Finally 90 Gallon setup!! (Pics)


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Panther, nice looking clam and looks to be a good size too! A suggestion is to place him on a piece of flat rock that he can bury his byssal foot into and then bury this in the sand if you want to keep him on the sand. T. Crocea like to be on rock and will actually drill their byssal foot into rock.....If on a small piece of rock you can then move it to a different position in case he doesn't like the one where you have him. I have heard of them throwing themselves off various rock positions that they don't like. Now derasa and squamosa clams do like sand as opposed to rock....Also, as yours seems to be fairly large you may not need to be taking him out to feed him as you would if he was under 3" in size.......good luck, looks like a very very fine specimen.....


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Thanks every body for the comments. Really appreciated!!

My hippo tang is doing pretty good. It has started eating seaweed. Although I had to tie a sheet of it to a rock and drop it on the sand. It eats mysis and seaweed I am guessing it is a healthy diet. Will post pics once he gains a few more grams. Although I am a little worried about the clam. It is gaping which is not a good sign. Hope fully it won't gap as much in the future. And one more thing. it rotated it self about 90 degrees. I had put it in a different position and in the morning it was in a different one. any ideas. any ways enjoy a few more pics.

Spot the six line. I only wished I had a better camera!!



Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Panther when you placed the clam did you rotate it under water to ensure that there were no air bubbles trapped inside. This is one of the most common reasons that clams don't make it. Air can get trapped inside, so pick it up and gently roll in around so any trapped air can escape. Otherwise my only other suggestion is to move it higher up in your rockwork.......does it react to light. Ie....when you place your hand between it and the light source does it slam shut? it should react to the interruption of light. (though mine doesn't do this as much any more as I think it has become accustomed to people walking and moving near the tank) Have your fed it? Sometimes you might try taking it out and placing it in a dish with tank water and adding some phyto to the dish.....and target feed it this way rather than add the phyto to your main display........especially if a young clam.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Panther when you placed the clam did you rotate it under water to ensure that there were no air bubbles trapped inside. This is one of the most common reasons that clams don't make it. Air can get trapped inside, so pick it up and gently roll in around so any trapped air can escape. Otherwise my only other suggestion is to move it higher up in your rockwork.......does it react to light. Ie....when you place your hand between it and the light source does it slam shut? it should react to the interruption of light. (though mine doesn't do this as much any more as I think it has become accustomed to people walking and moving near the tank) Have your fed it? Sometimes you might try taking it out and placing it in a dish with tank water and adding some phyto to the dish.....and target feed it this way rather than add the phyto to your main display........especially if a young clam.
I actually did rotate it and removed all the bubbles. It does react to light in fact it reacts to even the slightest movement. if I just go near to have a look it reacts. So I am guessing thats a good sign. I have not fed it yet, will need to buy some phyto before I can feed it. I will give it a try once I buy some phyto. I don't think the clam is that young its about 3 + inches. Is it?

Jim_Leyland said:
your sand is super clean! how longs the tank been up? and what kinda cuc you have in there lol.. btw nice clam!
Yeah the sand is pretty clean for now that is. The tank has been up and running for only a month. As for the cleanup crew I practically don't have any, my turbo snails keep on dying on me , I have no idea why. So presently I just have a few red and blue hermit crabs, 2 emerald crabs, 2 cleaner shrimp and 3 sand shifting snails and thats about it. Still need to invest in at least 30-40 turbo snails but before I get any I need to figure out why do the snails keep on dying on me. I am thinking by the end of the week I will get a few snails and hope they don't die on me.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Not sure why the snails are dying. Some snails are harvested in temperate waters and are not really suited to reef temps etc and usually die in short order. I would recommend a sea cucumber to help keep the sand bed clean and or a brittle star they are great scavengers andwill keep the sand clean.

Your clam sounds like it is just adjusting. I would keep your eye on it and try moving it higher up though I have my crocea on the sand bed under 150w mh lights in a 75 which is 20inches deep (on a flat rock buried in the sand) and he has been there for 18mos. My derasa is beside him and he has tripled in size at least over the past year and is now approaching 8-9 inches up from the 2 or so he was when I got him. The crocea was about 31/2 and is now about 7 inches in length.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Thanks Lorna for all the help. Highly appreciated!

I was really bored after work and after doing a water change on the 20 gallon tank I took some pics of the 90 gallon tang.

1st pic is the way I feed my tang.

And Now the pics of the Tang its self. Before it was very skinny, I could see its ribs but now it has become a little plum. Thank GOD!!




Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
That tang is so cute! Awesome to hear he's eating and gaining some weight. Other then that, I'm just going to say the usual "the tank looks great!" haha
But, it will look KILLER when its loaded with corals, for sure


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
is that a feeding clip???

it looks great but really really dead =/

cant w8 to see it fully packed
Yup thats a feeding clip on the wall but the tang does not touch food in the clip. It only likes it when the seaweed is attached to a rock as shown in the 1st pic.

The tank is dead cuz it has only been 1 month. I am going slowly don't want to rush anything. The key in reef tanks is patience. Hope fully some day it will be fully stocked and will look much better then now. Anyway thanks for the comments.

Katie thanks for the comment. The tang is really small and cute! Some day the tank will be stocked..

Last edited:


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
ahhhh me thinks you mean patience not patients........too funny. Then again just my sicko sense of humour.

Yes I do like the way the rockwork is...and once it gets coated in coraline and you start to stock it will be wonderful. Going slowly is the only way to go. I would take my time and get what I want rather than just throw a bunch of stuff in to fill it up.

Your tang is cute, I am partial to hippos and would love to have one but with a yellow and a foxface in my 75g I am already maxed out for size. Some day when I upgrade to my 120g.

You need to throw in a fake anemone or something for your clowns to host that way when you are ready for a real one they will take to like a fish to water....hahaha...literally....You look to have a great set up and I look forward to many good pics to come


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
ahhhh me thinks you mean patience not patients........too funny. Then again just my sicko sense of humour.

Yes I do like the way the rockwork is...and once it gets coated in coraline and you start to stock it will be wonderful. Going slowly is the only way to go. I would take my time and get what I want rather than just throw a bunch of stuff in to fill it up.

Your tang is cute, I am partial to hippos and would love to have one but with a yellow and a foxface in my 75g I am already maxed out for size. Some day when I upgrade to my 120g.

You need to throw in a fake anemone or something for your clowns to host that way when you are ready for a real one they will take to like a fish to water....hahaha...literally....You look to have a great set up and I look forward to many good pics to come
LOL Thanks for correcting me *BOUNCINGS its just the firefox spelling checker goes crazy on me sometimes and I selected the wrong word. :eek: .

So patience is definitely the key in reef keeping and not patients. I love the rock work too!! It has a very natural look to it in my opinion.

At present I am having another problem, I am having a few power surges which switches off the system and comes back in a fraction of a second. I don't know what to do, any ideas? I am guessing I have too many plugs in a single outlet. I don't know how to work around it. But once I will go home I will have to work on it as these surges could ruin my whole setup.

Thanks for all the comments and hints!!


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
it would help if you plug your surge protectors into different plug that are on separate circuits that way the draw isnt all on one breaker. This will help then make sure that all are plugged into gfi plugs.......again on different circuits. I think my tank is a wiring nightmare and I really need to have someone come in and rewire some dedicated circuits to my fish......


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
it would help if you plug your surge protectors into different plug that are on separate circuits that way the draw isnt all on one breaker. This will help then make sure that all are plugged into gfi plugs.......again on different circuits. I think my tank is a wiring nightmare and I really need to have someone come in and rewire some dedicated circuits to my fish......
Thanks. I know I have messy wiring but did not have any problems until yesterday. I am going to get a few GFI plugs and redo all my wiring. And if possible divide the load equally to at least 3 circuits. Will be a big job but have to do it.

I called home a few mins back and its still going on and off. So I told me GF to swith off the lighting and both the sio 2600 power heads. Now the only circulation for the 90 gallon is the mag 12 pump for the sump. Will it be ok for 5 hours until I get home?