I'm very upset

Jun 28, 2003
Scottsdale, Arizona
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Ugh! If I spent $50 on a fish I would certainly demand SOMETHING!

Knowing me and flyers, I'd certainly park my happy butt outside of the door and pass them out telling what happened and I would QUOTE what he said to me on the flyers as a return guarantee.

That should NOT happen and if I were you I would keep on demanding either a refund or store credit. The squeeky wheel gets the grease!

Also, closet Nazi? Whats this about? *doesnt see anything*


Large Fish
Jul 18, 2003
SW Wisconsin
There's a swastica to the left of the page. Didn't look further to see what the whole site was about, but that is where Taffy's comment came from I bet.

Well that pleco is pretty darn purty. Polka dots alright. Well I guess if you have room for it that would spice up a tank. Seems like you have lots of fish for a beginner.

Good luck with your LFS gone bad. I like to find LFSs that have really nice tanks and spend my money there...support the good ones and don't get lured into cheap stuff that isn't good for the hobby. But people disagree with me a lot on that...so it goes.


Small Fish
Jan 13, 2004
Delta BC,Canada
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we I certianly have the time, I'm a work/stay at home mom. And also not to mention that my bfs illergic to animals with hair, or I would have less fish and more animals, this was a way of making us both happy. I grew up on the farm so I have always had lots of pets and I dont think I'd be happy without them.:p


Medium Fish
Jan 12, 2004
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If these fish are $79 everywhere else, the man prolly already knew it was sick and that why you got such a 'deal'.

I most certainly would make a fuss. My money comes to hard to just sit back and do nothing to this business. You are definitely a better person than I am to take this so well.


Small Fish
Jan 13, 2004
Delta BC,Canada
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well I forgot to add that I did get my water tested by my regular lfs on sunday like I said I was going to do, and he says everything is fine, the only thing is my ph was up by .2, not big deal.

My bf and I agree with all of you, in the fact that he probably did know the fish was sick, and was trying to make us think it was our fult, which I know it wasent. My bf is going to go back and talk to him and tell them what all of you have said, and my lf guy. If he refuses to do anything then I want to hurt his business, I dont really know very many people, so to just tell people wont do anything, I want to get it out more.

My money comes hard aswell sprite, we are both 20 years old and running our own business, raising our baby, and my bf is going to college, so this kind of BS hurts us. I saved my extra change just so I could get a couple more fish and thought I got a steal when I found the nugget but I guess not.

I'll let you all know what he says after my bf talks to him.


Medium Fish
Nov 26, 2002
Vancouver, BC
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Well DeZ, I've already talked to you, but your BF should point out that this guy is losing business. I rarely make trips to Surrey (since it is a long dive and transit is a PITA out there), and I certainly won't if I expect to be scammed or insulted. Too bad for him, if I make a long trip it usually means that I will spend money.


Small Fish
Jan 13, 2004
Delta BC,Canada
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well I went back today, he tested my 40g tank water and I dont understand why but all the tests say there is no trace of anything. He says its the same as tap water, told me that I was a lier and that I'm trying to trick him... and I brought him tap water... told me to **** off and not come back...

I tested my water when I got home and everything is fine, as far as I'm concerned its purfect. My mom is going to contact the BB and I want to make sure as many people as I can, knows about this...
After all he said I walked out of the store crying, it was very crule all the things he said. Now I'm just mad.

So I suggest to anyone thinking of going there to NOT. He is a very bad business person, rude, and not trustwerthy.

(Just so you know its
Fishworld Pets
Surrey BC Canada)


Superstar Fish
Aug 30, 2003
Palm Springs, Ca
The following letter was sent to custadmin@superpages.ca (this is the only email address I could locate so far. Unfortunately it was returned as the email address listed is as bogus as his fish!)

Dear Nick Christensen,

A friend of mine bought a Gold Nugget Pleco from you which died the next day, you have blamed her, even called her a liar and made her cry. No Pleco is going to die in under 24 hours unless the water conditions was totally exteme, you told her that hers was a bit off and that was the problem. It seems you just didn't want to replace the fish you sold. Bad Business practice. And the calling a paying customer a liar and making her cry, well that is way beyond bad business and seems to just say that you are a jerk

Your store will be listed as one not to patronize on many fish boards and we will make sure that anyone that is seeking help online for fish advice/store locations knows that your store should never be visited. Maybe because she is young you figured you could pull one over on her, too bad you didn't know how many people she knows in the fish hobbist world. You business will undoubtedly suffer for this, although if you treat all your customers like this, you probably don't have many anyway.

Bill Carpenter

Last edited:


Small Fish
Jan 13, 2004
Delta BC,Canada
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well I'm done dealing with him, so anyone who would like to help make him feel bad (evil grin) feel free to send him a letter of what you think, and also remind him about how to run a business, and how he has now lost customers etc.

Mom's bf called to tell him he was not impressed about him using fowl language to one of him costomers, and Nick yelled at him about how we "killed" a fish etc. and so my moms bf said he didnt care about the fish, he only cares about how I was treated... and Nick started up again... So my moms bf asked for his last name and Nick refused to give it, so my moms bf asked "how is my lawer suppost to get ahold of you?" and Nick just hung up.

Anyways here is his address if you want to send him a letter.

Nick Christensen
1 6450 120 St
Surrey BC
V3W 3M5

Store # 604-599-1559
not sure what this # is but its in his dns lookup


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
now while the shopkeep was wrong in the way he handled himself,i think there is some questions that no one has asked like"why did you by an emaciated 50 dollar fish?"while i may not be too chosey with my bread and butter fish,fancy cichlid.pleos corys etc... any high dollar fish,i watch them eat first,look for signs of starvation etc...fish stores are not the cleanest places around either,if the fish wasn't infected with parasites before it got to the store it is after it get's there.another thing,while it's very rare for a healty pleco to kick the bucket unexpexcedly,a starved,parasite infected stressed pleco from the lfs is very likely to die.i think that the store was wrong to just sell you the fish,they should check for the health of the fish when making those kinds of sales.also check your test kit,it could be old and that could explane the discrepancys.the older the kit the more incorrect the test results.i'm not trying to bag on you or defend the store,but i have worked in a lfs(one where the customers aren't of the highest social caliber if you get my drift)and we would have people tell us flat out obvious lies to get a refund on a fish THEY killed from ignorance and lack of willingness to follow instructions.


Small Fish
Jan 13, 2004
Delta BC,Canada
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I have the knowlege and the love for fish... I was just way too excited about my find and the price.. I have really only seen 3 gold nuggets ever in my area. It never even crossed my mind that it may not be healthy, as I have never bought a sick fish before this one, and have never had a sick fish.

I also did go buy a new ph test kit as I found out my old one was not right. all my other tests all come out with the same results as my normal LFs.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
i figured your testkit was fine,it was just a possiblity thats all.i know how it is to find that special fish.once i almost bought a zebra pleco till i put myself in check and said "what 128 dollars i don't think so!"either way the guy at the store is wrong.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
DeZ, I'm going to give you some bad news. Gold nuggets, and all Batryancistrus species are flaky and die frequently and quickly, especially after import. They may be a pleco, but they are definitely NOT easy to keep or hardy. They do not eat algae pellets, do not tolerate other plecs in the tanks well as they are often outcompeted for food. They do NOT tolerate any ammonia well, or nitrite, or hard long drops in temperature, and will respond by dying pretty much on the spot. I've been there.
How big was this fish - anything less than 2 inches is risky and 1 inch definitely hit and miss, as it won't have the body mass to give it the strengh to survive any sort of stress. If it had a caved in belly when you bought it, you had no hope.
Research before you buy. I think gold nuggets are the 'mandarin gobies' of the freshwater world. Beautiful, available, difficult long term. You're safer spending 2 or 3 times the cash on a zebra as they's so much tougher. You need a tank with warm, well turned over water with as good water quality as possible, and food continually lying around to browse on. Incidentally they're likely my favourite freshwater fish


Small Fish
Jan 13, 2004
Delta BC,Canada
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the fish was about 2 -3 inches, like I said I didnt notice the sunken belly till I got home, by then the store was closed. I think I was blinded by excitement. I know that my water has to be cycled and basically perfect. I thought it was as I had been testing it ever 2 -3 days. I found out my ph tester was wrong after all this happened. But my tanks are cycled. I think it may have just been the fact my bf might have overfed that week, and I didnt even know he was feeding them. We have worked all that out and now things are back to normal.


Small Fish
Jan 13, 2004
Delta BC,Canada
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Well I contacted the BBB and they will not help, I can send a complaint but thats it.


The BBB cannot assist you with : Persuading merchants to change refund or exchange policies (which is not what I'm trying to do, but that is the way they worded it)

They also said I should get a lawer to deal with the (I forget how he put it) but basically about the way I was treated. Fishworld is not a member of the bbb, and I have no proof, so it is out of their hands.

I guess that option is out... I defently have no money for a lawer and I dont want to take it that far, any ideas?



Superstar Fish
Aug 30, 2003
Palm Springs, Ca
Since their email is bogus, I tried a different approach...talking to one of their suppliers, this is what I got back:

Dear Bill,The store, N.D. Fishworld Pets and Supplies Ltd is a store in good standing with our accounting department. As such it is listed on our dealer locator and its contact information is made available to the interested public. We are sorry that you seem to have had a problem with the store, but as an independently owned and operated store, we have no right or responsibility to make policy comments on this matter. We are one of a probable number of dry-goods suppliers to the store. We have checked the link to the webpage provided, and must note that outbound links from any website are not controlled by the site that the user is directed to. Anyone can place a link to another website as easily as they can create a link within their site. We do not have any ability to control what site is directing traffic to us, just as no-one would have any say in determining the policies we use here on the Hagen website for directing traffic in an outbound manner.We are quite sorry to hear you have issues with one of our accounts, but other than informing them of your comments in an effort to make them aware of the complaint, we truly have no other action which we can take.I hope you can understand our position.Best Regards,--
Nathalie Bourassa
Représentante des consommateurs
Consumer Representative
Rolf C. Hagen Inc


Large Fish
Dec 4, 2003
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Sorry to hear about your golden plec troubles. I work in a pet store that sells fish and ALWAYS double check them in the bag... if they're sick, I wont sell them to the customers and put them straight in the hospital tank. Imo that guy was way wrong to sell you a fish with a white dot on it and in such bad condition. Hope you have better luck in the future.