Oto fry!

How did you get such clear pictures of that little fry? Great pics!
Macro. :D
And he was sitting still.

I found some eggs (I think) on the glass in the 55g and am battling with my camera. It won't focus!!! I tried holding a black paper and a white paper behind it and it still comes out blurry. Not sure how I would rescue those eggs either. They're yellowish and about 1mm in diameter. There's two of them stuck together...

I have a Nikon Coolpix 4800 and there's two ways to do it that I know of...

Either you use the main camera function and change it to the close-up feature and then zoom in until the little flower icon turns green instead of white or red.

Or you go to the scene function and select the close-up function from there. It zooms in automatically and it also has a little square in the middle of the screen that it focuses on.

My camera is weird. I have to alternate between the two methods cuz sometimes my camera will stop focusing...? Idk, but as long as I do that, I get some pretty good close-ups most of the time.


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
That first pic looks like the fry still has some yolk sac left, so it won't really need any food until the yolk sac is gone. You could try cucumber too, but only a tiny bit that way you don't foul the water if they don't eat it.

Hmm, cucumber, not a bad idea.
They just survived their first big water change. I've been doing 50% wcs every day and today I got mad at the food stuck to the bottom. So I removed the otos and cleaned the whole thing out. Now they are happy with their clean water.
I've been refilling with tank water so they don't get killed by the super clean drinking water.
I might do the cucumber thing tonight.

Up to eight little guys as of tonight. I put them on cucumber, first bites, crushed flakes, and crushed algae wafers. Think that's enough? :D

I have a feeling I'm gonna have to set up that 5g again...buy my mom will murder me...I could always make a divider for the 55g and put Weebo in there so I can use my designated fry tank again...:)


Large Fish
Mar 24, 2008
The least amount of stress you can put on the fry the better. setting up the 5g is probably a great idea.

I would love to figure out a way to get the fry to Cincy!! I promise they will have a great tank!!!!! :>


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
I'll take 2 females and a male if we can get them than the natti!

I'm going with Oto's in the new tank.

Uh, I don't really want to ship...:eek:
I figured I'd keep them for my 55g. I'm assuming not all of them will survive and two or three would be great since I only have the two adults right now. Then maybe I could skip getting that rubberlip pleco and go for a school of otos instead! :D

I really don't want to set up that 5g again! I hate it soooooo much. I'd really rather move Weebo temporarily, but that means she has to go in the 55g with a divider...stupid aggressive puffer...I think I might do that though.

And they're all still alive this morning! W00t!

Edit: Just caught another one! Up to 9!!! :D I'll have to check the bucket well today when cleaning...don't want any of those cuties going down the drain...:(

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Well, the cleaning revealed what's really going on in my tank!

I do two vacuuming cycles, one on each side of the tank. After each one, I end up filling a 5g bucket. I then pour it into the bathtub (with the plug in!) Then I take my flashlight and scan the fish poo for living creatures.

I now ended up with a mixture of around 40 oto and cory fry. Yup, the cories apparently hatched as well. There's two big guys and a couple smaller fry that I can't tell if they are otos or cories.

Time to move them to a tank!!! :D