My new 38 Gallon tank.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
What you couldn't read my mind from that post?

Jeez what's wrong with you :rolleyes:


Anyhow, yeah deep fry the common. But IMO no tanky wanky should be with out a pleco. :D They got about 200 of em that would be more appropriate for your tank. Here is a list of ones that stay round 6 inches...give or take. You're only interested in the links with the word Loricariidae in it.

PlanetCatfish • Cat-eLog • Catfish Sizes

That aught to keep you busy for a little wile. :p

Jun 21, 2008
I haven't had otos or cories but they both stay small so it seems like that would work, depending on what else you have in there. With your current stocking I'm guessing it would be ok, but wait for someone else to confirm. As far as centerpiece, an angel? Maybe a dwarf gourami? The problem with anything with flowy fins, like an angel, is that the betta might see it as competition and you may get some aggression. I like my rams a lot, but they aren't that big, and I don't think any of the other fish would see them as enough of a threat to school more. Hmmm.
Haha. Pure and I had a simultaneous post. I agree with the pleco thing, I do like my clown, but he hides a lot, and I just got an albino bristlenose that I'm about to put in the tank, he's been drip acclimating. They're very cute TAL, and might make a lovely addition to your tanky wanky *laughingc