my nitrate and ph levels won't come down!


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Am 53 years young and have kept fish since the early 1970's.
Never heard any mention of the stipulation as to tank sizes of less than 20 gal nor of fish that do not exceed four inches. I agree that that info would make it a little more plausible. Also agree that danios, with the exception of giant danios ,would be best suited for twenty gal long or larger as opposed to ten gal. I made no mention of them for that reason. In any event,, the one inch per gal rule is as stated flawed in it's basic principal yet many site it as pertinent. I have kept cichlids in tanks that many would view as overstocked yet with proper filtration and proper maint it can and is being done by many.
If you are referring to overstocking "African" cichlid tanks I believe people do that to keep the aggression levels down, I'm figuring you did it for the same reason. Most people argue though that if your going to over stock a tank with cichlids, at least let it be a 50G +.

I was just using danios as an example.

I like the age enthusiasm


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2009
Agreed, Tank size of 50 gal or more is much easier to maintain favorable water parameters. Have kept many dwarf cichlids in smaller tanks but frequent small water changes were the order of the day.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
1077, on beginner threads like this, I try not to confuse newbies by knocking the inch per gallon "rule." If you've been keeping fish that long of course you know the exceptions, telling a newbie it is "flawed" doesn't help them stock their tank properly.


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
I really think they should know it's flawed, but not to go into details that are beyond the grasp of most beginners.

But then I was raised realizing that the Easter Bunny was a fun make-believe game my parents played with us.


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2009
1077, on beginner threads like this, I try not to confuse newbies by knocking the inch per gallon "rule." If you've been keeping fish that long of course you know the exceptions, telling a newbie it is "flawed" doesn't help them stock their tank properly.
With all due respect, It is precisely why I posted my example. I have seen numerous new hobbyist's say.. OK I have a ten gal tank, one inch per gal means I can put two five inch bala sharks in it ,or two five inch goldfish,or as stated in the example I posted, one ten inch Oscar. It just doesn't work that way and in my view,, It does neither the hobbyist ,nor the fish any favors. If the one inch per gal "rule" is to be implied,, then a few more clicks on the keypad are in order to fully explain this flawed principal. IMHO


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Since this person is neither trying to stock balas or oscars, I don't think that applies. It is obviously flawed in that regard, but telling beginning hobbiests that they can "stretch" this rule just leads to more issues. A beginner hobbiest should never try to overstock their tanks or even consider all these exceptions while trying to keep basic beginning stock such as guppies and glofish, it just adds to the information overload.

To the original poster, check out this link if all this stocking talk has you confused: How Many Fish?


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2009
To original poster, My apologies if I have only succeded in confusing you. To properly stock a tank, many things need to be considered such as shape of the tank,potential waste created by the fish,what levels of the aquarium the fish frequent,top,bottom,middle, what fish prefer alkaline water like guppies,or what fish prefer soft or acidic water such as cardinal tetras,and most importantly,, what fish are compatible with each other. This is one of the few forums where the inch per gal rule is still promoted ,and it is in my opinion,, next to useless without considering the other factors I mentioned.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
To original poster, My apologies if I have only succeded in confusing you. To properly stock a tank, many things need to be considered such as shape of the tank,potential waste created by the fish,what levels of the aquarium the fish frequent,top,bottom,middle, what fish prefer alkaline water like guppies,or what fish prefer soft or acidic water such as cardinal tetras,and most importantly,, what fish are compatible with each other. This is one of the few forums where the inch per gal rule is still promoted ,and it is in my opinion,, next to useless without considering the other factors I mentioned.

It's one of the few forums that actually have people that know what they're talking about. Name another forum that has more intelligent posters on the site, I've joined a handful and the amount advice followed by the unheard of tank problems is ridiculous.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Wow 1077, that's a bit harsh. A basic stocking suggestion to give newbies an idea of how much is too much in a tank I don't think is "worthless." If you followed the link I posted, you'd see that I also discuss these exceptions.

This is also the only forum I post on currently because the members are so much more informed than others I've looked into.


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2009
My apologies all around. It is true,there are not many forums with consistent ,helpful advice ,,for anyone can say anything on the internet. But I am not too quick I hope,, to underestimate what information is beyond the grasp of a new hobbyist. I shall ,,out of respect for the members here, and hobbyist's alike, Try harder not to offer confusing advice while sharing my expieriences or opinion. I will always attempt to explain to those who ask.


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2009
It's one of the few forums that actually have people that know what they're talking about. Name another forum that has more intelligent posters on the site, I've joined a handful and the amount advice followed by the unheard of tank problems is ridiculous.[/QU

I cannot speak to the intelligence or lack thereof of members here ,for I have only been here for a few days and to do so would be indicitive of a lack of intelligence on my part. I shall ,out of respect,, reserve my opinion on that topic for some later date. Would that not seem prudent?


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I know this is all being done in good faith, but lets not forget the original poster whom might feel a bit left out of their own thread and might be a little intimidated to come back.

We're all here to help each other in any way we can and in any aspect. But if the OP has more questions or concerns they should not be over shadowed. (If nothing else we have the lounge for good debates) :)