good amount of inhabitants?

Apr 17, 2008
well i just ordered 1 reg clownfish 4 snails and 1 banded shrimp and 22lbs of live rock for my 30 gal dont worry ill get more LR when i get the money and in the tank its empty right now and i shouldnt get my fish and rock till about moday tuesday so i added the salt and other good chemicals iodine,calcuim and strontuim so now its cleaning out and i have 3 filters 1 bio wheel , 1 hang on canister filter , 1 wet dry cubcurrent filter , and 1 heater im thinking about removing the bio wheel because it makes a bit of noise when it sucks up sand but over all its preety ok and for lighting on sunday i need to get a new starter for my hood lights :p any advice?


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
Yea cancle you order for you fish / snails and your shrimp b/c they are all going to die.. You don't need to add iodine,calcuim or strontuim.. You get all the 'chemicals' you will need from your salt.. What kind of salt are you using? You should really read through the stickies at the top of the page! You need to cycle your tank and that takes a few weeks before you should even think of adding anything!

Apr 17, 2008
well actully before i even ordered the items i read ALL the sw stickeis but i never fully understood how to cycle all i know is it involves good bacteria and the filter thats all really :\


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
actually you don't need a 'filter' at all, that's what the live rock does.. As far as salt goes you should use brands like instant ocean (IO) or marine tropics i don't know what kind you use but those IMO are the most used salts in the hobby.. if you didn't use that salt i would probably just drain the tank and refill it.. Do you have any way to check your salt levels? You can't just dump salt in the tank, don't know if u knew that or not.. it needs to be at 1.025.. Keep asking questions but more than likely everything you just bought is going to die in a day maybe 2


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Well I think that from the sw stickies here and what is on the nano sw site there are enough step by step threads on the correct way to start up an of the first should be

*READ A BOOK* on the subject such as "The New Marine Aquarium" by Michael Paletta for a start. It goes through step by step the proper and correct way to establish a marine aquarium. The cost of the book through is probably much less than the money wasted on animals that will surely not make it and on equipment that is unsuitable for use in a sw tank.

I am not trying to be harsh but if you had read the stickies they would have told you to do your research by reading the above book for starters. Rather than set yourself up for possible and almost certain failure what we are trying to do is help you.......

Apr 17, 2008
well yea im using instant ocean salt and i have an instant ocean hydrometer it reads 1.026 so i have to lower it a little and i know it 1/2 a cup for 1 gallon and well im not watsing my money because its all !free! :) and well if i dont get it this time i can get it the next time i have a 14 day return yea but now the water is clear got me a bright light well common im only 13 im trying :\ and i got 300$ for free on a contest at and if i win next months contest for 100 200 or 300$ i can get Alot more well thx i guess :/


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
oh oh lol of coruse i wasnt going to buy the fish first and i have alot of aquruim stuff in my other cart not just the tank :) i was just making sure i have the right stuff and by the way the fish and coral and live rock are just in a cart now :p i didnt order yet i was just geting an idea

just because u arnt paying for the fish/snails/shrimp doesnt mean they arnt living creatures! i can already see your first attempt isnt going to be successful but if u take the time to read and if u dont understand something come here and ask us and we will try n explain it better for u....honestly u need to cancel that order for the fish... once u add the liverock your cycle is going to start and your going to get an ammonia spike which the fish,snails,ect. cant live through these conditions... during this time u must test your water every few day until u have no ammonia and no nitrites... ammonia will turn into nitrites and than the nitrites will than turn into nitrates (thats what a cycle is)
your liverock will have stuff die off during shipping and the dieoff causes an ammonia spike so this is why u wanna add all your live rock at once so u dont go through a second cycle... u dont need to add anything as far as idodine or any of these other things u mentioned (its all in the saltmix) the general rule of thumb is never add anything unless u have a testkit for it and first test to see u even need it and regularly test to make sure your not overdosing... in a saltwater tank u dont use the canister filter, biowheel or any other filters u mentioned, u just need a few powerheads for water movment and the liverock along with regular water changes will do the rest...your guna have to do reguar water changes once everything is setup like every other week or at least once a month (this is how u get the nitrates out of your tank and replenish any trace elements needed like calcium and all that good stuff)

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Apr 17, 2008
well the truth is You cant cancel it so im going to have to see what i can do :| well i try to follow directions as close as possible not just do what i think is ok wow now im thinking twice about starting a sw tank since its a harsh game to play

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Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
This thing is you should have done the reading and asked questions BEFORE you bought living animals that are destined to die because you are being careless. Im not trying to lash out at you but honestly think about what you are doing.

Apr 17, 2008
well i thought you could do research online too and i do have a book but i need to find it its about starting new sw aquariums its not really that i dont care about the fish ive been wanting to do sw for years! i had most of it down exept cycling i didnt know that was a requirement i had a post eairlyer and i said what do you need for a 30 gal fw to sw transfer and i dont think any 1 said a cycle fish are my life man i want to be a marinebioligist its not just a hobby for me..

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Jul 19, 2007
if wanting to become a marine biologist is your life...then surely you would have wanted to understand what cycling was and what the requirements were for starting sw..not to mention reading up on tons and tons of books- even before you got the prize money to get a sw tank, not just browsing through some stickies

what is worst of all..some innocent creatures are going to die from your mistakes- I really hope you can slow down and take the time to ask questions and and most of read read on your own first before jumping in..

Apr 17, 2008
i didnt know when i would get the money and i didnt just read thru stickes i read alot online google searches even long before i got this money i would read on sw tanks for furture references gosh i just didnt go in depth in !1! subject and im being critersiced on that when it was a beginers mistake do you exspect me to know and be the best on my first time?!?! i bet theres been many people in this hobby that have made mistakes But you know what people also learn from those mistakes .

PS. going online and searching for information can be JUST as good as just getting a book ive seen some good exelent articles by just doing tons of google searches :p

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Okay, but now you know how seriouosly some of us take this hobby. There are many good websites and some not so good. There are many methods of keeping marine aquariums and everyone has an opinion. Here is a good site that I frequently use and one that I recommend. Please read the chapters on set up and then thoroughly research each and every animal you wish to introduce to your tank long BEFORE you buy them. SW is very very different than FW and the compatability of your inhabitants is an important aspect of the planning stage. You will want to come to the forum with a list of fish etc and we will help you through the process. We are not trying to be mean and spiteful but we have seen some real horror stories through the years and when we give advice we hope people will heed it and follow it and not ignore what we are saying. i am not insinuating in any way that you have it is just that this story gets old after a while...... look at this site it will help you immensely......if you read something here that you don't understand come here and ask us to explain it and we will. You won't have to wait days for an answer either......and for what it is worth.....we are friendlier here than some people on other forums can be down right hostile and unwilling to help a newbie such as yourself...

WetWebMedia-Marine Aquarium Articles and FAQ's


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
First, STOP thinking about livestock. You need to square away your system first. I know the web is a great resource, but the book is great and consistent. You should really get it.

Also, let me say I don't think anyone is particularly out of line with their strong words in regard to your choices.

But, I also think as a community we can (and should) look toward some solutions to the predicament Sesheru has created for him/herself.

While you have certainly created a difficult beginning for yourself, it is quite possible that the livestock can be saved. If you pick up a small tank (~10g) at the LFS and move your power filter over to it you should be able to create a cheap quarantine tank (something you really need to have anyway). What you will want to do is leave the tank bare bottomed, add several different size (length and diameter) PVC tubes, a heater, and the power filter. Fill the tank with properly mixed saltwater and acclimate your inverts and fish to this tank. Do consistent (maybe as often as every other day) water changes to keep ammonia/nitrites/nitrates in check - using your test kits will give you an idea of how often is necessary. The fish, imo, should make it without a lot of trouble. The inverts are iffy, but it is going to be way better than throwing them in with your live rock.

Meanwhile, you will need to cure your live rock (read the article again and ask questions if you are confused) in your other tank. This could take a week or a month or more. While you are doing that, you need to get rid of the three filters you have (the ones we told you to get rid of in the other post) and replace them with some good quality powerheads.

You say you have simply made a beginner's mistake, but even a beginner must be wise enough to ask questions when things seem unclear. I know that it is exciting to set up a new tank (especially your first saltwater tank), but the reality of saltwater is that it does take careful planning and small mistakes can lead to large scale disasters. It is also a very slow process. It will take months (or years) before you really have a handle on your tanks water chemistry and really understand what is going on. You have to be able to slow down, have patience, and allow things to develop slowly if you want to have success. Simply getting all the proper equipment together (which you haven't even done, despite asking us what you needed - and being provided with good answers) does not mean your setup will work without an understanding of the principles behind it. Freshwater is forgiving. Saltwater is far from it. You need to own up to the responsibility that comes with maintaining a saltwater tank. Simply saying "I'm only 13 and you guys didn't tell me everything" isn't going to cut it. To truly understand the tank you intend to keep you must assemble the knowledge behind it. I suggest you clearly plan out your tank, step by step, and then post your plan here. We can then fill in any blanks. A great way to find an example of the proper steps to take in setting up a tank in one convenient place is the same book everyone above is recommending: The New Marine Aquarium.

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Apr 17, 2008
well can i keep them in my tank till thursday the lr dosnet come in the mail till thursday so that will give me enough time to make Q tank and get everthing in good standing well i dont know if its fully cured check the link for me
Oh great i just got an email from drsF&S that my LR order is being delayed because of there are currently out of LR :( now im done for well can i keep my fish in my tank till the LR comes? its got sand in it only good movement and lighting ?!?!