dbacksrat said:
you can pour the thawed mysis through a fine meshed brine shrimp net--that will get rid of the juice
good luck with the clowns--any names yet?
Well i was thinking Nemo, and Nemo Jr. Naw jk id probably have to kill myself if I did that. I havent really thought about naming them yet because Im use to haveing like 10 fish in one tank and not being able to name them and rember it, but this time it will only be 3 fish, and a skunk shrimp so names are definitely doable.
As for the mysis. What Ill do is cut the desired amount from the frozen cube, and get a small amount of tank water in a shot glass, thaw the shrimp in the shot glass, and then strain it in a really small net Ive had for a while to drain out the undesired juices.
Also now that I know keeping the mysis in a normal freezer is ok, heres another question
. Since I wont be using entire cubes of the shrimp each time, Ill put the rest of the cube back in its slot in the packaging (the packaging is like a pill package, you push it though a peice of foil and its out). But once its back in its slot ill put the tinfoil back over it to the best of my ability, and then put it in a ziplock bag to prevent freezer burn in a sense. It should be ok right even though its not entirely sealed in the foil?
http://www.aquatichouse.com/Fish Food_files/formula pellets.asp
^^that is the pellet food I got for the fish. This should be good for not only the clowns but the gramma. This is good food, but it smells HORRIBLE! HORRIBLE. The garlic makes it smell terrible, but Ill learn to deal with it.
Once I get my gramma (wont be for a little while maybe 2-3 weeks) will the Royal Gramma Basslet eat mysis shrimp, or will his diet be just from the pellets?
One final observation I need to add to this post is that the clowns havent moved since I put them in the tank. Liek their swimming up and down very happily together, but they stay in the front right corner of the tnak right by the galss, just swimming up and down. Its the exact position they were in when I put them in the tnak from their bag. Is this ok? I have the light off, Im gonna hold off on feading them until i Get a post to this, should I feed them the pellets and see if they go for it, or wait until they settle in and swim in the rock and such.
On the lighter note of just fun notes I added a black background to the tank, and it looks so much better. I never knew how much a black background helps especially in a Salt tank. And o yea, I think I got a male and a femal (ones deffintly darker than the other, does the color matter or is it just size?) I almost hope that their not a male and a female because I dont have the space for little clowns! O yea their 2 false percs. couldnt bring myself to pay like 60 bucks for the true ones, but the true had very nice colors, but I love my clowns already! *SUPERSMIL