I don't feed my fish live food, but if I did, my reasons would have nothing to do with my personal pleasure. My reason would be to try and simulate the natural food of my fish, which would be other, live fish. My reasons would be completley and utterly based upon trying to do the "natural" thing, avoiding feeding my fish reconstituted fish flakes. I don't understand how a "normal" person could derive any amount of pleasure out of the death of something else - unless, say, one was out hunting and shot a deer and knew full well that that animal would be FEEDING the family, because that is the way nature intended it. Lions have the power to kill several antelope or gazelle or wart hogs in a day but they only kill what they need to survive themselves. When was the last time you heard of an animal killing another animal and not eating it? When an animal kills just for the fun, or out of curiousity and then leaves the pray behind (this does not include when animals fight or feel threatened and kill as a result of that - that is also nature and I doubt the guy who pushed the button felt threatened by a fish)? I don't know, it might just be me because I'm a softy for animals ( I admit, I bury my fish in little fishie graves with name tags on them and I if I find an ant in the house, I take it outside rather than squish it to death - I'm crazy, I know ).
I don't know...I see the 'art' in the fish itself, to showcase a living organisms beauty but sticking it in a blender to make a point and then mashing it? That seems to me like simply making a statement ( albeit it somewhat twisted). I would not call an anti-abortionist group parading around with dead fetuses on the ends of sickles (sp?) art - that is just a statement (about human's varying beliefs about what is a human life). Hmm...I can't explain what I'm trying to say...everyone has the right to believe what they want, and that is one-hundred percent okey-dokey with me. But when it is at the cost of a life of another defenseless creature...
I don't know...I see the 'art' in the fish itself, to showcase a living organisms beauty but sticking it in a blender to make a point and then mashing it? That seems to me like simply making a statement ( albeit it somewhat twisted). I would not call an anti-abortionist group parading around with dead fetuses on the ends of sickles (sp?) art - that is just a statement (about human's varying beliefs about what is a human life). Hmm...I can't explain what I'm trying to say...everyone has the right to believe what they want, and that is one-hundred percent okey-dokey with me. But when it is at the cost of a life of another defenseless creature...