

Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
1. Zebra loach I think. Got more pics?
2. Bristlenose Pleco? More pics would be good.
3. Kuhli Loach, I'm looking at four of them next to me zoom around my work tank. Definitely.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
That's definitely a plecostomus. It's not a clown, could be rubberlip/bulldog or possibly a bristlenose. I'm weak on plecos though, so it could be a baby of a pleco that grows much, much larger.

I'm "fairly" sure the first one was a zebra loach.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
head shape suggests bushy nose how much did you pay for him? that's really the key that sized common would be two to four dollars if he is bushy he would have been eight +

zebra loach for sure and kuhlli on the wormy looking things

we see all sorts of common plecos in the trade that are strange looking so i wouldn't rule that out but my guess again is bushy (he had bushy little tentacles sticking out from his face that i cant see in the photo?)

Feb 28, 2011
Springfield, OR
head shape suggests bushy nose how much did you pay for him? that's really the key that sized common would be two to four dollars if he is bushy he would have been eight +

zebra loach for sure and kuhlli on the wormy looking things

we see all sorts of common plecos in the trade that are strange looking so i wouldn't rule that out but my guess again is bushy (he had bushy little tentacles sticking out from his face that i cant see in the photo?)
We spent about $4.00 on the sucker fish. Should we change our rocks to sand for them? We got the zebra when we got the plant. We had no idea we had him until we got it home and put it in our tank. Talk about a surprise when he came out of the log. lol. How many should we get to help keep our tank clean for feed the others dont eat? We are planning to get the test kit this weekend.

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Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
four dollars suggests to me that he is common but hopefully he is a bushy or bristle ask when you go to the lfs a breeder could have brought in a big batch that made they have a real low price for them

get the liquid strips and do heavy water changes until it gets sorted out :)

Feb 28, 2011
Springfield, OR

Went to Aqua Serene today. Got water tested everything is stable besides for the ammonia levels are still very high. Found out that our fish have ick. Most likely from the fish we got from walmart. We have lost 10 fish in the last 24 hours even with the water changes and everything. Since we found this out this morning we are treating them for the ick and are hoping we can get this under control and hopeful save the fish we have. I am so up set by this. I didn't want to hurt any of them :( Note to self never buy fish for walmart!!


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Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
How are you treating the ick? I would crank the heat up to 82-84 and continue to do water changes and good gravel vacs. I have only had ick one time (knock on wood) and did not use any meds, just the heat. Some others with more experience with ick may recommend more options.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
Crank the heat turn out the lights and cover with a sheet is what i do.

Honestly every tank has ich, only stressed fish come down with the sickness. That being said the water parameters could have caused the illness, just hang in there.

Don't use meds particularly if your cycle isn't complete, ich medicine will kill your pleco for sure :(


Small Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Nothing to add aside from what's been said about the fish, but if you're looking for some plants I've had great success with Bacopa caroliniana in low-tech tanks. I've had it with ~1 wpg of light, no CO2/ferts and while it wasn't growing fast it stayed healthy - moved it to a tank with med-high light, CO2 and ferts and it's growing like gangbusters, I can hardly keep it trimmed.

I think someone mentioned that the plant you had wasn't aquatic - unfortunately that happens much more than it should, especially at chains like Petsmart, PU, etc. Best to stick with the hardy standards like java fern, anubias and crypts - they are slow growers for the most part but can easily survive in low-tech tanks and they're all aquatic plants so no worries about them rotting when submerged and messing up your water parameters.

Feb 28, 2011
Springfield, OR
We believe we are getting things uncontrol found a really good fish store and they have been helping us get our ich and levels under control...Everything id looking good and they said by this weekend we should be prefect...
2 dalmatian mollies
3 mickey mouse plaites
1 glo
1 zebra loach
1 Kuhli Loach