Finally 90 Gallon setup!! (Pics)


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
What is the difference between precured and cured?

I know, newbie question.

$2.19/lb is a good deal in my opinion.

In my opinion I think that pre cured is just almost cured rock. Cured is just fully cured rock and can be put directly into the main display tank. Where as for pre cured you have to cure it. Anyways thats my understanding of it I am sure somebody will make it a little more clear. Well $2.19/lb is not bad but don't forget you have to pay shipping too and shipping is very high cuz it has to be shipped by 2 day or 1 day shipping, but if you buy it from LFS you dont pay shipping and you don't pay tax if you pay in cash.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
If you order rock online or from somewhere it must be shipped, consider it precured...that means most of the die off has already occured but even in shipping there will be some.....I don't believe you will ever get fully cured rock that must be shipped....unless they are shipping it in water.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
OK! Finally got my lighting done. But I encountered a problem. I broke one of the t5 bulbs. I am so upset on that. $20 down the drain. Anyways will have to order another one. I am already short of money.. Anyways Enjoy the pics..

I had just placed everything in place and marked everything up.

The wiring.

And this is the broken Lamp. *thumbsdow



Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Not done yet.

Test run on the T5's 30 mins before I broke it.

Now Main pics of the tank. I know its a little blue in the pictures. But my camera does not seem to capture the right color. I am sure it will be much better with the T5's. Hope fully I will order it by monday..




Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Those last pics just with the halides running?

Still looks great, can't wait to see it with the T5s.
The full tank pics are only running halides. as for the T5's I am really short on money and will have to wait a few days before I can order the bulb. Anyways the tank has not cycles yet so that gives me time to recuperate from financial loss.

Update on the cycle


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Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
TheFighterFish said:
You must have a lot of money...
Actually I don't have any at present. Going bankrupt soon. I wish I had a lot of money.

Cichlid-Man said:
Awesome! Looks fancy
Thanks Cichlid-Man

Panther your confusing me:eek:
big54bob ! How am I confusing you. Maybe I can clear a few thing up for you. Ask away!


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
A very big update.

Just check my levels and my cycles is over. Just need to do a 50% water change and will be ready to transfer everything from my 20 to the 90 G.

Every thing looks good.

Ammonia: 0.0 ppm
Nitrite: 0.0 ppm
Nitrates: 0.0 ppm
ph: 8.2
temp : 80 F

The 35 gallon garbage can I got for water changes. Aging water!!

Another 10 gallon for the 50 % water change.

Oh! I have to do some aquascaping too..

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Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Nice, now is when the ball really starts rolling. :)
The ball is rolling but very slow. Had a lot of work so could not do much. Yesterday I just did a 40% water change which took me about 3 hours. Today is the day I transfer the clowns and maybe a few snails to the 90 g. Before the transfer I will have to check the levels again to make sure everything is good and maybe adjust the PH. If everything goes as planned the clowns will be transfered to their new home. Pics will be posted in the evening.

Lighting and heat;

For now I have been using the MH lighting for only 3 hours and have been able to control the temp. When The lights are on the temperature only increases by 1 F so thats pretty good. i am thinking that if I add 2 more 6" fans in the canopy and 1 6" in the sump I should be able to control the temp.

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Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
This is a really cool thread. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Derpeder!

Update on the transfer!!

So finally I transfered most of the corals, critters and the clowns to the 90. It was not easy. At first I wanted to transfer the clowns but could not those buggers are fast.

Most of the corals were also very hard to move, they had grown to the adjacent rocks and some of the mushrooms ripped, polyps had spread attaching them selfs to other corals. Basically I had to frag them!!

The clowns are doing pretty good in the 90 g. As for the corals they need more time to adjust to the new environment and new lighting. I will know for sure in a few days if the fragged once will survive(mostly the shrooms). As for pics I could not get any cuz my camera died on me, battery needs charging. I will most probably post pics tonight once I get home.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
as long as you got a piece of the mouth on each piece it should be fine.... u could have always just scrapped the shroom off what ever it was attached to ;) btw cant wait to see the pics*BOUNCINGS