
Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
No I don't like them either but there are just certain things we have to buy from them. But those are the only things we buy from them. They are evil. Yes I agree don't buy from them if you have a K-mart to choose from. They are much better. The only thing that I actually get from walmart that you listed is the toilet paper. ;D Ours doesn't have a restaurant a grocery either and I don't like sams cola. :p


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Fishboy I live in a small secluded town in kentucky, you know that really primitive state, and we're lucky to have a walmart! That's how small we are. ;D So no I don't have either one of those stores. :D



I also live in a town and the Walmart does not even have a live pets section. They do sell food and some supplies but very very limited. I actually like going to Walmart because of the products and price. In a town, you dont have much choice.

Not that I agree with the methods of production but many big stores I think would surpise us not only Walmart. What about other big companies like Reebok, Nike, Ford, Chev and the list goes on. Do we know where, what and how their products are really produced? How many companies do exactly what Walmart is doing but not many people know? From a business prospective, if the going wage in another country is much lower, it is much more benifical. Soon we might have to boycott all stores because of different issues like human labor. What about big factories that produce large amounts of pollution? Im sure there are many more issues also. My point being why just Walmart. Why not boycott anything made in China because of their human right issues.
Ok! Im calm! I certainly dont agree with abusing humans like Ive read about Walmart but all I wanted to say is that Walmart isnt the only one.  :eek:


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
you make good points
most every large company does practices these same type of busness practices
but some corporations commit blatant abuses of their power and should be pointed out

i say boycott bad lfs's
and i guess that the walmart fishsection could in some way be viewed as a local fish store



I am glad that there are ways of reporting 'bad' company practises but what really needs to happen is gov't/legal action taken against it. I do however like the idea of boycotting but sadly enough, imo, it doesnt work as well. For example, in a city of 1 million people, only 1000 people boycott, how much impact does it have? If you can get the message out to 200,000 to boycott, it will make a difference. But how can you do it? I have heard about people boycotting PetSmart and PJ's Pets and other big stores because they sell parrot fish, dyed/painted fish etc., and they are still selling them. When I go shopping for supplies/hardware, I try to find the best price. Fish however, I only buy at my lfs because of quality and assurance. I would not recommend anyone buying fish from big store chains because of the lack of knowledge, conditions, dyed fish, etc. That is my opinion however.


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
i think many other people share that opinon
i know i do
if you want quality and personal service then you arent going to go to a big chain
if everyone doesnt know taht by now they need to pull their hed out of the sand

and you are correct boycotts dont work unless large numbers of people participate

it also depends on your definition of work
if working means totally getting rid of a product or line of products, then it takes a lot of people and a lot of action
but if all you want to do is send a message it can only take a few people


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well if you stop and think about it, it's pretty much inconceivable to boycott walmart. There are to many people that shop there. It is never empty at any hour of the day. Just a thought though.

Ron you make a really good point. Most companies do abuse people and other things along the way that's why I don't really think that boycotts are an efficient way of stopping things like this from happening. We need to get a higher power to step in. Unfortunately sometimes those higher powers don't care. That's so sad too because most of the times these things could be stopped. Well just another thought of mine. If we were to not buy the products of every company that did something bad to the enviroment or to our likings then we would just have to live like the amish huh? Pretty much anytime you hand money to someone your just supporting their abuse of some product they make so why just walmart, as mentioned? Well I have done enough thinking for today. ;D


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
NW Arkansas
the only fish things i by from walmart is there plastic plants and my first five gallon but even them i went to my friends family owned petstore and they defiently knew what they where doing. Every time i go there i see half the fish dead and the other half eating the dead from starvation. they always have total lack of experience at walmart, last time i went some guy thought he could buy some pretty big gold fish that he could but in his swimming pool. at the petsmart near me they a great staff and a 14 day live gaurntee or ur money back.


New Fish
Oct 22, 2002
okay let me first off start by saying that i work at wal-mart.  You get no training when you start in a section. the girl that helped you was most likly from a different area of the store trying to help you out. That happens alot.

and no u should never buy fish from there because if you was quality u should know better. just like everything in wal-mart :).

Oh and when someone like you comes in demanding stuff people that are doing customer service all day long dont have much patience left at the end of the day. so even if you didnt mean too you were probably kinda lippy and we are told that if someone is giving you a problem to walk away. so she did what was right. and if u had reported her it wouldnt have made a difference. she wouldnt have been fired. its next to impossable to get fired unless she beat she crap out of u.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Just because an employee is  working all day and is tired and "doesn't feel right" at the end of the day doesn't entitled them to act any way they want.  You chose your job of being a Walmart  employee and customer service is part of the job description.  I have encountered tough customers and people in my field too but I know I can't be rude or my boss would kill me.
If the employee does work at a different department then what she/he was assigned then she/he should have stated that they will get someone who will help.
I wouldn't want to get anybody fired at all.  It's just something that needs to be recognize in terms of the fish department at Walmart.  If people complain enough, maybe the workers would be more trained in that section of the store per management or the fish section should cease to exist.  


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
So because they have had a rough day we should have to deal wiht it? That's not right. If they have to work in customer service they should be able to deal with their problems all day long. And yes I agree don't buy fish from walmart! They shouldn't be able to sell fish either. That's just my opinion though. ;D

Oct 22, 2002
nodnodnod, Dattack, cowboydude.. i agree with u...

no patience, have a long day with annoying customersss can't be an excuse (reason) to be rude... can u yell at ur little sister or brother or even ur mom ur dad... kick ur dog...because u have a bad day at school or work?

if that job really pisses her off, quit it, get a better job that she doesn't have to deal with annoying customers..


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I help out at my lfs too, and I lost count of the number of people that come in and tell me about their beautiful established tanks, until they bought from WalMart.  You may pay a little extra for your fish, but it is worth it in the long run if one cheap fish is going to cause illness or death to all your others.  I have to shop on a budget too, but I support my lfs as much as possible and they are willing to help out more.  Especially if you need to exchange a fish because it outgrew your tank, or was a little more aggressive than anticipated.

BigAls is great for those pricier items.  Just don't rub it into your lfs, they are small and are doing the best they can.