its Finally set up!


Large Fish
Jan 15, 2004
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soo i got ich:( again. and pretty bad this time. as of today all fish are in an 18 gallon quarintine begining hyposalinty. on the bright side taking all of the rock out of my tank to get my fish out gave me a chance to re aquascape it. here are some updated pics.

old aquascaping:

new aquascaping:

the qt:

Right close up:

Left close up:


i also had a bit of A hair algea bloom, but its nothing a few hermit crabs and a phosphate reactor cant fix.

Jan 15, 2004
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unfortunately one of the firefish has died in the qt today. :( he had jumped out of the tank about a month ago and was never the same since then. he also had ich the worst. I think the combonation of ich and the stress of catching him to move him killed him.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sorry to hear that. I missed the tang in that tank. As you say they, or rather their stomach bacteria do not do so well in long term copper. However if things are looking dire and hypo is not shifting the ich (I have seen flavours of ich that were very, very tough to move with hypo ) I would indeed copper, but would be very gentle afterwards.

Jan 15, 2004
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well the hpyo salinity has begun. this morning i dropped the salinity 1.020. everything seems to be ok so far. ive had a small 2 lb. peice of lr in there to keep ammonia/nitrates down. would it be ok too keep it in there during the hypo? i know that the feather dusters and other things on it wil die, but will it kill the bacteria on it? i would like to keep it in there just to make sure that the levels stay ok.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
WEll I've had hermits, aiptasia and some other inverts go all the way thro' hypo so I'm sure the bacteria will be ok. You can go down in salintiy pretty damn gast (48 hours to get all the way down) but going up will take a week to be safe.
Ich is no fun.

Sailfins grow so fast ......

Jan 15, 2004
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the tang has died today. i have no idea why. he was eating normal, but i did notice him getting skinnier and pooping more. Ich has made me want to quit the hobby. but im not going to just yet. i think i might sell this tank and get a smaller 20 gallon or something. and stick to small easier fish. i dont know yet. if things start looking up i might keep this tank.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
your life will not get easier if you go smaller. stick with this tank; you've got a great setup, you just had a bit of bad luck. leave the tank empty for a month or so and let the ich die off then have another go at it. start with a hardy fish and give yourself another shot

Jan 15, 2004
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thanks for the encouragement guys. well i dont know why but there was something wrong with qt. im down to 2 fish: blue cromis and goby. i have put them back into the tank. neither of them look to good soo hopefully they get better. do you guys think it could have been how many fish were in there?


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
You certainly had a tang in there that shouldn't have. I tihnk tangs areasonably hardy, but they're not on my list of beginner fish. I would not have put the two fish back in the tank - even if they survive, any new fish you put in may well get ich.

What do you think was wrong with the QT? I hope you are going to QT everything you get from now on. Unfortunate stories like this are why so many people drop out in the new year. Personally I'd keep everything in QT for 6 weeks, put them back, take a deep breath and get some hardy fish suitable for 40. I'm surprised the firefish died on you.

I'll be honest - I've lost almost all my fish once. It's not a great experience, but you have to learn form it rather than just give up, and you learn by going back to basics, and trying to do your best. I tihnk I lost one fish last year from my main tank, and another didn't get thro' QT, so it is possible to learn and turn it round.

Fishchaser - re the seaclone. They get beaten simply because they really don't work. You have a 60 gallon tank. You could be hauling out a full cup of dark coffee like skimmate everyday - how much are you producing a week? Don't kid yourself there's no waste in there - 60 gallons, with LR, quite new, 3 fish and an urchin will be producing some waste. And no, you won't be able to see that waste.

I have 2 skimmers i can use - a prism (much maligned) and a Schuran (completely overrated for a 125 gallon tank). If I run the prism on my 65 I get out a full cup of gak every 2 or 3 days, and this is from a skimmer rated also rated 'trash', and hard to use. Now I don't think it's that bad at skimming, but it is very,very hard to tune to work. If I stick the schuran on I can produce that waste in about 6 - 8 hours. I don't do this as I don't have a sump on that tank and it looks a hell of a mess.
the summary of what I'm saying is you think the seaclone is good because you don't know better. I know, I've been there. If you stuck a good skimmer on there you'd be amazed at what you could pull out. Sooner or later relying on a rubbish skimmer will catch you out I'm afraid

Jan 15, 2004
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well the chromis and the goby are dead. poor fish. i have no idea what went wrong. now all i can do is wait. when it is time for fish i am definately going to go with smaller/ eisier fish.

new fish list:
pair of firefish(love these fish)
blue spotted sleeper banded goby
pair of court jesters
ocellaris clown
and maybe a small school of chromis(3-4), but it might be a little overstoched with them

also i have a gonopora(sp?) wich the lfs recommended to my brother and dad(i dont think it was a very good decision). ever since i did my last water change it hasnt looked so good and yesterday i started seeing what looked like the skin of it falling off(im pretty sure its dying). should i take it out of the tank??