OMG this is so wrong !!


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
OMG, that is so sick, how can someone have that much disrespect for life? That "artist" should be shot. And he invited people to blend the fish up, which how could somebody do that. Its sickening how some think that they are "humanely" killing the fish. It is just sickening how someone could do that and the guy is getting off scot free. Disgust me.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I know fishboy, I was just stunned when I read the article. How can they claim this as art?? I think the artist should be put in a giant blender and... well u get the point.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
OK If you draw a line down the middle and put "Animal Rights Activists" on one side...then I definitely don't put myself on their side of the line. HOWEVER. This is rediculous. I mean you've seen the fishtanks that are kinda cute shaped like bubble gum machines...or computers or what have you...and after that movie...what movie was that with the fish and the gigilo...that one funny guy...ANYWAY after that movie I would have expected someone to come up with a fishtank shaped as a blender. BUT FOR THE BLENDER TO ACTUALLY WORK IS CROSSING THE LINE. If the idea was just to have a cool exhibit and not KILL the fish, then that would be one thing. But come on. Thats not right...and you're right thats not art.

OK people eat fish every day...but they dont eat goldfish (well...not unless its a dare anyway lol) I'm not sure what the judge was thinking. If it was someone creating a fish dish to eat somewhere...they wouldn't kill the fish like that! I mean ick. Im trying to rationalize that judgement and I just can't quite do it.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yeah I know people do all sorts of sick stuff to animals every day, but for someone to do something like this and then claim that it's in the name of art is just outrageous. I'm an artist. I don't consider this art. If I were to put my dog in a blender and take it down my street to the local museum and say hey everyone this is art and feel free to use the blender at will, I wonder how long it would be before the cops came and confronted me? In my opinion theres a difference between a sick twisted kid that tortures animals and an adult who surely knows the difference between art and animal cruelty. It just boggles my mind that he didn't even get a ticket or that the museum didn't take down this cruel attraction.


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
I'm no artist, but I really cant see how that is art. Its so cruel, and wrong. Yet it doesnt suprise me, there are very sick and disturbed people in this world (and if you look up alot of well known artists, they fall in to that category) I'm just gald that the gold fish were killed right away and didnt have to suffer for a long period of time.
Slightly off topic here, the other day there were some junior highers at a petstore I was in purchasing gold fish. This sounds all cute, except when they began to talk about buying them, so they could have the bag as a ball with a gold fish inside to play catch.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yeah Jawz is correct about the fish in the blenders being swordtails. I also noticed that as soon as I looked at the pic. Maybe the fish that got blendered were goldfish and then got reaplaced by swordtails? Either way it's still cruel.

Oct 22, 2002
Bend, OR
ouch. after reading your comments I must have been the only guy to laugh when I read the article lol

how is blending a fish any different than swallowing one on a dare? Wich is crueler IMO because it gets to die like boba fett did, being slowly digested.... death by stomach acid? c'mon... How is blending a fish any different than feeding one to your Oscar? At least blending is a quick death.

I mean I guess I wouldn't have been the one in the audience to say "ok, I'll blend one!" but I would have been the one that fell down laughing when he did.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Hey...if something dies as part of the food chain...thats fine. lol I would define being part of the food chain if something eats it...I'm pretty sure no one intended to or actually ate the ground goldfish. Feeding one to an oscar or swallowing one as a dare is at least keeping it in the food chain :) I didn't laugh when I read the story...for the same reason I don't laugh when gutting a fish after a day of fishing on the lake...its gross. And the dude flat out crossed the line by calling it "art" ick.

Ok, well, for starters, feeding a fish as food for another organism, or eating a fish, is pure nature. It is that way because every organism is part of the food chain. A fish being fed to an oscar is continuing the life cycle, which is a beautiful thing. Grinding up an animal in a blender for purely cruel pleasure, and sadistic humor, is sick. That is sheer killing. I presume the gold fish or sword tail was not fed to anything afterwards. I dont eat meat myself, but I see nothing wrong with, say, butchering a cow to use as food, but is it okay to slice through the cow just to kill it because it might be cool, or funny as you might think? I honestly hope not. OMG, I don't even want to talk about it:mad:


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well Mike to continue the discussion about this article.
I do think blending a fish is somewhat different than if u swallowed one in a dare. Not that I would recomend it. I remember watching that guinness book of world records show and there was this guy who would swallow stuff then throw it up again. His last act was "you guessed it", swallowing goldfish then throwing them up again into a fish bowl. I think he put a total of 3 into his stomach before throwing them up again and once he did they all seemed fine. At least they were swimming around the fish bowl without any visible problems, although im sure I also wouldn't like being swallowed by someone. I think what really irritates me about this is besides the fact that it is cruel to blender living animals just for the sake of art, I guarantee you that if the animals in those blenders were something fluffy and adorable looking like a little puppy, the artist would be considered some sort of sick monster. Since it's just some slimy little fish that noone cares about, it's considered art and maybe even funny and amusing to take part in. As for feeding fish to other fish like oscars. Well it's what they do in the wild. Isn't it? Last time I checked it wasn't instinctive nature for an artist to put fish in working blenders. Oh yeah and boba fett is a bounty hunter, those helpless fish aren't.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
you know what who cares if it was cute or slimy if you are not concered for the life that you take into you own hands then that alone was crule and unusual.the fact alone that these fish were in an enriroment with only a sharp blade for cover and no cycle to break down their's clear to me that if you where to take a crature and put it in art(which this garbage doesn't qualify as)then you as the artist must be responsible for the well being of your"art"every day untill it dies or you ralise that if you want to see real art it doesn't involve real sucks that humans are one of the only creatures to derive pleasure from death.hey leoaprdess anther veggie huh,welcome to the club,no meat for me either.

Apr 13, 2003
South Dakota
Visit site
I suppose if this is humane killing, nobody would freak if we decided to excute those on death row by giant blender. ...

Yea nobody would challenge that as cruel or unusal. lol

Little of the subject and doesn't really apply to this directly, but if one is going to justify this as being humane, it just a matter of time before concentration camps in world war II will be refferred to as art work shops.
I'm disgusted


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
Human nature, it is to think we are better than everything else and we have a right to kill it "humanely". The thing that really gets me is that people actually did blend the fish and wouldn't respect life, it is so sad. Yah, like said above if it were a kitten or puppy wouldv'e those people blended them? I think not. Our society is so materialistic wanting to have something more plushy than a fish not only pets but objects that they want. Either way it is a life. Most people think though around the lines of "something that is slimy doesn't deserve to live, and i am doing it a favor". But a "puppy that is fluffy and cute, now that deserves to live. " Who are we to make what lives or dies? I dunno, now i am jsut rambling on and on.
