Oct 22, 2002
>:( dude!!! i had juz got my new fish from wal mark
DUDE!!! the IF over there can't even tell which is rosy barbs n cherry barbs! when i tell her about it
she is all "Beachy" about it! n also she #%@$&^%# ing killed 2 fish by hitting it wiz the net ( yes! KILLED! ) when trying to get me a fish. n she gave me one was almost died, i was like " i don't want this died fish! n u caught me a tiger barb! i want a GREEN tiger barb!! " then she slapped the net on the tank n put all the fish back into the tank violently and said "tell u wut, y don't u do it urself!?" then she @$^@%& ing walked away  >:( the HEL* is that?! AND ALSO BEFORE THAT! THAT "BEACH" caught me a fish n asked me "is that wut u want?" when the fish is STILL in the net.. yes! no water!! i was like " ohh! put it in the water! it will die!!" she was like " heh! they won't die lke this only few seconds!" DA HEL*IS THAT?!?!?!? and ALSO! SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO PUMP IN AIR IN THE BAG!
#%!$^%#^ WAL MARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
You can definitely talk to the manager concerning what had occurred and maybe you don't really have to name names but if she was a "beeootch" I would probably tell the manager.  Walmart makes people work in that department without any idea what the hell they are doing at all.  I went to the walmart pet section about 5 times in the last two months and there is absolutely no one there in that area.  I always see little kids ages 5-12 put their hand in the tank and pound on the glass without anybody knowing.  

Alternative solution:  you can drag the "beeootch" in the Kmart bathroom and put her face in the toilet for a few seconds and tell her that she's not going to drown because it's only a few seconds anyways.  j/k


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well 1st of all there's no place called "wal mark. Hehe. ;D j/k

I would definitely go back and talk to a manager. The only thing is that every wal-mart is like this. They have untrained staff who know nothing about fish keeping and have no idea about the fish. The wal-mart industry doesn't care though either. I think that they should have to sit through a course or take a compency test or somthing before they can work in that department. I only bought 2 fish from wal-mart my whole life and that was because they were a brand new shipment and looked great. They lived for a long time and did great. but I wouldn't ever buy some from there again. Once I wanted some blue gouramies they had just gotten in and I pushed the button for customer service, it was broke, so I walked up to the cash register and asked the lady to call somone and she did but they never came so I left. I agree don't buy fish from wal-mart! ;D


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I work at one of the biggest fish stores in North America (40,000 gallons total in 300 tanks, including a 4000 gallon tank), and im ashamed of what those walmart people do. To work where I work, you have to love fish, you have to have significant experience with fish, and everyone has there own fish tank at home.

There is no problem removing most fish from the water for a few seconds (some marine fish, inverts and corals will die, but freshwater is fine). Instead of complaining to the manager, understand that walmart won't change, so you should support a real local fish store, you should be able to find a good one, and if the fish cost more, you generally will get better fish. Its worth paying a little more up front to have healthy fish, then paying less for fish that die.

Oct 22, 2002
;D dattack!!!!!!!! HAHA! I LOVE UR IDEA!!!"heh! u won't drown in there! heh! its only few seconds! heh! " 8)
yea.. walmark has cheaper fish, since i m only a little high school student without a job cheap fish is all i can buy  :'(   o wellz, next time i will rather save up more $$$ to get fish from pet's mark or a small local store  ;D
aiya... (<-- a sigh in cantonese) i feel like my fish will die in anytime now... since i got them for lower price!!!

WALMARK "Kids" MY DOG'S !%#$^@


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Actually pet's mart isn't much different. I mean yes they are 100% better than wal-mart but they still have inexpereince staff and kinda unclean tanks. They are good if that's all you have around you but if you have a smaller one that specializes in fish or just animals and not a huge chain one like pets mart then choose them. They are usually privatly owned or are a very small chain with like 5 or so stores and they usually have good quality tanks and fish. Those big chains are more out to make money than to do anything else. And BTW you shouldn't be needing anymore fish for a while! Unless you get another tank! ;D Hehe.

OBK where do you work? Do they have a website? ;D


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yep. I work at a pretty famous store too, people have been shopping online from Big Als, well I work at the largest Big Al's (a chain of fish only stores) in Mississauga, Ontario. Its the best fish store ive ever been in, and I happen to work there.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Oh okay. I have always heard of people shopping from them online. That must be nice to work at a place like that. Fish only would be nice around here too but all of ours are mainly fish but a few others like birds and reptiles and stuff. Well I'm sure they're very lucky to have you there with all of your saltwater knowledge. I will check out the website later. ;D

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
OBK-- must be nice. Thatfishplace is an hour from me, another online store. That place is the best place I was ever at....wish it was closer....I would have intrest in working there.


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I don't know why there's people that doesn't understand general stores like wall mart, how people expect that wall mart have an specialist of fishes if they don't have an specialist in anything at all in any area......

i don't go to wall mart if i want a special or a quality TV or stereo...

that's why i don't go to wall mart to find a quality or special fish.... you should go to a pet store.....  don't bother people that doesn't want to be an expert....


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
 yeah, the meijers near me (which is a wal-mart knock off  store) has all the agressive fish in one tank. check this out: orange chromides, oscars, kennyis, firemouths and tinfoil barbs (which aren't even agressive). not only that but there are at least 50 fish and they are all packed into a 10 gallon tank only 3/4 full.

I buy my fishfood from walmart because it's handy when I go there to get something else. But I feel horrible for all those poor fish. They sell tons of bettas. I see someone getting one almost everytime I go to walmart. They either get them a vase or a little half pint acrylic torture chamber. They have the bettas in those little cups stacked on top of each other. How can they breathe?? Sometimes they have a few bettas in the tanks of other fish. I guess they are the leftovers from the last shipment when they get a new shipment. The other day I looked and saw TWO male bettas in one of the tanks. The smaller one was getting chased and torn up because he had no where to go. !@#*^#*&@%! WALMART!!!!! Why do you think they put them in those stupid cups in the first place!!! He would be really pretty if he didn't have almost no fins left!!!!



I never buy fish from Walmart or any other 'big' store. I always buy from my lfs. And I buy most of my equipment from Big Al's Online especially anything over $40. OwnedbyKitten, I didnt know that you worked there. That is so cool! Maybe I could get some 'good' deals from you fuer ein guten preis. The only problem with Big Al's is they cant keep track of their membership points. I have bought over $600 of stuff and I only have 1 point.


New Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I had the same problem.I told the guy to get me a synodontis and you know catfish get stuck sometimes.So the guy starts hitting the net against the rim of the tank to untangle it.I told him what are you stupid.He didnt say anything.Another time there was a little gril and her mom.The little gril not knowing much about fish picks one out.It was dead so the guy baggs him.He didnt realize until he bagged another one and the girls mom told him.tinylittledice what do you mean IF over there?Its new to me thats why I ask.I dont really like buying from there but sometimes they get rare fish.People with money still buy from there.I dont know why.My lfs sells fish and her products 4 times there value so Im stuck with walmart.I have a petsmart 1 hour and a half but there some what a like they were starving a arowna the other day.The first day I saw him fat healthy a week went by and the fish stomach was flat like each stuck together.Its sad.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
#19 guys are tempted..because..your wal-mart prices are lower than the LFS around you.

My 3 wal-marts are within 10 miles of each other, all the prices are MORE than the LFS. My wife goes to wal-mart a lot...I tag along and goto the fish point all the baddies out to the customers. The fish girls just love that.....if they are around that is.

I watched the fish lady at walmart tell some people they could put like 5 platies in a little 2 gallon tank. There usually isn't anyone there though. Once I saw some people putting beef jerky in the tank and laughing about how they were "feeding" the fish. I was freaking out! My mom had to restrain me before I went and yelled at them. I've also seen corroded pennies in the tanks. That can't be good for the fish.

On a good note, once I was there and a guy came up to me and asked me if I knew where the person that worked back there was. I told them that they don't know anything anyway. I said I could probably help him. He said that he had a pretty big tank and that all his goldfish died and he didn't know why. I told him about adding too many fish at once and cycling and that goldfish need more space than tropical fish. I advised him to get a book about aquariums.