need help with quarantine!


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
nope as long as its german made O.O

but most refractometers should be like +/- .00001 or something like that. +/- .0005 should be good enough....

at my LFS there was a refractometer going for $11 or was it $110...couldnt really see it cuz the back was so dark and i was in a hurry. going to check that out 2morrow (dont think its $11 unless its seriously used....)


Large Fish
Apr 19, 2006
A very few strains can. As a note mandarins can and do get ich.

The dots might be small scars, might be other stuff. Lots of things can 'look' like ich sadly.

Apr 11, 2006
Help please! my fishes in the quarantine tank are in trouble, last night, I accidently unplug the heater and the filter on accident and in the morning I look, the color of my emperor angel faded, there faded spots here and there, he has tiny cystal all over him, he is infected with ich again. I suprised the ich surive this long in that kind of salinity or maybe my hydrometer is deceiving me, my refactrometer is on its way. His eyes seem to be cloudy as well as the blue tang. In the morning I checked, the temp was at 70, it drop from 78 to 70. My salinity according to my hydrometer is 1.009. Ammonia level is at 1.0 ppm, I just did a water change two days ago (4gals). my ph is at 8.4. I just did a water change just now (3gals), I going to go and measure my water para in another hour. will let you guys know. I thinking about just raising the salinity up again and treat the with rid ich since hyposalinity seems to not help alot. What should I do?????

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Large Fish
Apr 19, 2006
With ammonia at 1.00 and an emporer angel you don't have many options beyond a couple of 50% water changes with maybe an hour between them, except maybe a preheated 100% water change. That was quite a bad mistake....


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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What method are you using to treat the ich, and what do you mean by infected again? If I recall correctly, ich has a lifecycle of about a month, during which a short amount of time is spent visible to the naked eye. Someone correct me here if I botched that up.
Personally, I'm fed up with risking losing a large chunk of my very pricey investment, so I quarantine my fish for anywhere from 4-6 weeks. I dose copper and maintain hyposalinity.

Apr 11, 2006
I don't know if I doing something wrong here, hyposalinity is the treament I use. I just did a 1/4 water change and the ammonia level drop down to .25 ppm. So is the color fading and cloudy eyes cause by ammonia in the first place? If not, what may cause this cloudy eye and faded spots?

I preparing some water right now and will do about 50% water change

20gals, salinity 1.010 (water filled all the way to the top)
ammonia at .25
nitrite .25
nitrate 0
ph 8.2
100 watts heater
water temp at 86 degree


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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wait you have an angel and a tang in a 20 gallon QT? They are going to be so stressed you have any other tanks you could use? Hypo is not proven to work against ich, copper is, however, some fish are very sensitive to copper. Are you sure it is ich? I think you have quite a few problems here to fix, first and foremost get those fish into a bigger tank, or atleast split them up into their own tanks.

Apr 11, 2006
Ok confusion here, I read several articles on the net saying that hyposalinity and copper are the two proven methods aganist ich. I am doing a 75 percent water change here in the next few hours. I am sure that ich was the problem that I started off with. That the only qt tank I have so any other suggestion beside spliting them into sperate tank? So what should I do, raise the salinity up again and then use copper or maintain hypo and dose copper at the same time.


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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maintain hypo and dose copper...the ammonia is going to continue to increase with those two fish in a twenty gallon should go out and buy another 20 gallon and put one in each...otherwise I don't see you having much success even with treatment.