well the move is complete. the water is clearing up from the sand movement but its comming along. I rearanged my rock and put my new powerhead in the middle of the tank next to my heater. Im gonna go to my lfs tommorow to get more water, a thermometer, and a nice black backgorund because my old one was too small to fit on this tank.
I may get one or two things for my cleaners (like new cleaners, but maybe not) while im their, because some of my scarlet reef hermits have died because of possible competition for shells, so I need somehting for their places.
Im going ot check my params tommorow after everything settles to make sure everythings in line. I shouldnt expect any cycle problems right, I moved all of my sand, and live rock into the new tank, and as well as some old tank water, should I prepare for another cycle?
I cant find a way to aquascape this tank with my current live rock, i worked nicely in the shorter 16 but now its sord of spread out and I dont find it appealing, so I may break down and buy some new live rock tommorow to give the tank some height instead of just length.
Thats about it for today, now all I have to do is find a way to get this light to work, I may use superglue to glue the legs on the sides of the light and have them sit on the front and back of the tank instead of the sides, or buy some sturdy platic or material and superglue it to the leg and get it to reach some way, but Ill deal with that later aswell.