I need suggestions


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
I feel a tank isnt complete without something roaming the bottom. Of course i do have Henry my Mystery snail and my 20 million others LOL!

Id use my money for the Shrimp, it would originally be mama's money i use after saving it. no more spending until christmas thou so i have enough for my tank & stand. I cannot wait to see what size i get :))))


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
So- this it what I hear you saying. You'd use your mother's money for the shrimp, rather than to care for what you already have. You wouldn't get any more money until Christmas. You still wouldn't have a way to test your water although your tank would be over stocked and you can't really clean it without the siphon so once again your are a user rather than a keeper. I am really disappointed.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
speechless....im speechless. Somehow you always manage to make things turn me into a bad fishkeeper thyra. You cease to amaze me. I do water changes ever 2 days and i have a million snails cleaning. And still, im useless and i care for nothing.

I know Achase :) But after awhile i can try Oto's so :)


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I am I have stopped amazing you - you still amaze me! lol I guess I just plain don't understand - why would you put a million snails in a 5.5g tank and not expect it to increase the bioload. Snails create waste too and you have yet to say you have the test kit so how do you know what your ammonia level is? On a side note about ammonia: Two days ago I bought a new male betta. He was in a cup. I think he is beautiful - tarnished gold with a light brown body and scales etch black - I was watching him and he turned his back and I saw the inside of his gills - bright red! From what I have read, that is caused by ammonia. I still had the cup sitting in the sink with the water in it, so I tested it. It was at least 1.0 - I have no idea how long he had been in the cup. Surprisingly, I spent a long time today observing him and I can no longer see the red. Hopefully that means the damage is reversible. I have never tested any of the other water my fish came in.

BTW, I didn't notice that Dwarf Puffers were in any of your other stocking plans. Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't they fish that are recommended to be a in a one of a kind species tank?


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I realize many of us question Aqadvisor, but Henry, your apple snail (by its self, without the guppies) supposedly stocks you 5.5g aquarium to 71% and the 10 shrimp by themselves would stock it at 73%. What I gather from that is snails create a bigger bioload than shrimp


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Henry is a mystery snail LOL! And yes, Dwarfs have to be in a species tank with the exception of Oto's Achase gave me that advise with MANY other people. Yes, ive decided to do some Dwarfs for my next tank but im sure with my record all you'l say is "You'l just change it next week" so why even bother stating my stocking plans, why bother stating anything until i get my Testkit and Siphon. Thyra, may i ask you a question and i DONT want to seem rude at all or snappy because im not i just want to know your opinion on this. If you asked in a thread, for example, How algae grows, which is a thread i contributed to, and i asked you "Well do you have anything to clean or eat that with cause it really messys your tank, you need to go out and buy a scrubber" how would you feel and respond to that? And once again, i mean no hostility with that question and it has nothing to do with me throwing a fit. Also, i think il add, im the youngest fish keeper on this forum aren't I? Can i have a little slack since im not really spending my funds to buy these things however as soon as i save $40 il go buy these things which should be 2-3 weeks from now.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I don't think you are the youngest person on the forum. There have been several that I think were younger. Kiara being one of them I can remember. If the forum told me I needed a scrubber, I would get one, but I guess I would also asked what they all recommended and what would work the best. Based on the forum, I did buy the test kit before I got any fish, although I had never previously heard of testing aquarium water. Hear me out. My kids are all in their 40s and 50s. We always had an aquarium. It was always my job to clean it - and it was in our living room and I didn't feel like I should have guests for dinner unless the tank was clean. And it seemed to need to be cleaned often. When my son got married and built a house he had a big tank built in the entry way. It always seemed to need a thorough cleaning and his wife got so upset with it that they remodeled it our of the house. My life is winding down and I still thought I would like some fish to watch. I got on line and started reading. I got a 16 g tank - then I got MTS and now have 6 tanks - all in the past year. My kids all wonder how come my tanks looks so good - ours never use to?" In fact other people who visit said they had aquariums, but they were too much work and ask how I keep mine looking so good. I read and listened to people on the forum. In 9 months I used all the ammonia testing solution in my original test kit, but I never had an ammonia problem. I paid attention to compatible fish and with the exception of the bettas ($3.47) I have paid $2 or less for all my fish. (The two angels are my daughter's which I feel I am boarding) Testing the water and water changes are the biggest differences since my younger days. We always had a siphon - just probably didn't use it often enough when my family was younger. So you see, you are never too old or young to learn new things - and you and I have been on the forum about the same length of time. Supposedly young dogs should learn quicker than old dogs, lol?


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Yes i suppose they should LOL. I have a Siphon Thyra, i am actually going to ask mama if i can cut the hose where it becomes a manual instead of hookup to the speaket one because mama don't let me use it to the sink, she doesnt like the nasty water going in there. I dont know why i hadnt thought of that yet, i feel like an idiot now. geez.

Il buy the testkit asap.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Good, now we are getting someplace. I have the pieces and parts for a Python, but haven't used it. I am on a well like you, but when the pump cycles, the pressure changes and sometimes the water temp does too and I worry about not having control over it. I don't visualize what or why cutting the hose would help, because its the faucet that cases the vacuum, but with a 5.5 g tank you are only removing about 2 gallons of water so couldn't you just set the bucket in the sink and run it into that?


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Yes, I am proud! Sorry but this forum is messed up. That did not show as a new post and I didn't find it until now. Unless these problems get fixed, the forum appears to be slowly dying. There may be other posts that others have missed and all we can do is go through them one at a time and refresh. I was wondering what happened to you and so I clicked on your last post and saw there was another new one. Does that siphon have a grid so you don't suck up fish and other little things you don't intend to?


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
And let the proudness fade away. I did something i really shouldnt had yesterday, i went to my LFS and i......bought 2 Kuhli Loachs for my 5.5 gallon tank

I am banning myself from my LFS until i get my other tank to stop things like this from happening. They seem happy but i noticed they dont eat my Shrimp pellets, i crush up flakes and make them sink and they eat those. They're the most interesting fish ive had yet.

One likes to swim back and forth up front of the glass for 5 minute intervals then go back to searching for food lol.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
The way I see it, the problem isn’t so much that Aquadvisor is saying you are way over stocked. Its how you do things without thinking them through or having a plan and sticking with it. This will probably be how you will run your life - get your paycheck, see something you want, spend it all and then realize you don’t have money for food or rent or maybe a car payment, etc.

Of course, the other thing is if you do ever get another tank, no one that has known you this past year will want to waste any time with your questions about stocking because we all know in the end you will do it spontaneously. You better hope the rest of us are gone and there are new members that don’t know your past performance.

I will admit its been interesting following your antics as long as I consider the fish expendable.

Oh, and as I remember those kuhlis burrow in the substrate and can’t be seen for long periods of time, but I will bet you find them when you vacuum and they get in the siphon. Depending on the diameter of that thing, you might find a cap that you could drill small holes in and tape it on the end to prevent snagging fish. Mine came with two different grills.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
why did you buy them if you only have a 5.5 gal? you know they need a larger tank.
How is your family's policy toward your aquariums?
I ask because it looks like you will need to get around a 20 gal to comfortably house the loaches and maybe some other fishes that you really like.