This is a pretty fascinating read.
As careful as I try to be with my (new) fish, sometimes I wonder -- is it wrong that I even have them? I mean, it isn't really natural to take them from a river in Brazil, carton them up, and send them here, where I put them in a tank.
Now, in many cases, we give them great environments -- sometimes even better and less hazardous than their natural environment.
So then what's natural? My natural, or theirs? Uncutbulldog, your posts were interesting on this note...(by the way, if everything is natural, than Hitler et al is natural, and if you follow the logic that "everything man does is natural" for a little bit, you will quickly see that issues like "personal responsibility" and "for the greater good" quickly go out the window -- which is a bad thing).
Regarding the fish dumping -- imagine a world in which humans are the less dominant species. Say, the Urps are in charge. What if an Urp bought you and moved you to Antarctica, and kept you in a nice, warm igloo? Then, what if you outgrew the igloo, and the Urp decided to take you out to the -60 F tundra and leave you there.
Would that be natural? Would the Urps say, "Well, humans should be allowed to be wherever -- it's natural?"
And even if it WERE natural -- how would it feel to be you, out on the tundra?