need help with quarantine!

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
When I had to QT I had to start before the cycle was complete and I had major ammonia and nitrite issues. I changed 2 gallon out of my 10 and 3 gallons out of the 15. Definitely no fun, but it cured the ich. Now I keep my 10 gallon running all the time just so I don't have to worry about the cycle. I was also told I could use ammonia detox to help, but I don't know how well it works and what effects it would have with the hypo.

Apr 11, 2006
hey guys thanks for all the helps, I let you guys know if things get worse or better. Wish me luck. Can wait to see those little suckers explode!

qt in a 20gals, 3/4 filled( has been setup for almost a week now)
qt an emperor angel and a blue tang.

Water change will be daily.

Apr 11, 2006
Hey guys, I have encounter a problem. I do water change everyday, 1/4 of the water that I have in the tank, I still see trace of amonia about .25-.50 ppm. Is this normal? Is it harmful to the fish at these points? Oh one more thing, I tired of runing to the store and getting ro water, Is it safe to subsitute ro with dechloride treated tap water for the daily water change or should I just stick with the ro water?



Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
It is not normal to see any ammonia. If you are seeing ammonia it means you are still experiencing some die off and the bacteria colonies in the live rock have not fully established. Alternatively, I suppose, your source of RO water could be mediocre. I can't tell you whether or not to switch to tap as it really depends on the water quality in your area; you should call the water department and ask for a water report. For example...when I lived in Oregon we had great water right out of the tap. In California (at least the three places I have lived) the water has not been good to use.

Apr 11, 2006
what about the amonia problem, water changes seem to not help alot, what should I do? Should I dose a product called cycle into my qt tank to help reduce or speed up my tank cycle?

Apr 11, 2006
oh I see, thanks for the advice. Another question I have, I have a starring blenny in my display tank and could not get the blenny out because he would go inside the lr and won't come out even though the lr is out of the water. I don't seem any white spot on him, but it seems like he is scratching himself against the live sand once in a while. He is all black with tiny white spot, so it is hard to tell if he has ick, but I think he does. I also have two mandarin in there and it seems like they are not affected at all. I guess my question is that should I leave those fish inside the display tank for 4-6 weeks and if is no sign of whie spots, add my two fish that are in the qt tank into the display tank. I am risking these two fish to ick again?

Apr 11, 2006
Mine is a 46gals bf, but the angel and tank goes in my brother 75 gals tank. I only have a clark clown, one starring blenny, two mandarins, a cleaner shrimp and couple of snails in my display tank. Not too much. My brother has been setup for at least 6 months now with 90lbs of live rock and with only a pair of clownfish.

oh my mandarins will eat just about anything you throw in the tank that fit their mouth. They eat brine, mysis and sometime tiny chunk of formula one.

Apr 11, 2006
I have a starring blenny in my tank with two mandarin, no fighting for chasing around, it seems to be peaceful with the mandarins. I use to have a watchman tiger goby and he seems to be very peaceful with my mandarin as well. He died by jump out of my tank. You will be fine with a mandarin, the hard part is getting him to eat prepare food.

Apr 11, 2006
Ok, update, the ick is slowly going away, still see a few white spots on the fins. It has been 3 days since the water level is at 1.009. Is this normal, the spots is not in its cystal form but actually white spot you can see.

Apr 11, 2006
no, it actually looks like ich, but as of today it went away, there are ich crystals that are visible. Wonder if my hydrometer is inacurrate and didn't not lower the salinity to 1.009 that why there is still sign of ich. Anyways I am tryin to buy a refactometer online actually from ebay, so I should get it within a week from now. Does the brand of the refactometer matter in term of accuracy?