Helping the cycle along...

Feb 13, 2006
Until their new shell hardens, they are very vulnerable. The other crayfish or the other occupants of the tank could have hurt him. Make sure there are several hiding places for the other to retreat to after molting.
Thanks for the tip.. I read a little about them after I bought them-things such as just before they molt they drain most of the calcium out of their shell and store it in white discs on the side of their head, and after they molt they use this calcium to harden their new shell... Weird, huh?

I did put a large log in the tank that one of them enjoys hiding in, and I have the psychedelic looking thing that the other liked hiding in. I never saw them fight, as I kept them in food, but maybe.. They're really small, and it doesn't look like their claws are very hard yet. They're only abou 1.5 inches long.

Anyway, now they're only one, so he should be fine.. He has plenty of hiding places, and I have pretty much only docile fish in the tank.

Feb 13, 2006
Well, 18 fish in the 35 gallon, and everything seems to be going along fine with my "Instant cycle.."

Here are the results of my levels test just now, and you can see that nitrates are now present, but no ammonia or nitrites to speak of..