

Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
hey dan what kind of snails do you have? I just added snails myself (sliding glass door directly across room = algae, and plecos don't eat much algae if any...)

Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
@ Marcy It's Dylandrewsdad Dylan + Andrew, LOL. I was just bustin on you anyway :)

And to the others talking about over stocking-A few tings to remember, a seasoned fish keeper with a well established tank (At least one year problem free) will find it easier to keep stocking levels higher and keep more delicate fish. In addition if you overstocked a 10 gallon, things will take a turn for the worse much quicker then say a 55 gallon tank. Also keep in mind the maintenance schedule kept by said fish keeper has a huge impact on the water quality. If you have an overstocked 10 gallon and changed 50% of the water every 12 hours you most likely will not have an issue. However if you have say a 55 gallon overstocked by the same percentage and only changes say 25% water every month, you would lose a lot of fish.

In all of my tanks except my fry tank I have 2X the filter I need for 2 reasons-Redundancy, in case one fails and I am not home, I know that the water will not get fouled. The second is quite frankly I do not have time always to do a water change on schedule, I know that if I go two weeks with out a water change I will be fine, even if all I do is top it off.

I have a 30 gallon with about 30 fish in it. Some of then like the loaches and Pleco’s are huge “mess makers” Some would think I am overstocked, but on the rare occasion I test the water I am always 0-0-10ish. I attribute that to my filter capacity, which has 2x the bio media then came with the filters. Some may say it is because I am not really overstocked. Either way I don’t care, because it works for me.

I would also like to say to Common Sence and prsturm, I do not thin skjl47 was out of line at all and think you were reading into it too much. I have followed his posts since he started on this forum and he always has constructive advice to give. I do not always agree with this advice, but he has a ton of experience and I never thought any of it was wrong. I guess what I am trying to say is…..chill out a tad! :)


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; first - I did not know how the forum was set up. The little fish rating is based on my number of posts not time of membership. I obiviously am not clever at cutting comeback remarks.
Second - On the survivors from the 20 gallon set up i cited. That tank was set up for over two years. I moved last spring into a different house. These fish were kept in a 29 gallon in a laundry room for a few months. I eventually set up a 55 gallon and placed them in it last fall. Since moving them into the 55, one tiger and two cory catfish have died.
third - Thanks again nanu156 for a reasoned response.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
Man my response was sorta cranky. Stand by my thoughts but probably could have been nicer. :)

Mike (Dylandrewsdad) and I basically agree here, that stocking rules of thumb are not gospel, but that noobs need to follow them till their fish killing days are over.

I stand by my post that she probably needs to reduce her numbers and feed less as her tank is a hot mess. Getting rid of the female guppies would probably do the trick.

Feb 28, 2011
Springfield, OR
what we have

27 gallon
4 micky mouse plaites- 1 is pregnant I believe
2 dalmation mollies
3 neon
2 red minor serpae tetras
2 glo
4 guppies- 1 is pregnant I believe
1 fry guppy in breeder tank
1 catfish
1 bottom feeder
1 loach
Plant I am not sure what it is we got it at petsmart and is in a log.

I have attached picture of the plant and the fish I believe to be pregnant.
Employee at petsmart told us to do a 50% water change every other day. Add Stress Zyme+(Biological Filtration Booster), Clarity (Water Clarifier), AmQuel Plus(Ammonia Detoxifier) and NovAqua Plus (Water Conditioner). We are running a pengun bio wheel 200 with 2 filters in it. I know I was feeding to much so we cut back to feeding 1x every other day. We are done getting any more fish and tanks until thing calm down and we get a handle on this one. I want to get as much information about this before we go any further. I really thought this would be easy and its not. I have learned allot and want to learn more. I don't believe we let it cycle before adding fish. We did let the tank sit empty for 3 days before adding any fish. Then we added about 5 fish a week until we are where we are today. All with guidance of petsmart. I believe now we did it to fast and I just need to know what we can do from this point so we don't loss any of our fish family. As you can see by the pictures the water is very cloudy.


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Feb 27, 2009
The plant is not an aquatic one. It is called Dracena sanderiana. It can survive for awhile submerged, but will eventually rot.

This link is useful to show what the lighting/care requirements are for aquarium plants, and what NOT to buy at a pet store for your aquarium plants: - Plant Guide

I'll let others post responses as to your stocking level. It may be helpful to post pics of the catfish, bottom feeder, and loach to know what kind of fish they are.

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Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
Did Petsmart tell you those number were OK? You have many species that require(or I should say be much happier) in schools of at least 6-Neons, Tetras and Glo lights. What kind of Loach? What is a "bottom feeder" and what type of cat? The cat may want to be in a school as well. That guppy and Platy are pregnant, you are right about that!


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Okay, back to basics here for Team Ross. Do you have liquid test kits for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? This is what you need to get. You should do water changes daily to keep the ammonia levels down until the 'good bacteria' can catch up to the fish poop quantity. You might as well remove that plant now - it won't help. Keep feeding to a minimum. Do this for a few days, post your water parameters for us every day, and we'll get you heading in the right direction. Then you might actually be able to enjoy this hobby instead of feeling stressed out by it!
PS - your fish stocking might need to change a bit. Wondering what kind of catfish, loach and 'bottom feeder' you have? Those might be the first to rehome . . . .


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
Im on the same page, she really can't handle ANY more additions when the fry come along.

Sounds barbaric but i would take the guppy fry out of the breeder net and let nature take its course with the babies, one or 2 may make it but you don't have a home for the babies...

20 fish (not including fry) is WAYY to heavy a stocking plan for a tank that size and a noobie. IMHO. So you need to figure out who you can stand to part with and return them to petco. (they have 14 day policies)

Return that plant too. Pick up a sword plant with your store credit. some plants will help out with your cycle.


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I'm kinda jumping back into the past posts on this thread......sorry!

we have a fresh water puffer in a community tank to keep the snail population in check. I love our puffer!
I'm surprised you have a puffer in a community tank as I heard they can be too aggressive long term. I have kept puffers but never in a community tank.
What type of puffer is it and how long have you had it? Puffers are such awesome snail hunters and so much fun to watch when they are hunting!

Dan Steveo

Large Fish
Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
oh nanu you have the same situation as me... sliding glass door at other side of room haha, well there's a little algae on the java fern and the plecs were sorting it now they don't seem bothered by the longer strands they only eat the little stubbly algae..

the snails are you're typical little snails that come in your plants.. I don't like them unfortunately. especially when they over-populate...



Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
If you have the room in your stocking plan loaches will pick off those snails real fast and are a nice overall addition to your tank.

You can also put a cup with zuccini squash in it at lights out, then pull it out just before lights on with the snails then toss em out.

YETCH pond snails are worse then SA algae eaters. I killed a really nice pretty rare pleco once with snail caucuses.. BAD NEWS

Jul 28, 2010
Team Ross sorry for the hijack..


We (O.C. and I :) ) have a Dwarf Freshwater Puffer which is the Carinotetraodon travancoricus. We have her in with Badis badis and 3 separate species of Otocinclus sp. and a few cherry shrimp. The puffer doesn't seem to bother the other fish. She did take an interest in a cherry shrimp once but soon diverted to a nearby snail and that was that. She is quite the ninja you wont see her for days no matter how hard you look and then poof there she is striking a snail. Its fascinating to watch the show. No unusual aggression is seen but again one thing to consider is each fish can vary from the norm but that norm is formed from typical behavior. Its quite possible my little ninja huntress is not typical fish.

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Feb 28, 2011
Springfield, OR
Do you mean test strips for amoninia ans pH levels??? Whats this???(liquid test kits for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate) I will try and get pictures of the loach, catfish and bottom feeder and post them. We are enjoying our tank they are very active and seem to be happy. Thanks for all your input it has help and I will use it. If we want to keep the fry what size tank should we get???

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Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
If you want to keep the fry - and with those livebearers you will likely have more fry again, and again, and again - you might be better to get a separate tank dedicated just to raising the fry. Then you can feed and clean the tank in a way that's geared specifically for the fry. Plus, then you won't have a breeder net in your community tank mucking up the view!


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
Continuing to hijack.....

Team Ross sorry for the hijack..


We (O.C. and I :) ) have a Dwarf Freshwater Puffer which is the Carinotetraodon travancoricus. We have her in with Badis badis and 3 separate species of Otocinclus sp. and a few cherry shrimp. The puffer doesn't seem to bother the other fish. She did take an interest in a cherry shrimp once but soon diverted to a nearby snail and that was that. She is quite the ninja you wont see her for days no matter how hard you look and then poof there she is striking a snail. Its fascinating to watch the show. No unusual aggression is seen but again one thing to consider is each fish can vary from the norm but that norm is formed from typical behavior. Its quite possible my little ninja huntress is not typical fish.
I have a DP as well. From my experience the DP's seem to be the less aggressive of the freshwater puffers (although not with snails). I was curious to see which type of puffer you had in a community because in general it seems that the bigger the puffer the worse they do with non-puffer company (although there are always the non-typical ones). My DP's seem to consider shrimp food much to my dismay.