NO, i didnt check for an ammonia spike. I guess i can write that one off. but i did get some new stuff this weekend a lot of new stuff actually.
I just got done saying that i dont know anything about coral's or annemonie's bla.. bla.. bla.. but....
2:00 am on friday morning we had a huge structure fire, i had to cut a hole in roof of the house while it was still blazing but , I got back home around 9:00am and i was really tired and while i was laying down i decided to try corals. Because my luck has not been good in the one tank i figured ill try something diff.
So i got the following : Power Compact, galaxia, a Leather, Star palaps, 2 open brains, Calcium addative, Flash light fish (Kryptophanaron alfredi), mated pair of pecula's, flame angel, Actinic bulb for old balast, and some more live rock. <---- I'll be skinny for the next 2 weeks but it well worth it. And yes i did research befor getting it.