hey camaro what do you use to frag and slice and dice, just curious, I use a surgical scalpal, some stainless steel snippers for softies, and I have some bone cutters for hard corals. I find shrooms one of the easier corals to propegate, also to yamaha, some of the things in this tank aren't really from reefs, like the shoal grass for example that is a shallow water thing found all around the keys, and actually some of it is endangered, because it is basically the sole habitat for seahorses in the wild, because it tends to grow in areas with very littel water movement, when I go down to the keys you can actually kayac over the sea grass and snorkel and see all sorts of stuff including sea horses, sand sharks, baracuda, parrot fish,groupers, angelfish, infact the house we stay in down there has a private canal that has all sorts of fish that live in it, even a spotted moray who is about 4 ft long, there also are a few angels that live in it too as well as parrot fish, and a grouper, and some unidentified fish too, pretty cool stuff