hello im new and I need help


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Nope, crayfish are best kept in species tanks, and preferably solitary, depending on the species. they will harm the goldfish and you simply cant keep them in any sort of plated aquarium either. they will dig up everything. theyre not really that good for clean up either and i find they make more of a mess than they actually help the tank. I woudnt bother unless you really like em and youre willing to dedicate a tank to only one crayfish...

Nov 16, 2009
oh ok thats true. I asked the man at the petstore if the ghost shrimp were cold water and he said no. but he gave me 2 fiddler crabs for free because mine died, So i am going to keep them in their own tank. right now they are in a 5 gal tank so i can get a bigger tank and things tomorrow, they have shallow water and two rocks to come up onto. would i be able to keep guppies with them?


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
prolly not, but if you dont really care for those guppies much, you can try it. the guppies wont appreciate the shallow water (if theres not much water in there) but who knows, they might all get along.

ghost shrimp can live in colder water. people keep them in Koi ponds for food for koi and cleanup extra food. they multiply in ponds quickly so the Koi wont extinguish them. ghost shrimp whould be ok w/o a filter for a while as longas temp dont go below 62F. thats just an estimate..


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
not much, i just know their basics. I have never kept them. they would appreciate brackish water, a slower powerhead, sand or small gravel, rocks that are either sloped appropriately or easy to climb onto, warmer water, alkaline pH (around 8.0)...and some other things i cant remember..

Nov 16, 2009
ok and you said that maple leaves can help the water become brackish? hmm where on this fourm do you think i could go for help with these guys?

I also thank you for the very good information you gave me. it helped a lot. i really want to get tropical fish but im afraid to get them because of my roommate. =0/


Small Fish
Nov 10, 2009
Hey Princess sorry to hear about how much of pain this has become. I think that your best bet is to get two of these Tom Aquarium Products Mini Internal Filter - Internal Filters - Filtration & Circulation - PetSmart. You can actually totally submerge these and they make absolutely zero noise. In terms of your fish stock, i'm not sure what type of heater your using but when we had the ten gallon tank set up we got three dwarf puffer fish they only get about an inch big too so you could safely put five in there with those snails. There very fun to watch, the only downside is that they require snails.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
I mentioned that oak leaves make blackwater, not brackish water...blackwater has tannins/acids in it and brackish just has more salt that normal freshwater.

If you pu in dwarf puffers say goodbuye to all your snails. tehy have to housed alone in a tank and 5 might be too much for a 10 gal: they like their space.

Nov 16, 2009
I'm going to go to the pet store tomorrow and I'll buy it. if she touches it again I'm going to go to the RA about her touching my property and acting like she owns the room and that I'm not in there because its Extremely inappropriate i pay $20,000 a year to live there just like her. so i don't see what gives her the right to act like that. she will turn the lights out on me while I'm studying and stuff like that.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Princess, you need to STOP buying fish and crabs and etc and focus on cycling your tanks (plural now?) before you kill any more fish, crabs or frogs. I'd be pissed if I were your roommate too, you're running a death camp for water creatures. Your tanks smell because they are not cycled properly. Once again, read through the site linked below, that should solve a lot of your problems.

Nov 16, 2009
woahh wait, I was cycleing my tank with them in there. but my roommate is unplugging it. it smells bad because she unplugs it and it cant cycle. i have everything right only she keeps unplugging the filter because she has a personal problem with me. she does not like me and she goes out of her way to make sure i know it ( i have no idea why we know nothing about eachother) . I dont understand why youre getting mad at me.

Last edited:
Jun 21, 2008
Hi princess. I also just wanted to interject that your plan of cycling over Christmas break might not work very well because cycling a tank, even fishless, requires adding ammonia daily or every couple days. This can either be done by adding straight ammonia, or through fish waste. If you use straight ammonia, you have to add it fairly frequently to keep the levels up, and if you use fish waste you need to be there to keep an eye on the levels and perform water changes as necessary. Just wanted to mention it, since you seem to be banking on that as a plan. I agree that you should not buy anything else right now, especially since your goldies are ammonia factories and your roommate is compounding the problem. It seems like it's time to have a sit down with her, and then the RA if necessary. If that doesn't work, I'd suggest requesting a roommate change at semester. Good luck with everything.

Nov 16, 2009
turns out i can now cycle my tank. she moved out of the room and left me a nasty note. and i have no idea what she was talking about because none of what was in the note happened. so i have the fish, tank, water now i need to get the strips. i read that you can ask your petstore for some stuff with the bacteria from a cycled tank, what do i do?