kenny1tothe6's Many Tanks


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.
How is the Paradise fish getting on with the tigers?

I was thinking about adding one to my tank, but I was concerned that the tigers would nip at him....

Apr 14, 2008
Professor JailBird the Paradise Fish is subjected to the bathroom 2 1/5gal. HE ate 2 of my TIGER BARBS and killed 3 Rosey Barbs!!

All the new fish are doing better since he's not trying to kill them.

I got 2 new pictures!!



Apr 14, 2008
Update Time!!

Ugh, where to begin:

My parents are building a ~5,000gal Concrete Pond for our Tancho(1; Shortfinned), Malaysain Black(1; Shortfinned), Shiro Bekko's(2; Shortfinned, 1 Doitsu) , Ki Bekko (1; Butterfly), and Sanke (1; Shortfinned), Hariwake (1; Butterfly) koi, 4 Shubunkins, ~8 Common and Comet Goldfish, 2 Oranda and 2 Fantail Goldfish.
The 50gal will stay the same and the 200gal will become dedicated to turtles..Red Eared Sliders. The "Porch Ponds", plant holding container, .5G, 4G, and 9G, will all become plant ponds for excess plants from both the aquariums and big ponds. Mainly, though, they will stay empty.

2gal Hex, 1gal Bowls, 1 2.5gal Minibow, 3gal Eclipse, 5gal Eclipse Hex, etc...have ALL been sterilized and put up...

5gal Hex and 1gal Hawkeye both contain gouramis...well, the 1 has my betta, Pygro...but he's still TECHNICALLY a gourami. However, Jailbird, 8 Tiger Barbs, 1 Convict Cichlid, 1 Firemouth Cichlid, 1 Yellow Lab, 1 Azurus, 1 Red Zebra, 1 Albino Peacock, 4 Network Synodontis, and 2 CAE's will all live in a 75gal PLANTED cichlid tank. My 29gal is getting torn down, a stand is getting setup for it, and it'll become SW as soon as my 55 is all setup and nice which also requires my mom to have a 125. My girl's 2.5gal will be consolidated with my 29 fish and a 2.5gal Minibow REEF will sit there. So, In esscence, here's what's up: 125gal, 75gal, 55gal, 29gal SW and 2.5gal SW. Not sure of any other plans right now...Might divide up a 5.5 for pyro and skye though....

I think I'm DONE!! :rolleyes:

Apr 14, 2008
More Updates:

Ok..So, I moved my 2 Jeweled Rainbowfish (M. Splendida Splendida) into my mom's 55 gallon, Moved Venus(FM betta) into the 29gal, and I Moved JailBird and a GTM both to my 50gal Pond.

I tore down my 5 gallon Hex (Hopsital Tank now) and setup the 5.5gal with the plants from it. Though I planned for it to be for my future Wild Bettas, It'll be for CRS, CBS, Yellow Shrimp, Tangerine Shrimp, Guppies, and, Endlers. A 10gal will house my Wild Betta Trio, CPD's, Zebra Rasboras, and RCS/Pest Snails from my 75.

I'm also planning to buy a 75 for my community and make it really nice. That'll give me 3 FW tanks which should be more than enough for my FW needs. My mom'll have her 3 too.

Then I want 2 SW is a 46gal BowFront and 1 is a 2.5gal Minibow. I might or might not do corals. Depends on the lights.

There are a few pictures too:

Here's the Albino B/N Pleco and 1 of the 2 FM phantoms I got a few weeks back[To keep the M company]

Jeweled Rainbow


Orange Von Rio Tetra

2 of the 3 Shortfinned Koi

M Phantom Tetra

Mom's Ballon Molly

Various fish in the 29 before moving some of those fish

5.5gal Newly Setup

Hope you enjoy!

Apr 14, 2008
Ugh, where to begin?

I haven't updated this in FOREVER..but I have a fishroom [Work in Progress] & my tanks are basically on Auto Pilot. Up until recently, I had 4 tanks going. 55, 29, and 2 2.5gal's.

I lost Skye [2.5gal MiniBow inhabitant - Septaciemia Ridden] though and I cleaned it REAL good [for the new betta boy - to be] and will setup another MiniBow for MY betta-to-be.

I also designated my 5.5 to be for Endlers & Shrimp...I HAVE 10 Endlers & 6 Ghost Shrimp...but plan on getting 6 Tiger Endlers, Het. Formosa[tearing down their pond eventually], some Cherry & Tangerine Shrimp. It sounds like a lot...but really, this tank isn't in the LEAST over stocked. I have a promise to myself, NEVER to miss the cleaning and sell/give away fish as need so it won't crash. It's heavily planted [Soon to have more plants too] so that will healp maintain the WQ.

Next up will be the 9x 10gal's that are designated for the fish room. Probably 3 [1 stack] will be dedicated to my other animals[crabs, anoles, geckos, etc.] and the I have good ideas for 2 so far....1 is L. Ocellatus "Gold" species tank and 1 Dwarf Puffer Biotope. I'm also think another 10 will go for 4 Threadfin Rainbows & P. Gertrudae Rainbows, then another for brackish & another for SW....but i'm not 100% sure yet.

Then comes the 2x 29gal's. 1 will be divided for puffers [brackish] and be heavily planted...and the other will be a SW community.

Then...I'll finish up later!