My Convicts


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
I would get teh 55G and set it up and then put the 38G where you want to put it. IMO even with measurements you still cant really tell if it will work. Put it there and see. What about putting it in the office??

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Florida guys are funny!

As much as I'd like to stack two 55's or---and this is where the divorce papers come into play---build a sturdy enough structure to plop two 75's on it :eek:, it's just not affordable at the moment.

Okay, well maybe in the long-run, but we don't plan on living here that long. :rolleyes:

Plus, the apartment really isn't big enough to 'comfortably' (yes, a very subjective term) house more than a 55 gal. along with the current 38 gal. and maybe one or two smaller tanks. :eek:

I think my best bet will be to play it safe.
I'll try to pick an upbeat moment to introduce the whole idea and try to convince the 'boss' that the 38 gal. will fit where it needs to go in order to make room for a 55 gal. I'll simply drain it almost all the way to the bottom, slide it over to the spot by the office/spare bedroom, and prove to her that it will fit.

If this doesn't get 'clearance,' I'll try your suggestion, FishGeek, and see if she'll go for putting one in the office/spare bedroom. ;)

Wish me luck! (I won't try anything for a while though, because we need to get the car back from the shop first) lol

Thanks for the help! Now I've got a few courses of action I can take...

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
We had the "BIG TALK" last night---and no, there was no massaging involved...:rolleyes:

I wasn't gonna bring it up again so soon after 'wrecking' the car.
After all, we've had big discussions...err...arguments...about fish tanks in the past. But, the moment was ripe, so I went in for the kill. lol

You see, the 'boss' called from work as I was napping with our pug on the couch. I woke up to hear the phone ringing, sprang off of it and dashed for the phone...

Next thing you know, I was on the floor.
I frantically got up, hobbled to the phone, and answered.

Later, I noticed blood coming through the sock on my left foot, and I noticed that walking was proving to be more and more of a challenge...

So I investigated...


Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Hehe...yeah, well...I won't make everyone throw-up by posting pics (although I do have some, lol), but here's what happened:

Whilst in full-stride, I smashed the tip of my big toe on the metal coffee table (which didn't budge). I hit it straight-on in such a way that the end of the nail smashed directly against the metal table leg.

Needless to say, the toe is now purple and swelled to about twice its normal size, and I can barely walk. The toe is still throbbing in pain as I'm sitting here writing this.

Let's just say that this got me some sympathy from the 'boss'---even despite the fact that she ended up essentially waiting on me last night. This helped soften things up for our big tank debate...


Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Lol...thanks, Helena.

I'll quit stringing you guys along and cut to the chase.
Bottom line is that I can get a 55 gallon tank for the wall where my 38 gallon currently resides. The 38 gallon will be moved to the smaller wall by the office/spare bedroom.

BUT, I have to pay for ALL $600.00 (deductible + other related charges) of the car repairs (originally we were going to split it), AND get rid of the smaller stand and the two tanks that are on it (12 gallon Eclipse on top; 10 gallon on bottom).

So there you have it!
Now I can really start planning things out.



Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Wow, sorry to hear about your toe. I did just about the same thing last week and I just finnished clipping back the decrepid nail that remains LOL, trust me, this one's not going to be fun to heal, but the pain part subsides sooner than imagined (as long as you don't re0iniate the pain LOL). Hope it heals fast for ya, moving tanks with a bad toe is not fun LOL.

Congrats on the new tank though, so what's the plan for stock swapping and future stocking? huh?huh?huh? :D


Superstar Fish
Oct 7, 2005
Essex, England
LOL Matt, i might be addicted, but i wont be getting any new tanks for any mbuna :( but i may be getting some more saulosi soon :D

But, BV, i really think you should do a mbuna tank, it would be soooooo cool!! :D:D:D
Obviously, its up to you tho :rolleyes:

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Florida're right pain, no gain!

Virgo...sorry about your toe too. I can't wait til' the time comes when I need to surgically-extract my crispy, charred, decrepit toenail.

What can I say...?

Am I being brain-washed by you Mbuna people?!? :eek:



Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Nope, you have me working on swinging you into the SA world still. You should go at lease semi-aggressive cichlids either way. I'm thinking acaras or something for your 55, different, but good luck finding them, let me know if you do! LOL

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Tank Debate: 55 sooner or 75+ later?

VirgoWolf said:
Nope, you have me working on swinging you into the SA world still.
Haha...brain-washed from the SA side too, eh? :p

I really haven't looked into what I want in terms of fish because I've been trying my darndest to push for getting 'clearance from the tower' for a larger tank. Mission: success! *celebrate

Given current space, I can---IF I want---get up to a 75 gallon tank.

I say IF, because I may just opt for a 55 gallon instead.
See, we'll probably be moving in the next year or two (I hope) to a house where I can get way bigger tanks than a 75 gallon, if I so choose.

My question is---why not just go with a 55 gallon (which I'll be able to save up for much, much quicker) instead of a 75 gallon...does the 75 gallon really provide so much more in the way of stocking options that it is a "must-have" in this situation, even if it means having to save for a lot, LOT longer?

Ultimately I'm leaning very strongly toward going with a 55 gallon.
It will be the biggest tank I've ever had (up from a 38 gal.), plus I'm not even sure what I want in terms of fish yet...

Obviously a 75 gallon would allow for more fish, but would it really allow a lot more options in terms of species; in other words, species that could fit a 75 gal. but not a 55 gal.? If they're about the same in terms of the types of fish they allow, then I'm sure I'll just get a 55 gal.

Thanks for reading...mostly I'm just writing down my thoughts...
Not really looking for any specific answers from anyone (although a few pointers here and there won't hurt ;) ).