until the coral are used to it.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Fuzz16 said:
i dont see anything wrong with the aquascaping, its really good. looks very natural too
Thanks Fuzz, after admiring the tank for a few days I am also very happy with the aquascaping and am going to leave it the way it is. Good thing it has a natural look to it.

Yeah MH lighting you have to acclimate them to. Its like you going from a dark room walking outside on a sunny day, its like an instant shock like whoa! And you have to slowly adjust.

I've seen a lot of people cover their tanks with something like egg crate, still allowing light but it breaks it up until the coral are used to it.
Thanks Cichlid-Man! Good Idea!!

I think I will have to look into the egg crate thing. The only problem is my financial status. Purchasing the light has set me back really bad. well Once I get off work I will probably go and see if I my finances can allow me an egg crate. The lighting has really set me back. Hopefully with my raise I am thinking from next month this won't happen. I still have to get a few things for the tank, (calcium reactor)

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
eggcrate is cheap.....a huge piece for $10 or you could just try using plastic canvas.......or raise the light up and lower it a few inches every few days until they get acclimated....or put them lower down in the tank.....


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
eggcrate is cheap.....a huge piece for $10 or you could just try using plastic canvas.......or raise the light up and lower it a few inches every few days until they get acclimated....or put them lower down in the tank.....
Ok so finally I got the egg crate, cost me about $11 went home and put it on the tank and the corals are already doing a little better except for a few mushrooms that were burnt by the intense lighting. Polyps are opening up although i think I totally lost my leather coral, its turned brown and not looking good at all. Will post a pic later tonight. I though its better to spend $11 then losing corals worth way more then that. I will keep you guys updated on the progress of the corals.