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Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
well, i think he means breaking up the rock they are on, but you can also cut them up. if you take a shroom and slice it like a pizza with a razor each of the new pieces will form a new mushroom (just like on a leather coral) on rhodactis and ricordia too


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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quite correct you are, but this is a fairly large rock, so i plan on just taking my chisel and going at the rock, gently of course, I really am interested in the soft encrusting sponge, I have looked through all my books and havent yet IDed it, it feels very weird to the touch


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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yes yamahaguy this is a reef tank, or atleast an attempt at it, camaro, I have been thinking the best way to send the vids is over a direct connection, send me your aim or what ever through PM and I will send away, I have 4 vids right now, still am trying to get a really good one of him chomping down.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
i believe that is a common misperception about the mouths...i have had mushrooms grow back from small pieces left behidn that did not include the mouth and a science teacher friend of mine who uses a classroom tank to teach marine biology also frags shrooms etc without necessarily saving mouth pieces...


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
yowah: i had a brain fart there; while the mouth is not necessary, some part of the stalk is...thats the part that attaches

when i do mine i slice the entire top off (which leaves the bottom to regrow a new head) and cut it up into pieces which i then sit in a tupperware container with a bunch of holes in it and some pieces of LR rubble and set it at the bottom of my tank...they will attach in a week or so.

if i am planning on selling the shrooms back to the LFS i try to use a decent sized stick of tonga branch so it looks like something to buy not just a loose mushroom. if i am going to be putting it in my tank i use 1/8in - 1/4in sized pieces of gravel so that i can super glue the little piece of gravel right where i want it.

if you do decide to do this use some latex gloves just to be cautious because you might react alergically to the toxins in shrooms (like any other coral)

if you like i can take a picture of my propogation container and my most recent projects

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Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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hey camaro what do you use to frag and slice and dice, just curious, I use a surgical scalpal, some stainless steel snippers for softies, and I have some bone cutters for hard corals. I find shrooms one of the easier corals to propegate, also to yamaha, some of the things in this tank aren't really from reefs, like the shoal grass for example that is a shallow water thing found all around the keys, and actually some of it is endangered, because it is basically the sole habitat for seahorses in the wild, because it tends to grow in areas with very littel water movement, when I go down to the keys you can actually kayac over the sea grass and snorkel and see all sorts of stuff including sea horses, sand sharks, baracuda, parrot fish,groupers, angelfish, infact the house we stay in down there has a private canal that has all sorts of fish that live in it, even a spotted moray who is about 4 ft long, there also are a few angels that live in it too as well as parrot fish, and a grouper, and some unidentified fish too, pretty cool stuff

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Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
the keys are really cool...i have family on the gulf coast of AL so we get down to the keys from time to time when I go visiting...definitely one of those things a person should see

dbacksrat: I'll try to get pics for you tonight, might be tommorow though

aresgod: I just use a straight edge razor blade most of the time. If I am doing something really meaty I sometimes use stainless steel kitchen sheers. i haven't fragged any hard corals, but if i ever do an LPS I will probably use my dremel. I don't own any SPS. Shrooms really are about the easiest thing to propogate.

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Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA

Picture 1: top view of the thing out of the tank. the container has a radius of about 4in and a height of maybe 2.5in. you can see the gravel and the pieces of rubble i've got in there for goodies to attach to. right now ive got four slices of a small blue with purple lined mushroom in there. you an see one piece in the upper right. on the far left of the branch in the middle is a little green speck which is a green rhodacits.

Picture 2: the outside showing the holes for flow. i currently have 6 on the container but when i empty it out the next time i think i will add 6 more. I would have actually preferred a lower walled container but these were the best i could find.

Picture 3: the fuzzy guy on the right is the "parent colony". It grew out to about 4in across and I lopped the top off (1 month ago roughly) and sliced it up into 6 pieces. Tonight I just glued on 5 new mushrooms to that rock which have all grown to about the size of the parent and one tiny one. I think 3 new ones are visible in this shot and the original

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Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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hmm...i like the pics, but i'm still a little reluctant (i'm afraid i'll kill my shrooms)
anyone read calfo's book about propogation?
that's a pretty interesting and ingenious method--keeping the new shrooms in the bowl w/ holes for flow (i might try that, though my mom would get ticked if i started drilling holes in her tupperware :) )