Update Time!!
Ugh, where to begin:
My parents are building a ~5,000gal Concrete Pond for our Tancho(1; Shortfinned), Malaysain Black(1; Shortfinned), Shiro Bekko's(2; Shortfinned, 1 Doitsu) , Ki Bekko (1; Butterfly), and Sanke (1; Shortfinned), Hariwake (1; Butterfly) koi, 4 Shubunkins, ~8 Common and Comet Goldfish, 2 Oranda and 2 Fantail Goldfish.
The 50gal will stay the same and the 200gal will become dedicated to turtles..Red Eared Sliders. The "Porch Ponds", plant holding container, .5G, 4G, and 9G, will all become plant ponds for excess plants from both the aquariums and big ponds. Mainly, though, they will stay empty.
2gal Hex, 1gal Bowls, 1 2.5gal Minibow, 3gal Eclipse, 5gal Eclipse Hex, etc...have ALL been sterilized and put up...
5gal Hex and 1gal Hawkeye both contain gouramis...well, the 1 has my betta, Pygro...but he's still TECHNICALLY a gourami. However, Jailbird, 8 Tiger Barbs, 1 Convict Cichlid, 1 Firemouth Cichlid, 1 Yellow Lab, 1 Azurus, 1 Red Zebra, 1 Albino Peacock, 4 Network Synodontis, and 2 CAE's will all live in a 75gal PLANTED cichlid tank. My 29gal is getting torn down, a stand is getting setup for it, and it'll become SW as soon as my 55 is all setup and nice which also requires my mom to have a 125. My girl's 2.5gal will be consolidated with my 29 fish and a 2.5gal Minibow REEF will sit there. So, In esscence, here's what's up: 125gal, 75gal, 55gal, 29gal SW and 2.5gal SW. Not sure of any other plans right now...Might divide up a 5.5 for pyro and skye though....
I think I'm DONE!!