Fish skin desorder!!!!!


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
1.09 is WAY to high so I'm going to guess you ment 1.009... I don't know, but then again I've never used extended hyposalinity. Lorna would be best to ask for that one.

I don't think the anemones are going to survive either way... the picture you posted of them looked pretty bleached out in my opinion. Putting them in direct sunlight would probably kill what's left of the algae that lives inside them (Zooxanthella). Plus keeping them in a bowl has it's own set of problems... I honestly don't have a suggestion here... Hmmm... Do you maybe have anyone in the area (with VERY good lights) that could take them?

So far as a UV, yes on your tank a 9 watt would do just fine. Before I say what flow rate though, could you let me know what brand it is (or is available to you)? Or even a link if it's online? A lot of UV's advertise a flow rate that is too fast to really be effective. Plus there are a lot made for pond's that are only intended for clearing green water. They can be useful though, just have to *really* dial down the flow rate so the pathogens get hit by UVC light for longer.

So far as taking anything back... if the store won't, you're just going to have to try and get them healthy so you can sell them to someone who does have a proper tank :).



Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Listen to Chris. The hyposalinity method needs you to reduce the sg of the water slowly over a few days down to 1.009. Saltwater fish can actually live in almost fresh water if brought down slowly so they can adjust to the change. The anemones can stay in the main display as the pathogens ich/velvet won't bother them as they are fish parasites. When did you add the cleaner wrasse? I can't believe you continue to add fish knowing you are having problems.

Jun 29, 2008
i agree with everyone here. bring the SG of the quarantine down to 1.009 and put an airstone in there. the fish may be a little lethargic (tired, slow), but will be fine. frequently monitor the SG and ensure it is at 1.009.

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
I would take at least a week to lower the SG level. This is really going to shock the fish. You also want to raise the SG over a 2 week period as raising it is worse on them. Just take your time doing this and you'll be fine. There is an equation you can follow to do this correctly, but I forget where i found. Might be reef


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
C1 V1
C2 V2

You'd have to play with it a bit to calculate a slow drop but that's it. Basically do it in increments.

Don't ask me how I remember that equation... I dropped out of high school chem over a decade ago ;).


OK, not sure if the equation is going to look the way it should. Basically Concentration 1 over Concentration 2 is equal to Volume 1 over Volume 2 ... cross multiply...

Jun 7, 2008
now i have put all MY ANIMONES IN QT tank
fish are still in display with 2 piece of rock(still using medicine)
no heater in QT tank
do i need live bacteria in QT tank also for anemone(do they also spike the amonia,nitrite,nitrate)
what thing is killing my anemone
1-low light
3-high temp at 32c
5-file fish
my new QT tank has 2x100 watt bulbs for 10 inch depth(will that do)
qt tank amonia=0,nitrite=o,nitrate=0
not using heater(but temp may go till 21c...will that be ok)
no medicine
no fishes
will this change for anemone ...make them survive


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
No. put the fish in the qt tank.....the anemone can stay in the main tank. All of those things are killing the anemone....they probably won't make it regardless of what you do. Put the fish in the qt....with NOTHING else....but an airstone or hang on back filter like an aquaclear etc.....heater and that is it......

quit treating the main tank once the fish are out....just feed your inverts...they will not be harmed if left inthe main.....only treat the fish by slowly lowering the salinity.....over chemicals, just a reduction of salt.....the parasites can't live in fresh water that is what kills them....leave them in there for six weeks, do NOTHING in the not buy any more fish or anything....let nature take its course.


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
who says here that ich can live in water....
please send in your social security number to me
???? I don't follow on this one sunnymittu.... I'm not sure I want to... ':I

Either way the Ich that lives on saltwater fish is called Cryptocaryon irritans and can't live in freshwater.

The Ich that lives in Freshwater is called Ichthyophthirius multifilis
and it can't live in Saltwater

Agreed with Lorna, just get the *fish* out of the main tank. If there are no fish in there for 6-8 weeks there's nothing for the ich to eat and it should starve. The Ich and other things can't harm the anemones, but moving them around a lot will. The Live bacteria you add is not needed and could make things worse... please stop adding it.

So far as the light... What type of 100 watt bulbs? and how big is your QT tank? but no from the looks of them, they probably won't survive more than a few weeks maybe even a few months at best. You really should be running a heater. Set at 26 deg C and left there. Wide temperature swings make fish sick. You need stable, not changing.



Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Ok, I really didn't want to publicly post this but whatever...

I've seen worse cases than this. This type of thing really isn't uncommon at all. Work in a pet shop for awhile if you want proof of that...

A few things to ask before writing off on this guy...
1) Is there a language/cultural barrier at work here making things worse? Or at the very least more difficult?
2) What's the state of the marine hobby in India? I have no idea! It could be "stone age" compared to Europe (which some say is ahead of us) or North America.
3) What is the quality of stock available? I know for a fact a lot of exporters will cherry pick the nicest, healthiest stock for the big markets (for example Germany and Japan), then North America gets some decent stuff and everyone else gets what's left. He might be hamstrung right of the get go with crap, cyanide caught stock.
4) What kind of local advice is he getting? IMO, if a LFS sold him a sweetlips and the anemones either they don't know any better or they are just out to make a buck. No different than shops here.
5) Does this *HONESTLY* sound like a joke? IMO, I don't think so, something about it doesn't sit right for that to be the case. Not saying I didn't think that at one point, so I can understand people thinking that.

Long come short... I guess I'm here for the duration...


Jun 29, 2008
i dont think the language barrier is an excuse for such statements as, 'you have ich, DO NOT ADD any more fish, use hyposalinity!' Our instructions and advice were clear when he stated that he purchased 'ich medication' and was adament that the spots were gone; thus the ich was cured! why would we lie to him?

the selection may be sick but that does not excuse adding more fish and corals to a sick tank. if you can afford the ich medication, you can afford a hydrometer to lower the SG to 1.009 for 6 weeks. This is someone that would rather exhaust all other quick fixes than the trusted method. at one point or another you need to pay the piper. if its too good to be true....

for all intensive purposes I am a newbie but when the experts say, lower your SG to 1.009 and leave the display empty then i listen. it cheap and effective!!

a lot of the information that he provided was wrong. i know everyone has a right to their opinoin but when you do not know the correct answer to a question, then sometimes it is wisest not to answer.

Jun 7, 2008
now you guys are talking ...
it take a lot to make you guyz speak
speaking means different every time you cross the borders
i am crossing the boundaries
file fish died today
all the anemones died in QT
kind of melted away wonder this hobby has a back sting....


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Okay if there is no livestock in the qt and none in the main tank then now you can start over and do it correctly this time....


Take and test the water in the main tank for ammonia, nitrite and sg. I believe this tank should be cycling right now. Let this tank sit with nothing in it for 6 weeks.

Set up your qt tank by emptying it out......sterilize it......and let it dry out. Now set this tank back up with new salt water, heater, and a cheap hang on back filter. cycle it by adding some fish food or something to start a cycle. Once you decide to buy some new fish, place them in the qt tank and watch them for a few weeks to ensure they are not harboring any parasites or disease. Once your main tank has been sitting for 6 weeks you can then move a fish from the qt to the main tank. All new additions need to be in quarantine for a few weeks to make sure they don't have ich or other stuff. This will make sure you don't add any sick fish to the main tank to contaminate it.