New 10 Gallon, (Recurring Theme)


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Will the pH I have effect my tank and more importantly the Live Rock. I cant get to my lfs for about a week or so. Will leaveing the pH as it is now effect anything harmfully. I will deffintly get it up before I get any clean up crew members.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
well my light came today, AND IT WORKS! Its looking great nice and blue

After checking the light to see if it works, I looked in the box to get my prepaid postage for return of the broken one, and it wasnt there HA. I called bigals and the lady said the guy I talked to ealier mest up and sent me two replacements, and that it shipped today and the postage return was in that. Lol bigals is hurting its rep with me :)


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Yea when I called the women was like yea you can send both back in one box, but I dont think theyll both fit, and IDK if he double charged me or not ;), but Ill probably return it ( :D as long as I can bring myself to do it) im not sure yet. Im gonna take a pH test tommorow because I dont think too much could have changed since yesterday without adding anything. Ill probably get to my lfs this wednesday or thursday (as long as it rains so tennis is cancelled and I can go) and get a pH raiser. Should I aim for a pH of 8.4 or 8.2? is one better than the other?

Can pH change that much in one day that its worth testing tonight?

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Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
you will want to change your pH gradually. what you should do is mix the pH buffer into FW and then make SW out of that. then do a small water change. Do not put the buffer directly into the tank. 8.3 is a nice pH


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Since I havent found a store that would sell me RO/DI water what Ill do is drain some of my water in the tank into a bucket and then add the pH buffer to that, then refill the tank with the same water I drained it with, with the pH buffer in it. How many gallons do you suggest I take out? like 3?

One quick question, why is it bad to add things straight into the tank. LIke adding salt is bad in the tank and the pH buffer does it harm things in the tank, or is it just better for the tank to add it seperatly/premixed. Just wondering :)


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Well as the time draws near, I have began to think about possible clean up crew options. When my tank stabalizes and I get the pH stuff I will get my cleaners ASAP. I was thinking about this:

5-7 scarlet hermits
5-7- astrea snails
and maybe like 2 blue legged hermits.
and maybe one small thing I find cool (but I doubt it)
-Also should i put the Skunk cleaner shrimp in with the cleaners, or should I wait and add them as like a fish. What I was going to do was purchase one skunk with my cleaners, then add a second at a latter date. But I may just stick to one. I am planning on three fish, so would having two skunks overcrowd my tank? How does that list look of my cleaners?


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
your list looks fine, but you might consider getting a variety of snails because each will do a slightly different thing. I would wait to add the cleaner shrimp until after the rest of the cleanup crew has been in there a couple weeks. those cleaners are danged expensive and it would suck if you put one in and found out that your tank wasn't quite cycled after all and the shrimp died. as far as fish, i think three is pushing it but others may think otherwise...of course it depends on what the three are and how regiminted you areat doing water changes


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
other good options for snails are cereth, margarita, bumblebee, and nassarius snails. turbos get big and knock over corals. i currently have 2 cereths, 2 astreas, 1 margarita... probably going to get 2 more margaritas as well (thanks for the tip camaro, they are eating the tufty junk).


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Il hold off on the skunks until I get my cleaners settled. About those three fish I think Ill go with two false percs, and have my lfs order me a Royal Gramma Basslet. I think Ill be able to keep this fish, I plan on topping off the tank with fresh water every other day, and do a water change every sunday.

As for those snails I know I can get the astreas, and I rember them having bumblebee so Ill try and get atleast one of them. I am not sure about the cereth margarita or nassarius. Ill try hard to find the margarita since you said you liked them alot. I wrote all their names down so I can look for them the next time I go to trop.

Also as for those freshwater top offs, its ok to use tap water with conditioner right. I know its not nearly as good RO water but it will be ok right.

My ammonia went from .50ppm, to currently .25ppm
nitrate went from 3ppm to 4ppm
nitrite went from .25ppm to .75ppm
and my pH is at 7.8. I will get pH raiser tommorow hopefully.

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Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey

This was the first setup of live rock. I changed it around a little bit (but dont have pictures of it yet) but this is the main idea, its just the top peice is moved a little.

This is a top view of the tank.

This a closeup of the left side of the tank. On the top peice you can see that werid thing that came on the rrock I was telling you about. Im pretty sure its dead, shoudl I leave it on? or take it out?

These pictures were taken before I had my light so they really dont do justice but I couldnt resist posting them. I have another picture posted on my website, and Ill post the new ones on my site when I get them.

Also you can see in the second picture where my powerheads are located. Their low down so they can be dirrectly pointed at the live rock. Originally they were on the top. SHould I move them higher or will that take flow out of the live rock. Would you move them higher or leave them as is?

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Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
sorry the pictures came out so friggen big, I tried to scale them down on my site then took the ip from their, but I guess my resizing on the website didnt effect the pictures themself here, just their. Their ginourmouse here.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
powerhead is probably just fine where it is. i like your rockwork, looks very far as the mystery thing it looks like a Favites sp. skeleton. if its hard then its long dead so no point in removing it.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
well I came home today, and one of my rock (just the top of it) is coved in this like brown algea looking stuff. Is this common algea that occurs on the live rock. Its sorda like a brown sludge on the top. From the top veiw its the one on the left. Should I just leave this alone, I remember someone saying they should clean the rocks of brown sludge. Im gonna go test my paramaters to see if its going good so I can get my cleaners this weekend.


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
I had brown coats of crap, but they were peeling in layers and kind of fluttered in the current. This also happened to only one of my rocks, the tonga branch. DOn't know if this is the same stuff, but i left mine as is, and the crabs feasted on it when they were added later.

Usually brown algae is the diatom type, but i just don't know if it can show up this fast. however, this is usually the first algae that appears in a new tank.