I just got a new tank... from guess where...


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I agree, I'd count them as 1 because they are clean little guys and really dont get very big. I've always done best when I had an odd number of them...no idea why lol

Instead of a centerpiece fish you might think about getting an otto or two at some point in the future for your cleanup crew? Probably not yet, wait until the tank is fully established and there's plenty of food for them.

You could also get some ghost shrimp...they're awesome :) but you need to get at least a mesh lid, or those fold in half glass ones...something. You will pretty much always have a fish escape no matter what at some point...you can only do what you can. I had hatchetfish (notorious jumpers) in my 46 for awhile and one by one they found the ONE hole in the back and flew out.


New Fish
Jul 5, 2009
Froggyfox is right. You can do your best but usually fish that like to jump almost always 1 finds a way out eventually, whether it is a hole in the back of the lid or one day after feeding you forget to close the lid. But one of those glass lids that fold in half work well and are pretty cheap.

When it comes to your center peice fish i think i would do a Sailfin swordtail. I have always liked there big fins on there back. Also as FroggyFox said i think a couple of Ottos and some ghost shrimp do well. I also have always enjoyed watching the bamboo shrimp, you could probally fit 1 of those in there....:)


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
psh... I don't think you need a lid... even with a Betta... the fish jo names are related to freshwater sharks which all always jump...The neons and rasboras shouldn't jump at all and some live bearer or a Betta I think would be okay too....
I don't know why you wouldn't want a lid. Leaving the top of the tank open is like asking for something to fall in it, or fall out. Like I said, A LOT of fish are jumpers, not EVERY fish is known for it, but that doesn't make a fish incapable of jumping. No we do not expect neons to be jumpy at all, but it's not a known fact that they do not jump. I for one never said bettas are jumpy.

Plus having a lid (a solid one), keeps water in the tank giving you the benefit on not having to frequently top off the tank with more water. I have a mesh lid and have to frequently top it off with water


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
I will look into lid prices and figure out what I'm going to do about lids. I will try to buy one, OK? Alright so how 'bout this...
7 neons (4 more)
7 harlequin rasboras (6 more)
1 swordtail (pineapple, neon or sailfin, depending on what my LFS has)
1 or 2 otos or maybe shrimp (bamboo or ghost... to be honest, I think shrimps look like bugs :p lol I'd rather some otos!!)
Thanks so much guys!


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
BTW another good reason to buy an oto is since my tank is new (and looks new!!) I want it to look algae-free for quite a while! :D thanks again... how many otos should I get if I get any? they grow 1.5 inch, right?

Feb 27, 2009
In my experience, Otos do best in groups, 3 at a minimum. But, they do not do well in a newly established tank. They do best in a more mature, stable tank. Makes sure if you get them when you are ready to pick out those with round bellies, not sunken in. And make sure they ARE Otos. I've seen Chinese Algae Eaters and Flying Foxes mislabeled as Otos at LFS.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
I will look into lid prices and figure out what I'm going to do about lids. I will try to buy one, OK? Alright so how 'bout this...
7 neons (4 more)
7 harlequin rasboras (6 more)
1 swordtail (pineapple, neon or sailfin, depending on what my LFS has)
1 or 2 otos or maybe shrimp (bamboo or ghost... to be honest, I think shrimps look like bugs :p lol I'd rather some otos!!)
Thanks so much guys!
Try to buy one for yourself and your fish, not for me. I honestly don't care (no offense), just trying to provide you with proper information.


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
Jo3... :) I get how you think that I'm trying to shut you up... I'm not, honestly! I'm going to check out the prices on lids soon... I *DO* want a lid... I just don't want to pay for one :D lol. I guess we all wish fish tanks where free sometimes... oh well. I can't wait 'till it's all set up, it should look great:):D:):D!! Oh and no offense taken... I get how you don't care :D lol


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Jo3... :) I get how you think that I'm trying to shut you up... I'm not, honestly! I'm going to check out the prices on lids soon... I *DO* want a lid... I just don't want to pay for one :D lol. I guess we all wish fish tanks where free sometimes... oh well. I can't wait 'till it's all set up, it should look great:):D:):D!! Oh and no offense taken... I get how you don't care :D lol
okay good, I just don't want you to think I'm demanding you do this and that. I'm perfectly fine with you choosing to not get a lid. My goal isn't to pressure you into buying stuff; I don't get commission for the lid you purchase in the future from the store *thumbsup2


Medium Fish
Feb 27, 2009
Being the owner of 2 bettas, and them being my first ever fish, I've had some fun adventures trying to find out what works and what doesn't for them. They're each in a 2.5G, but one has a solid lid with a light and little hole in the back for the filter, and the other is in a plain little glass tank with a mesh lid like terrariums have. I've found that with the mesh lid (especially in the summer, with no air conditioning) that water evaporates INSANELY faster from that tank than from my other one. The lid also is getting quite rusty, even with the paint they have on it, from when the water levels go down and water splashes up. So far I've only ever had a betta try and jump once, and that's because the tank's ammonia was through the roof, but the mesh lid does a good job at keeping fish in while still letting fresh air get to the tank.


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
Moving Questions!

Hey again, I have another question:
I want to use the gravel out of my 10g but I need to keep my fish in there, as I am planning on using the gravel and decorations and the air thing... So how am I supposed to do this without getting rid of my fishies :(??