New 10 Gallon, (Recurring Theme)


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
New Fish for New Tank

Well Im ready to add some fish to the new tank, because I feel its safe since the incident of ich.

Im going to add fish slowly. Im not sure I want to go with the typical clowns and such. I was thinking maybe a true perc and some other interesting fish. Does anyone know what would be interesting with a true perc in a 20 long? Or just fish in general that I could keep in the 20 without the perc (so fish instead of the true perc)

I was thinking maybe a drawf angel, like a flame angel. Would a flame angel and a true perc be ok (maybe 2 true percs?) or is that way to crowded?

I liked my clowns but I dont know if I want to go with what most nanos contain.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
have you considered gobies? there are some pretty neat ones available...jawfish and firefish as well...

as far as dwarf angels I think the flame is too big but how about a resplendent angel (Centropyge resplendens) or cherub angel (Centropyge argi)?...much smaller

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Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
I agree with camaro, a flame might get too big, but there are quite a few smaller angels out there, I really like my gobies too. My advice would be to wait until the LFS gets something in really cool, dont buy a fish just to put a fish in your tank. as far as clowns go maybe some sort of color morph? we have a true perc at my lfs that has a tear drop pattern that is very cool.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I'm sure a replendent is a first class buy at a mere 900 dollars or so apiece (for captive bred or wild)
I was thinking dwarf dwarf angel like an argi, and/or a dottyback. I've got a sea fighter wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rubiventralis) in QT, that would work and might be worth looking at. You really need to have a good look around.

I agree with aresgod, wait for what you want. In 20 gals you don't want to bother keeping something you don't really want.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
thanks for the reply guys, sorry I didnt respond but my internet died on monday night and I finally got it fixed today and was able to get back and check out mft.

Anyway, yea I agree on waiting for a fish I like Im not in a big rush to stock the tank. I will probably make periodic trips to the lfs and keep checking out their stock. Im hesitant to buy a true perc so that if I find a fish that is a must buy I dont want to be restricted because of the perc, instead add a True perc around another fish.

I was looking at some of those dwarf angels and liked the coral beauty, but Im also sort of weary on all dwarf angels (including the flame when I thought I could have gotten one) because my lfs as some know have aproblem with unreasonable prices and dwarf angels can be pretty friggen expensive.

Well I keep looking for some interesting fish, but in the mean time I have a qucik question. Does anyone have interesting inverts that could be kept in my tank? Im looking for some variety in my tank and since I wont be doing corals maybe I could add some interesting inverts? I know I oculd probably do a brittle star, but ave restrained because they dont interest me to much, but my lfs does have some cool blue star fish and other oddball critters, does anyone have a cool reccomendation? Ill look around and if I find any I like Ill ask here and do some research I just thought maybe you guys could give me a heads up on some cool inverts.

Thanks guys


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Bad News Bears

Well I just got back from the hospitol.....

I was cleaning my tank today, doing the weekly water change and all was going well until I bumped my light. Since I upgraded my tank I had my light on a brace in like the middle of my tank so one side of the legs were on the side and th eothers on a metal bar i made. Anyway I was about to do a water change and went to grab something in the tank and bumped the light. I for the first time ever left the light on and when I bumped it boom it fell in. Now this is where it really got ugly for a breif second before the power in the light just died I guess it sent a nasty shock through my arm and such and it hurt like balls. I didnt think their was that much power in this thing but the pain in my arm proved me wrong. So I tell my mom and she was pretty worried about the pain and possible side effects of the power she brought me to the hospitol. They said everything was fine and that my arm was just gonna be soar for a little.

Now to the good part of the story. Now that thae light is completly fried my mom agreed to buy me a new light that fits the tank and is actually safe :cool:

Luckily this crappy pain in my arm is comming with a payback, of a new strong light for corals *crazysmil


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
yea not too much damage so all is good :)

As for a new light I was looking at this:

Ive heard it isnt as strong as coralifes and other name brands but it is suppose to do its job and its a very fair price. Im gonan try and find out some more info on them, and plus this light will allow me corals unlike my other one ahah


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Well I decided not to order from aquatraders just because of some peoples ideas on them... but I guess Ill order from hellolights

Anyway onto the lights, Im contemplating between two lights a 65 watt and a 130 watt light. 65 watts is too little for any corals in a 20l right?

65 watt:

130 watt:

I was leaning towards the 65 and stick to a FOWLR tank, because 65 watts is too little for corals in a 20l right? Or are their some corals that could be kept by a 65?

If i go for the 130 watt that would let me keep most corals in the tank right?


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
I'd go for the 130 watt. That will give you 6.5 watts per gallon.

I am so happy I went with my 10 wpg light. I was considering 6 wpg or even 3.5; the price was only like 40 dollars different, and I love being able to keep pretty much any coral (nano friendly) I want.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Well for the past weeks I started noticing my cleaners (mostly my scarlet hermits) were starting to not move... so I thought they were dieing but then they would move so Id think they were fine. So I did my weekly water change of about 4 gallons, and decided to check on the hermits.... Anyway with what Ive started with Ive lost about 6 hermits and 1 astrea snail... its hard to tell which shell is form which cleaner but I know have 7 empty shells that I know one of which was a astrea and the others look like hermits... So now I currently have 2 bumbleebee snails (i had 3 no idea where the other went), 1 scarlet reef hermit (started with like 6-7), 4 astrea snails, and that camel back snail (which was labled as this but now i found out was a turbo snail, but he hasnt been a problem and does a awsome job of cleaning! Is there any reason why I lost so many cleaners so fast? My salinity at the lowest was at 1.023 over the change of the tanks, and the temp is at about 77-78. My levels are in order but Ill check them today. Do I need more cleaners for my tank now or is this sufficent?


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
ok I took my updated readings today and:

ammonia: 0 ppm
nitrite: 0 ppm
nitrate: 1-2 ppm
pH: 8.2 (althought the color chart is a little difficult to read)

So now that I know the readings are ok, I guess the cleaners just died from lack of food. The nitrates are ok at around 1-2 right theres no problem?

Also I have a question about a digital thermometer...
I was thinking of getting this thermometer because the current one I have now is incredibly difficult to read because its markings are unclear and very small, with this one it gives the ability to move it and easy readings, will a digital thermomter work well?


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
thats good news! Yea im sick of the sticky thermometers because I cant reuse them (they say you can pull them off but they always break, well for me atleast), and the inside thermometer that I have now is rediculously hard to read and I cant tell if its 80 or 75 degrees...

This thermometer is not only easily moveable but couldnt be easier to use (atleast looks like it and now sounds like it according to you guys..) and plus you cant beat the prices on sale for like 3 bucks.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Well is I got my thermometer and now I have gotten my temp to my desired level of about 75 degrees, 75 should be fine I think.

Also Ive been doing like 5 gallon or so weekly water changes on my tank, and now am doing 2 gallon per week water changes. Should I bump my water changes up higher, the only reason Ive been doing 2 is my rockwork prevents me from taking out more water without exposing my rock to the air. Will the 2 gallon a week (on a 20 l) be sufficient or do I need more?