Mega Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover - DIY!


The DIY bucket or sump scrubber is basically a level 1 project. Simple, free, easy DIY, and works great. Yes they are a bit large and ugly, but who cares. Level 2 are the acrylics. Self contained, small (only six inches or so thick), powerful, and nice looking. But they are so hard to make that only two people besides me have made them (and one of them I had to get made for him). I thought that since so many people made DIY sumps and tanks, many more would have made nice looking acrylics. Guess not. And only one person is on the builder list.

Well now I'm working on level 3. Ultra small (one inch thick), high light power, unbreakable, etc. Basically the same scrubbing power as a level 1 in a sump, but the size of a book. Problem is, they are impossible to DIY. So my question is, would anybody want to discuss the building of something that they can't build themselves?

Nov 11, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Can't be built.

There isn't such a thing as something that CAN'T be built. You're settin yourself up for failure there bud. I'm more than willing to build anything you wanna tell me isn't possible. My dad's an engineer and I got a lot of that type of thinking. My only limitations are money. I'm still ready to build scrubbers for anyone, in any style with any look they want. You want ugly and hidden, works for me, you want something pretty I'll do it. I'll make one out of a lite brite if you want me to. I haven't recieved any word from anyone looking to have a scrubber built, I don't know if this is due to the fact that I only have 1 scrubber listed as built or if people judge my ugly scrubber because I didn't have aesthetics in mind when I built it. I guess I could make a standard model out of a 1-5 gallon aquarium and start selling the standard scrubber to people so the worry of the product not being built yet is no longer a factor.

Either way Santa no matter what it is, it can be done. So if you want to email me or call me and we can collaborate we can both start getting our ideas on paper or in photoshop/paint and then we can start making progress.

Email me if any of you want a scrubber built.

Nov 11, 2008
Phoenix, AZ

I'm at day 3 I believe and last night I was noticing a teensy bit of growth. there was no point in really taking pictures since we all lpretty much have a good idea of the growth patterns in the starting phase. I will take a picture tonight and document most likely from here on out, maybe I will only do 1-3 day incriments I'm really not sure at this point. I get paid tomorrow and I may be able to budget a tiny bit of money into making a standard set algae scrubber for purchase. I will still do customs if I am contacted but I will be making a prototype that will be consistantly the same. I do have a few ideas and they are all good ideas but I will be keeping them to myself until I find worthwhile data and results on them. I will soon be setting up a fairly extensive test and will document the stages of these tests on various algae scrubbers and their stages and cycles as well as economics, effectiveness and so on. None of these tests are for the use of scrubbers so much as they are more for a "manual" for a scrubber with such things as what to look for, what to tweak and what's happening as well as if some of the ideas I have are going to make a significant difference like I think they will or not.

Please contact me if you are looking for a scrubber build. I do custom work and I have a lot of DIY knowhow. feel free to message me with ideas or thoughts and if you're just interested and want to get an idea for what you're doing and what I can help you with.

My name is Chris

Results Of The Day:

Johnt on the UR site: "corals are doing extremely well, the water is clear, and the rocks are starting to look like new. the scrubber is improving things; I'm getting better growth and the rocks are clearing, N & P are up and down a bit, as I keep cleaning the screen too well, but are remaining low even though I've not had the skimmer, rowaphos reactor or carbon running for 2 months."

Sinful_Waters on the RS site: "Ok I couldnt resist! After reading and reading forum after forum, I had to know what all the excitement was about with the ats. End result, miracles happen! Ive spent the last year and a half battling the green stuff, with excessive waterchanges, phosphate reactor, etss skimmer, limited lighting period, pulling by hand, constant dusting with turkey baster, Lawnmower blen, blue leg hermit, lettice nudis, astrea snails, super clean sand, remote dsb, etc, etc, etc. The algae covered every inch of LR and was seriously suffocating my corals. What do we do when the tough gets going, we build an ats! I did as was advised and built the 5 gal [bucket] with a doulble sided screen, two 21 watt, 6500k compact flourecent bulbs, and the flow is supplied from my overflow and returned into sump. I do a light scrubb on the screen about every 4 days, and thats all. It actually took a few weeks to get the green going, but when it did the [nuisance] algae in the tank started to melt away. It went away so fast I was literally worried that my fish, crabs, snails would all be deprived of the green feast. Long story short, overfeeding is not in my vocab, and my sps, lps, corals have beautiful color and growth, with perfect tank conditions and stability. Being on a limited budget I couldnt be more pleased at the ease of the build and its amazinig effectiveness (excuse the spelling)."

Keifer1122 on the RS site: "update: the ats on 75 gallon, almost 2 months, been put on with only about 20lbs live rock, [...] also 8 fish, 1 1/2" of sand. N & P undetectable, all params good, havent done a water change in 2 months. had to do about 20 gallon wc every week before the install. $$$$$$$. 12 gallon aquapod with ats been about 17 days. N is about 10, was 15 before the install, with pair of percs feeding 3 times a day pellets in the morning and afternoon, with a pinky nail cube of rods, also piece of silverside every week for the Bta. the numbers arent falling fast, but its steady (with a 2gal water change i could boost the process or just cut feedings). coral growth: everythings growing like a weed including my yellow m.digitata that i got along with my screen from inland aquatics. all in all, tanks look sweet. life made easy."

Arab_NA on the MASA site: "My scrubber after 3 weeks, cleaning 1 side each 7 days: My PO4 went from 1.0 to below 0.1, and NO3 from 50ppm to 0ppm. I am feeding 3 times a day now and have no problems at all! Thanks SantaMonica for saving my tank and giving me back the love for this stunning hobby."

mudshark on the Masa site: "WOW things are starting to happen now. The algea is getting really thick on the screens after 20 days. I measured phosphate, which has always been low, as it was being used by algea in the display. It read a big fat 0. In fact it seems to be at a crossover point where the algea on the screens is growing faster, and regressing in the display. I've taken some pics of SPS colours now, altough they have already improved since the introduction of the screens. I'm hoping to post some further improved colours at a later stage."

Sly on the SWF site: I've had my scrubber running since September. When I started, my phosphates were 8-10 ppm or maybe higher. The test water turned a very dark blue, indicating high phosphates. Today I did a test and can verify that my phosphates are now between 2 and 4 ppm. I am still getting massive growth in the scrubber.. So far the nitrates have reduced some, but not much... maybe by 5 ppm. I am seeing the greatest reduction in phosphate so far. Maybe the nitrate will start going down some more as the phosphate gets consumed completely. Some background: Tank has been running for 7 years. Using RO/DI water, ozone, refugium with macros, UV sterilization, skimmer and [now] scrubber. I don't really do water changes. The last one I did was sometime in 2007. I have had high phosphates for quite a while, and nitrates have been higher than I wanted, but still manageable. My fish and corals are still growing and thriving. I have never seen anything that would reduce the phosphate in my tank. Even water changes only lowered them momentarily. They would go back up in just a few days. This is the first time I've ever seen a reduction in phosphates. I suspect that in another month they may well be at 0ppm. Nitrate reduction still remains to be seen. Overall though, I think the scrubber was a positive addition to my tank. I'm finally starting to get some more corraline growth like I used to have. The growth is slow but I do see a definite increase in the vibrance and quantity of corraline in my tank."

Nov 11, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
scrubber @ 3 days

pic's upside down but that's my growth at 3 days. Funny thing is the algae seems to be growing stronger outside of the lights focal points. We'll see what happens in the next few days. I will document for further advancement in this study. Bedtime. Night guys.



Nov 11, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Lights and flow

Yeah, I've been running the lights 24/7 does this cause some sort of algae "burn"? If so turn them off for 6 hours? As for flow, the screen is oversized for my tank I just build the biggest one that would fit in the acrylic box so if the flow isn't enough that's not a huge problem, I just stuck a rio 2100 that I had laying around on it. I didn't even measure the scrubber but I'd say the screen's probly 12"+ to 20"+ and I have a tank that actually HOLDS 32 gallons a 5-10 gallon sump and a 12 gallon display refugium so max 50-60 gallons (high estimate obviously) so even if I was only using HALF the screen I'd be fine and I really don't have may real dead spots on there, just the left side doesn't get much flow. I also think I cut the slit in the pipe too thin as it got clogged last night and when I looked at it this morning it was shooting water into one of the lights, thank god the water proof one. But I scrubbed the algae blockin flow off with a toothbrush. I made the slot barely big enough to fit the screen in and now I'm getting the inclining that it needs to be bigger. What size slot do you normally make? 1/8"? also what do you use to cut it? I just used my dremel.

Nov 11, 2008
Phoenix, AZ

I didn't include this little bit I forgot. I am not testing my water every day, I wish I was but I am moving stuff out of a house and I'm living with my fiancee in an apartment so this week of course I'm busy. BUT I am visually documenting this process and will definately be observing the changing state of my tank. I had a really big cyaenobacteria problem and high levels of EVERYTHING accept PH I am surprised my livestock made it through this cycle. Lucky I have a green chromis and snails along with a sand sifting star. BUT they did live through nitrates that were so high they weren't even a number on the chart 180+ nitrates, nitrites above 6, and ammonia beyond comprehension. This has been an AWFUL first tank hahaha, I bought this tank used and I broke the rule with my first fish and bought from petco, then the place I get all my stuff had a run of cyaeno. So i've been completely unlucky and uneducated even though I read about saltwater tanks for over 6 months before even CONSIDERING doing one of my own. I am constantly learning and now am beyond levels of some people that have been doing the hobby for years. I'm totally enamored by this hobby and I soak up info like a sponge when I'm interested. Anyway, I did a test on my levels last night and my ammonia is at 0, my nitrites are at .5, my nitrates are at 5. Within 2 weeks my tank has dropped over 175 ppm of nitrate and 6ppm of nitrite over 8ppm of ammonia. my PH is still low at 7.8 for some reason, it never changes, with buffer or anything, but I just recenetly plumbed my fuge into my tank so the caulerpa may bring those levels up soon. the unfortunate part of all this is that the algae scrubber was only added 4 days ago so I can't atest to it being the reason for my tanks (finally!!!!) good fortune. Although, like I said I will be running tests with different variables etc. I will be contructing a new idea within the next few days when I get a moment where I am not moving stuff. I will post this build when I am finished and I plan to start testing within a weeks time (hopefully). Questions? Comments? ANYONE WANT A SCRUBBER OUT THERE?!?!?! I figured people would be jumping to get a custom scrubber built... instead of the standard editions that I will be putting out soon. Shipping would suck on a custom I guess especially if you have a large tank. Let me know

Last edited:
Nov 11, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Day 4

I uploaded pics of day four's algae. I had my display refugium overflow yesterday so I had the scrubber completely off for a good couple hours. I replaced a 60 watt equivalent with the highest (in affordability) wattage which was a 100watt daylight from home depot. they didn't have the br40 120watt that you use santa. I don't know why, I even saw them on their website. This morning when I looked at it before coming to work it looked like the light had actually gotten rid of some of the algae... maybe too powerful? or was the lack of flow while the scrubber was off the cause of this die off? Either way, it was enough to notice but I sincerely doubt enough to hinder the scrubber in any way as it still has algae on it. I replaced the bulb back to the 60 for good measure. I'm running 1 100 watt and 1 60 watt, I think maybe the diversity in the spectrums maybe a good thing for these?

If anyone (especially locally) want a BIG algae scrubber I really want to build one! I have big ideas for a really large scrubber and I can't even imagine the gigantic sheet of algae that would grow on this thing!

