MFT, Meet "Meaty"

Drae wont eat anything that sinks. That is why he doesnt get but one algae wafer every now and again. Cause he wont chase it or eat it off of the bottom...

As far as your feeders, the more 'healthy' food you feed them the healthier they will be for your oscar. :)

I buy mealies by the 500 and have 10 or 12 beatles I am seeing if they will bree..heehee
I have them in the 'shoebox' tubs lke .97 cents at wallyworld. To house them I grind up cichlid staple into powder, oatmeal, corn meal and cichlid flakes. I have HUGE mealies...LOL... I also keep half of a medium sized potato in the things..

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Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
Lol Miss D,
I'm sure I wont be breeding mealies...I REALLY dont like bugs! Besides, I have a few more months of no live foods anyways...

But for everyones enjoyment...A crappy video of Meaty! (my glass is dirty...and full of scratches...and I'm lazy... ;) )

See him watching my hand on the right side of the tank? Haha isnt he cuuuteee?! :D
I'll get more, better pics tonight after I clean my glass too

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Matt's right, he does kinda look 'camo', lol.
As for his other comment about so many oscar avatars...hehe...maybe he's just catching the 'oscar bug' too and just doesn't wanna admit it. :rolleyes:

Katie217 said:
it took forever to get the outline of Meaty all right...I'm sure theres a faster way to do it then what I did...oh well mean like when you made the background completely black all around him in the pic? That's what I did with mine using the 'Paint' program that comes with Windows...very, very tedious and time-consuming...
I actually went in there, hit 'view' --> 'larger image' (or something like that) and then meticulously filled-in all the little pixels directly adjacent to Triton's body with black, using the paint-brush or something. I could literally feel my life's 'sands of time' dwindling away in the 'hourglass'...just like the 'days of our lives.'

Anyhoo...I love the new avatar, Katie! :D
BV :p