Henry is a mystery snail LOL! And yes, Dwarfs have to be in a species tank with the exception of Oto's Achase gave me that advise with MANY other people. Yes, ive decided to do some Dwarfs for my next tank but im sure with my record all you'l say is "You'l just change it next week" so why even bother stating my stocking plans, why bother stating anything until i get my Testkit and Siphon. Thyra, may i ask you a question and i DONT want to seem rude at all or snappy because im not i just want to know your opinion on this. If you asked in a thread, for example, How algae grows, which is a thread i contributed to, and i asked you "Well do you have anything to clean or eat that with cause it really messys your tank, you need to go out and buy a scrubber" how would you feel and respond to that? And once again, i mean no hostility with that question and it has nothing to do with me throwing a fit. Also, i think il add, im the youngest fish keeper on this forum aren't I? Can i have a little slack since im not really spending my funds to buy these things however as soon as i save $40 il go buy these things which should be 2-3 weeks from now.