Alrighty, time to update this thing. It seems like it's been forever with the list I have.. lol
After running the filters and airstones for about 48 hours, we purchased our sand substrate and gave it a good cleaning and started adding it to the tank. A lot of people talked about it causing cloudy water for days on end, but I guess we got lucky or I just picked the right stuff.. lol
While picking up the sand, I went ahead and purchased the tanks main lighting. I ended up bringing home a 48" Dual Light T12 Shop Light housing (8.99) and a pair of 32watt Daylight Deluxe T8 bulbs rated at 2800lumens and 6500K (4.99). I played with my camera a bit tonight trying to find the best setting for taking good shot's of it with the lighting on, I still haven't found the one thatshows the tanks true lighting, but this one looks pretty good..
This shows the pretty basic lighting setup we have, nothing fancy really. I'll be going back to home depot in a few days to pick up some acrylic to cover the top of the tank. Not shown in either picture is the pump we use for water changes. I picked up a 130gph pond pump from Home Depot for around 20 bucks to make things less time consuming and troublesome.
Yesterday marked the official start of the tank cycle. I spent a few minutes in access buildign a database to keep records of everything that goes on with the tank from testing to additives and additions. To start things off we did another 50% waterchange on the tank and inserted our pump to act as sort of a (weak)powerhead on the right side of the tank. I went to the LFS and picked up a new API FW Master Test Kit and Stress Zyme specifically for this tank. Readings of initial testing was as follows;
pH: 8.0
Ammonia: 0.50
It really wasn't as bad as I had expected, after logging the initial test results we started the cycle with ammonia and stress zyme. Cycling will continue as per Iggy's Recipe. This is the first time I have ever setup a tank without just using stress zyme and pH down to stabilize water for two weeks and then adding fish, never testing anything but ammonia and pH levels. I didn't know about nitrites or nitrates, or anything relating to them, now I have to read and read and read and still keep moving forward to please the future wifey. All while making her understand she got lucky by not even using stress zyme to setup the other tanks before adding the fish(how I was originally told to set them up, before even caring enough to read about them).