its Finally set up!


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Gouramiman said:
the next fish i get im going to quarinite just to play it safe.
that is a very good move,

as for the ich sitting in the sailfin, maybe you should QT him so that if it is he ownt infect your entire tank

Jan 15, 2004
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the Sailfin deid today while I was at school :( I waited way way too long to get him into a quarintine. From now on all new fish are being quarintined. first water change is comming up this weekend. i was going to do 5 gal. ok? i thought about 10, but that means i have to go buy more salt


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I would be very, very wary of addinganything for a couple of months now, and I would still expect the ich to return with a vengeance. It is normal for it to disappear, then reappear


Large Fish
Jan 15, 2004
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well its been a while and things are starting to go uphill. i havent had a fish die for a long time. the only thing i had die lately was a clam. i have no idea why he died. he just went inside of his shell one day. i dont think it was lakc of food because i had just fed him plankton the day before. i also got a new camera. heres some macro shots:

star polyps, came back after being eaten by a crab

other polyps

havent gotten any difficult corals yet. just getting used to the whole saltwater thing before i get te hard stuff.


Large Fish
Jan 15, 2004
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i have a 250 watt 14k on the tank. it wasnt in the center of the tank tho, more off to the side. it might have been from that. yea the zaos are great. i only payed 15 bucks for that whole colony too. they are already spreading like crazzy. the tanks doing pretty good exept for the clam. i was having some heat issues but i just took the lid off and now its been just right. the seaclon sucked soo bad i took it out and was running skimmerless for a few weeks until i made this:

its basically a bottle with a maxi-jet 1200 attached to it. it works better than the seaclone. soon it will be replaced with a 2ft skimmer ran by two maxi-jet 1200's wich should be plenty enough for this tank and the 20-30 gallon fuge im adding to it. heres a full tank shot

any tips on taking full tank shots? i have a nikon cool pix 4600. takes great macro shots, but cant figure out how to get good full shots.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
a tripod will realy help...also set the "film" speed as high as possible (on mine that is 400) and turn the exposure to maybe a -0.7. beyond that, the best thing to do is just try a bunch of settings and see what works. every camera is going to be a little different in terms of its menu options and what it does

Jan 15, 2004
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its been a while since my last post and a quiet a bit has changed

i finally got fed up with the seaclown(seaclone) and got this bad boy

its a ASM g2. this thing really skims. i had just cleaned it a few hours before the pic, soo theres not much collected. ill get some skimate pics before i clean it next

im having some troubles getting the white balance on my camera right
heres some shots with different white balance settings on my camera

auto white balance

daylight setting

torch coral daylight setting

new brain daylight setting

new brain auto setting

one of my new firefish auto setting

wich setting do you guys think looks the best?? i personally like the auto setting, but it doesnt show as much blue as the light really has and the daylight shows more blue than the light really has