My first SaltwaterNano


Small Fish
Oct 8, 2006
Picture Updatesh

Here some pictures of my tank with my new coral a Zoe, snails, algae, and an attempt at my Peppermint Shrimp who just molted.


alage and snail:


Shrimp attempt:


I'll get some readings tomorrow but I am exhausted. I did do a water change. Two days ago my levels where the same with Calcium at 480. Comments and critics are welcome.


Small Fish
Oct 8, 2006
Yes, I was happy at the progress the snails have made though none eat the feathery algae. The Zoa opened almost immediately after I acclimated it which was a pleasant surprise. I only wish I could get a picture of the two Peppermint Shrimps they loved the Zoa but I forgot to get a picture and now the hid in the dead center of the live rock though I did find a molt today.


Small Fish
Oct 8, 2006
Wow, I have not posted in a while. Well, I still have hair, buble, sawblade, feather, some kind of red alage and about every other kind of algae in small doses but my levels are normal. Here they are:

Alkalinity-10 dKH
Calcium-440 (dropped from 460)
Salinity-1.024 (steady since beginning)
Temperature-80 (steady since beginning)

I think my algae may be due to Phosphates. My city's water is notorious for high levels according to my LFS. I but about a tbs of phosphate remover in a filter bag in the back of the tank. I am not sure if my two Peppermint Shrimp are still alive I haven't seen them in some time though they usually stay out of sight. The Zoo I have still looks good. I was thinking about stocking options.

Here are some fish I would want (all or some combination if possible):

1 Coral Beauty or Chereb Angel
1 Citron or Midas Goby (maybe both)
1 Fairy Wrasse or maybe a Six-Line Wrasse
3 Pajama or Bangai Cardinal Fish

I don't want to get Clown Fish since I can't do an anemone. Also, I have ten narssius, four Turoban, and five Cerith snails would adding an Emerald Crab be a bad idea I heard they eat Bubble algae. Also, I have a Remora C Protein skimmer but it will not fit with the lid I have so I was considering go lidless and getting MH lighting. If I do should the Zoo I have be okay and should I get actnics? I was looking at getting a SunPod either the 150 or 250 watt. Anyways sorry for the long post. I can post some pictures of dirty sand if anyone wants to see it :cool: . Thanks for the help *thumbsups .


Small Fish
Oct 8, 2006
Selection Options

So I have narrowed down what I want as far as fish. I wanted to know which I should introduce first (after QT of course).

1 Coral Beauty or Chereb Angel (which ever my LFS has or I can find online)
1 Citron Goby
1Midas Goby (if I can't do both gobies this is the one I want)
1 Fairy Wrasse or maybe a Six-Line Wrasse (preferably the Six-Line)
3 Bangai Cardinal Fish

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Small Fish
Oct 8, 2006
Okay well I went ahead and made one choice concerning live stock. I bought a Midas Goby. He looks good but was pissed about the moving his colors changed a lot. I will post a picture when he changes back to normal. Right now I have him in the QT tank and hopefully I can move him in three weeks. The LFS had a Coral Beauty but it looked kinda shy and hiding so I left it alone. I am not sure if a Coral Beauty will work in a 29 anyways. I heard they nibble at soft coral as well and i don't need that. So, I guess after this tank is adjusted I am going to go with three cardinal fish Bangai if they have them. The LFS had some gorgeous Squirrel fish but I think a 29 is too small for a pair or even one for that matter. Any suggestions on my stocking options would be greatly appreciated. I'll be doing this for while since I am QTing for three weeks for each fish.

P.S. still working on the algae it is slowly lessening.


Small Fish
Oct 8, 2006
Midas Blenny

I got a little excited and took some pictures of my Midas Blenny hunting some Mysis Shrimp. He only eats them when they are circulating around with the powerhead or filter on. Anyways here they are there are a few of hum showing of his full length first time I have seen him out and about.

Hope everyone enjoys these pictures. I'll keep posted as I add more stock.


Small Fish
Oct 8, 2006
ID help

I meant to post this earlier it's an ID request. This was a hitchhiker since the beginning. I didn't want to start another thread so I kept it here.

Any guesses what this is? Is it good, bad, or neutral? Thanks.


Small Fish
Oct 8, 2006
Thanks for the link. I am almost certain it is Scinaia complanata. It is a big purple ball with bubble like tentacles. I'll try again tomorrow for another picture. If it is macro algae is it okay to keep in my display I actually like it and it has not spread. What do you think of my stocking list for a 29 gallon?


Small Fish
Oct 8, 2006
New purchases

So, I recently purchased a GSP, a new Zoa, a Peppermint Shrimp cause my first two are MIA, an Emerald Crab (who is hiding under my first Zoa), and a new Turbo Snail though I do not think he is a Turbo. Here are the best pics I could get:

Back of GSP:

Side of GSP:

Front of GSP:

Limeade Zoa:

Peppermint Shrimp:

New snail:

I hope everyone enjoys the pics. I am still debating what halides to get 20K with 150 watt or 250 watt. Also, I am not sure if I want actintics or lunar lights. I am definitely going open top. Also, I am considering building a sump with an overflow box. I plan on buying not building the sump and overflow box. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.*SUPERSMIL


Small Fish
Oct 8, 2006


Small Fish
Oct 8, 2006
I have a BioCube I guess that's why it is narrow. It'll be easier finding lights for a wider aquarium it has been a challenge for me. The halides I am looking at is the one that comes with an Aquapod which has similar dimensions to my aquarium