New 10 Gallon, (Recurring Theme)


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Also keep in mind angels from the argi, and acanthops can be very aggressive, especially in small tanks.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Well my package arrived today that was suppose to finish off the stuff that I would need from online vendors, and I have some good news, and some bad news...

First the good news, I got my heater (an ebo-jager 100 watt). Its a little bit big in size and a good portions sticks out, but not too much to make it obtrusive. Its in the dead middle of the tank right now but I think im going to move it to the far left or right behind my powerheads on the side of my tank. Im waiting for it to heat up my tank. I have the temp set to 78. Once it reachers 78 degrees I will take a salinity test since my first reading.

Onto the bad news, once I marvaled at my new light for alittle I began to attach the mounting legs to it, and once I figured them out and got them attacted I was very excited. I placed my light on the top of the tank, plugged it into my surge protector were my two powerheads, and heater are getting electricty from, turn the switch on and boom nothing. I unplugged it and moved it to a different outlet on y surge protector and still nothing. I tried it on two other outlets in my house and nothing. I checked out the bulb out and I heard a rattling noise in it, so I figured that it was the bulb and not the outlet.

I called big als and asked if they could ship a replacement bulb, but instead there going to send me a new fixture, then Ill send them the old one. Im pretty bummed I was looking forward to seeing the light, but atleast the heater works and I will be able to take that temperature reading.

Well thats now a busted heater and light new from the store.... hmmm I hope this isnt a sign of things to come jeeze...

Once the waters warm Ill post new salinity readings. I heard some where that heated water has different salinity, but Ill see and just post it later.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
yea thats true, it is moving along, slowly but I guess surley if you can be optoimistic.

Well I took a reading now that my water is warmed up to 79 degrees, and to my suprise it has increased a bit.

My levels have gone up to higher than acceptable.
The Salinity is 35, and the Specific Gravity is 1.026.

I think when i was putting my heater in yesterday i had my arm in the tank and took some water along with me. Is this a logical reason why my salinity went up? Im gonna fill it with freshwater then get it to my likeing.

Ill post back once I get the readings back in order.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
really my hydromter says that it is high as well sad the salinity. is their a range of salinity and sg that I need to keep my reading in between.

I added 3 bottlers of poland spring bottled water ( i would ussulay just use tap water with conditioner, but i just grabbed them and put them in.)

After I added just 3 bottlers my readings changed dramaticlly.

My salinity when to 30, and my specific gravity is 1.022.

On my hydromter it has red makrings it suggest the readings should be. The salinity red mark goes from 27-32. and the reccomended specific gravity is 1.020-1.024, does this sound right or can i be alittle more leinyant (sp???) on the readings. I plan on getting my liverock and sand this weekend.

This weekend Ill get the beggining of my live rock, and on the way back I will buy some sand from homedepot. First off how long can the rock stay in the stores packagine, im not sure how they package it but it can stay in it for a good amount of time right? Also after I get home what Ill do is put the rock in the tank and get it stable then start cleaning my sand and getting it ready for the tank so its not too dirty once put in the tank.

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Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
1.026 is definitely borderline high but it would be ok...i shoot for about 1.024. SG and salinity are both measures of the same thing (how much salt in the water) so the marks on your hydrometer for the ideal SG/salinity should be in the same place.

i think you have also dsicovered one of the problems of small tanks...a very small amount of evaporation can lead to a fairly dramatic shift in SG. Another culprit, however, could be your hydrometer. im not sure if you have the glass floaty kind or a box but the glass floatys are pretty unreliable i've heard; boxes arent great either, but supposed to be better...only problem is new ones don't always read correctly because of mold release agents and things in the box...soaking it in water for a couple days will usually assure all that stuff is washed off and that your reading is fairly accurate.

as far as the LR, the least amount of time it spends out of water the better. i would go to the HD first for your sand (well, actually, i would buy sand at the LFS) and then get the LR. Generally, live rock isn't packaged in anything. depending on the store/size of the pieces they may just put it in a carboard box, they might wrap it in plastic, or they might say "what are you gonna put it in?" (the latter does not happen very often ime)


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
Visit site
1979camaro said:
Generally, live rock isn't packaged in anything. depending on the store/size of the pieces they may just put it in a carboard box, they might wrap it in plastic, or they might say "what are you gonna put it in?" (the latter does not happen very often ime)
what are you going to put it in? i would walk out right there

specific gravity is oftentimes too low--i have seen recommendations of 1.024-1.027 (give or take a few) in Borneman's Corals book--lower SG can be useful when keeping fish only to minimize parasites/disease, but inverts and corals need full strength seawater


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
dbacksrat said:
what are you going to put it in? i would walk out right there
yah, the one time it happened to me I said "you won't give me a box?" and the guy kind of mumbled and grumbled but he went and dug out a box (I was buying like 35#)...i probably would have just left but it was really good stuff and it was cheap......welcome to LA


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
1.026 is ok, but yes, you're getting the first unwelcome intro to the world of small tanks. I'm not joking when I say 'don't go on vacation for a week'. You might investigate the cost of an autotopup.

You're asking some quite alarming questions about salinity that show you don't really understand what's going on - don't skimp on your homework (basic reading as is usually recommended). SG is an indirect measure of salinity which is really what is important.

I wouldn't get too hung up on having to ask for a box - those things aren't cheap (shopworkers - what's the current US price - shops here pay 20 dollars), and don't come free with liverock at the shops here. I always take my own buckets anyway.


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
I used a bucket for my poundage. The guy kept them damp in paper towels, and it was only a 7 minute drive back home.

I'm glad I read these most recent messages. I've been keeping my salinity between 1.022 and 1.023. My two books and several articles on the web have said this is good for reef. But it sounds like 1.024 is where it's at.

I top off every day or every other day. I keep the water level flush with the black rim of the tank, and when it lowers even an interval, I hear splashing from the HOB.

If you watch your evaporation levels, you'll be ok. It'll take about five days for you to really get it and get your system going. I keep mine so constant, it's been between 1.022 and 1.023 since I introduced crabs.

Did you "season" your hydrometer needle in saltwater overnight? The instructions on mine suggested I do so. I've had my water tested at the LFS, and so far it's dead-on.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
lordroad said:
I top off every day or every other day. I keep the water level flush with the black rim of the tank, and when it lowers even an interval, I hear splashing from the HOB.

Did you "season" your hydrometer needle in saltwater overnight? The instructions on mine suggested I do so. I've had my water tested at the LFS, and so far it's dead-on.
hey lord, when you top off your tank every other day, you use freshwater right. becasue the salt stays in while the water evaporates. Topping off the water is something I forgot totally about somehow (dont be alarmed guys I know it was stupid thing to forget :)), but ill be sure to top off everyother day or so to the black top frame.

Also my hydrometer never said anything about seasoning it. It just says rinse in freshwater before and after each use, and periodic cleaning is needed.

One quick question. If I were to fill my entire tank up with salt water like up top of the black rim, if I took water out with a grvael vac to make room for my liverock, taking out water wouldnt affect my specific gravity correct? it would just be taking volume out and not salt itself.

Im hoping that my light comes tommorow becasue if not I have to wait till friggen monday to take a good look at its color and see my live rocks color. I called the replacement in on tuesday night, so techniclly if they shipped it out on wednesday on 3 day ground it should come tommorow, but I have a feeling that its not going to come and Ill have to wait longer for them to send me it, hopefully it comes. Im gonna check on my readings again and ill post them later


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
when you do water changes it will not affect the SG of the water left in the tank because you are taking out SW...the water you add back to makeup for the waterchange needs to be mixed to the correct SG. As far as top off water you should use fresh because the salt does not evaporate only the fresh water


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
yea thats what I figured, just wanted to make sure. I am "seasoning" my hydromter as we speak so that I can be sure it is making accuarate readings. I just put it in my tank and its sitting on its side in the bottom. Is there a certain way to season it, or can i just do what Im doing, and how long should I leave it in?

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Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
Yeah, top off with fresh. Some people mark a line on their tank; I just keep mine right where I can see the water level flush with the rim. My house is unlevel as hell, so one side is a little deeper-- I check the highest side and always keep it flush.

Your new nano is starting to sound like my 55 gallon fresh with all the problems I had. But believe me, once it gets going, it will reward you ten times over. With my 55 gallon, I had to drain it and then fill it back up 2 different times for various problems (unlevel floor, then totally removing a sand substrate and replacing with gravel), then i had nitrite issues, then ich, etc.

Here's what I did with my live rock. I had my tank filled nearly to the top, but this was too much water. I just scooped some out into a container, placed the rock in, then filled back as necessary.

Do you have a camera? It will be fun to see your tank when you have the rock and everything is set. :)


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Yea Ill take some along the way pictures lol.. like stages
I dont have a digital camera, I have a canon rebel, so when I get my film developed ill order a disk with it and post step by step. Ill get some developed by this sunday hopefully after I get my liverock stable and some sand. Im making a freewebs website so hopefully I can get that up soon and put them on there permanintly (sp.)


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
well I have good news, I seasoned my hydrometer and today it is giving me a reading of 32 salinity, and 1.023-1.024 sg. Thats where I want it to be and I am going to go get my live rock (not gonna use marshall becasue its just too expensive for rock at 13 bucks a pound) so Ill just use tonga, aswell as some playsand (unless I convince my self to get some argonite sand but Lord said hes having good results with his playsand so I will probably use that. Ill post back later when I get back :)


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
I got a piece of tonga branch in my tank, looks great.

I'm already getting nice coraline growth on my liverock. Diatom brown algae was minimal, and the crabs and snails munched it away fast. My only pain is the clumps of little green hair algae, but that's easily removed and then netted out.

I also got some bubble algae, but the mithrax crab takes care of it.

Glad to hear things are on the up and up.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Hey guys, well Im back from my LFS with 10 pounds of cured tonga live rock, It looks nice and im emptying some water (that ill use later to refill) so I can put it in. I also broke down and got 20 pounds of Arga-Live reef sand. So I have 10 pounds of live rock and 20 pounds of live rock. I just couldnt resist. Im gonna put the live rock in and then put the sand right in from the bag because it says doesnt rinse! ill take some readings later or sg and such. Ill post back soon!! w00t