New 10 Gallon, (Recurring Theme)


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
yea they did take the mysis without hesitation. Althought they did take the mysis, I put a little too much in, so they were unable to eat it all, and their was quite a bit extra, so next time I give them mysis Ill make sure to put less in.

I soaked the mysis in warm tank water (in a shotglass), then strained it in a small fish net. Then dumped the mysis in the tank, and one of the clowns went straight for it. The other clown took a little time but then went for it too. It was cool watching them eating the shrimp.

Since they ate the mysis, and their was still some floating around that they didnt go for, I didnt give them any pellets.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
yea mine still havent really staryed too far and too long from the front right corner, they have yet to swim behind the lr or through it. SO they stay in the front right, and will sometimes be brave and go along the front of the glass then hurry on back to their "spot" hopefully they start swimming in the live rock soon. I wonder if the gramma will do the same thing, or even make them move. Or mayve the skunk shrimp will attract them over for a cleaning, and break their current spot lol *BOUNCINGS


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
well the fish are doing good. They have started to move around alot more, but still seem to always feel safe in that front right corner. There eating alot and tend to stick together (their buddies for life now :D)

The tanks doing good. Im gonna have to give the walls a cleaning because algea is starting to show up. The algea isnt even like that brown or green hair algea anymore, theirs this werid red stuff comming up on the glass/small amounts of sand (right next to the glass). Even thought theirs algea being noticable now, the coraline growth is amazing, the rocks have such nice color now!

I am still excited for my skunk cleaner, and Gramma, and hope to have them either this weekend or 2 weeks. I have some pictures comming back on wednesday (none of the fish I didnt have the film for that yet), but some newer ones of the tank and light... Hopefullt Ill have the fish pictures here by this weekend:)

Just thought id give an update *celebrate


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey

This is a tank shot I took when I got my inverts. This is about 2-3 weeks ago, but this is basiclly what the tank looks like. Right now theirs just more coraline and some algea, Ill have new pictures soon.

These are some scarlet reef hermits from my cleaners, and a astrea snail on the top.

I thought Id have some more pictures but some didnt come out as I hoped so Ill get some better ones. Pictures of the clowns should be ready soon.

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Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
I really like your rock setup. Very cool pieces and they're put together nicely. I bet your current really makes it fun for the snails when they climb right in the thick of it. First time I heard their shells clacking against the glass I thought the impellor was choking.

How big are your clowns? I'm guessing they're 2 inches or larger if they ate your pellets. Mine won't touch pellets unless they're in crumbles, but I've trained him to love Formula 1. That's cool yours started eating right out; mine took 3 or 4 days before it readily accepted brine shrimp, but mysis was what got him eating like a pig. He (most likely she... what sex do they become when they're single?) is fat and growing fast, and I can nearly feed him out of my hand now.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
mine are about an inch. They eat like one small pellet of formula one marine pellet then at another and spit it out and so on. They love mysis I havent feed them it for the second time yet, I think I will give it to them tommorow or monday. I may try and crumble some up and see if they eat more of it. Thatd be real cool if I could get them to eat out of my hand, I can try that soon.

The snails and my hermits love to sit right where the powerhead jets out water onto the rocks. the picture above has them right in the stream of water lol.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
well or some reason I cant get the photos onto the post, they just wont show up.... I cant figure it out why, but I posted some pictures of my clowns on my website, ill try and figure out whast wrong with me posting in the mean time!

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Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Just a quick question about my clowns and future possabilities.

As you know I have two clowns, and 1979 told me ealier that they have the ability to change sexes (as I remember correctly), and what I was wondering is it deffinite that my clowns will mate in the future and have clown fry (all baby fish are fry right?). Or would there have to be something special done to have the two clowns breed? Anything reccomended I could do to enticee sp? them to mate or dwill it just happen.

I know my tank is too small for more clowns, but maybe I could give them to my lfs store or something. I was just wondering any advice/help is needed. Thanks!


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
All lcowns start as males, the bigest in the group becomes a female. Usually if you have two in a tank they will pair, though sometimes they will just fight and sometimes nothing happens.
Getting clowns to breed is not tricky, mine have spawned a few times now but raising the fry looks hellish (or rather raising food to feed them) , so unless you want to really work at that it won't be a problem


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
yea i was reading up on feeding of the fry and it looked very intense so I figure Ill just let it go and if they decide to have little clowns ill take it as it comes, but I plan on getting a Royal Gramma and he'll probably take care of the smally eggs and such... thanks for the help wayne.

My updated fts (im thinking that means full tank shot) all came out crappy, so Im gonna take some new ones when my algea gets a little better after I do a water change and cleaning.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
heres just a quick update: well its been 9 days since I lost my clowns and I as I said before currently treating the tank for the ich. I bumped up the temp to 82 (and the evaporation has friggen doubled lol). I rearranged my rockwork to give it a little more structure and swimming varients.

The sand has developed a pretty bad case of red hair algae, should I get that out of their asap before it over runs my rock? I dont really mind the way right now, but if I leave it alone will it overrun my tank?

As I wait out the time for my ich to die off, should I continue to do weekly water changes of about 25%? or is it better to just leave the tank alone and do topoffs daily (with the new evaporation)

Going along with the evaporation levels, to cut back on the daily evaporation and need for topoffs, can I just leave the tank light off for the duration of the reestablishing the tank? or will this slow down the ich removal?


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
yea thats cyanobacteria, not an algae, actually a single celled diatomic bacteria. nasty stuff, I would take care off it now by scrubing it off and figuring out where it is coming from, it needs phosphate, nitrate and light, so I would cut down on light and see where your excess phosphate and nitrate are coming from. Probably your water, or maybe over feeding. With a tank that small I would use RO water and just buy it from you LFS.