My first SaltwaterNano


Small Fish
Oct 8, 2006
I ordered the sunpod and hang on the back refugium Friday and will probably have it sometime next week. I am not to sure how HOB will work but if I don't like it and would to do one with all the plumbing I'll use it to grow more pods and such. I will keep this updated as my supplies come in. This hobby is very addicting and expensive but I think it is worth it so far.

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Okay I just skimmed throught the thread and want to say looks good... The red macro algea is deffinetly a keeper IMO.. we sell that stuff at work for about $16.99 for a tennis ball size on a small piece of LR.
I would recommed dropping you're tempurature to somewhere between 74-78 your snails will definitely appreatiate it and so will most corals. I also believe your Alk. was high from what I read. Alkalinity range should be 3.5 to 5.0 meq/l.

Good to see you QT your Live Stock:)


Small Fish
Oct 8, 2006
Thanks for the help. I QT ed a day short of three weeks, I couldn't resist and it was the first fish, so I think I am okay:D. My levels are fairly steady. My alkalinity is still high at 8.75, calcium went up to 500 and salinity is at 1.026. I think I am still adjusting to the MH I added with dealing with the evaporation. I am working on it;). I have pictures to show of my new coral, fish, lights, and ref., as well as, my skimmer. Quick question on skimmers. I have a Remmora C and so far when it skims it produces foam but feels up the cup with water in like a thirty seconds. I have the pump close to the surface but I am not sure if it is set up right. Also, my leather started to sag some I moved it infront of a powerhead and it perked up some but looks a little saggy still Any help and comments much appreciated. Time for pics.


Front again:

Leather with a little sag:

Blenny (hidding doing what Blennies do best):

Light (just the halides and blue LED's)


Ref again: