Pearl Gourami


Large Fish
Aug 8, 2003
West Midlands, UK
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Your tank is a little crowded but nowhere near as bad as lotus says-most of those fish are very small anyway and as you do weekly changes you should be OK. Remember that even 20 neons are nowhere near a single grown clown loach for instance. What are your nitrate/ nitrite levels, that might help?


Superstar Fish
Aug 30, 2003
Palm Springs, Ca
Well your tank is crowded, but not as bad as the the guy above. But hopefully he plans to move the fish to another tank when the loaches start growing big ot the platys start breeding. 2 inches of fish per gallon is a bit extreme, but I'm sure anything can be done, just not as peaceful for the fish.

A full grown clown loach can be 15 inches so of course 20 neons don't compare, it does take upwards of 10 years for a loach to get that big though.

PS Neon tetras are a schooling fish...keeping just one is kinda mean.

First off, both of those tanks are overstocked. And I second the fact that keeping one neon is not a nice practice and the fish would greatly appreciate friends, though there is no room left for any...


I don't think you even have room for a dwarf gourami, and I'd be weary about putting one in with guppies and all of the other surface fish in your tank. Guppies and gouramis don't get along well in my experiences. They are constantly in each other's way and get nippy towards each other. But, as I said, thats just me. I'm sure other people have no problem.


Large Fish
Aug 8, 2003
West Midlands, UK
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Thanks for the concern about my neon.
However I know what Im doing so I shall explain.
A year ago I had a group of 10 neons and all but 2 died eventually and then I was left with one. If I by more neons I shall be buying them forever so as my single neon is bold, healthy and quite old i shall leave him on his own-he swims without thought of my barbs or gouramis. Yes I know its a bit cruel but I dont really want yet another shoal of neons and believe it or not he is perfectly fine!!!:)


Large Fish
Aug 8, 2003
West Midlands, UK
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im sorry but that is certainly incorrect-my book says they grow to a max of 8cm and usually only 6. Their eyes are also quite small in relation to their bodies which usually indicates they are pretty much grown.
Yes im sorry if I come over grumpy but I dont like people blasting me when they dont know the full score.

By the way one of my major rants with fishkeeping is that all books seem to say different things!! One book said weather loaches grow to 80cm!!! If my loaches did grow big id be in trouble!!!

20g Community
1 Pearl Gourami 4-5"
1 Dwarf Gourami (Male) 2-3"
2 Rosy Barb (Male and Female) 3" x2 (can be 6") = 6"
4 Platys (2 Blue, Sunset and Tuxedo) 1.5" X 4 = 6"
1 Neon Tetra 1.5"
5 Zebra Loach (I've found they are 4") X5 = 20"
1 Clown Plec 3-4"
1 Juvenile Kribensis 4"

Total: Almost 47" of fish. I don't go by the 1" of fish per gallon rule, but this is TOO much.


Superstar Fish
Aug 30, 2003
Palm Springs, Ca
After checking out dozens of sites and throwing out the high and low figures (ranged from 6cm to 21cm) it appears the most consistant figure is 10cm or 4" for Botia striata (Zebra Loach).

The German sites seemed the most consistant as they all said 10cm, many english sites also say 10cm (4") but there are some differences (I noticed on that it does not list an official size, only the coments of one fishkeeper)

Be nice if a consistant size was used throughout, but I think many are just based upon the size of the fish individuals have and not really size potential.


Large Fish
Aug 8, 2003
West Midlands, UK
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I know my tanks is crowded but all my fish are fine and stocking is such a funny thing anway. I do weekly water changes, have two internal filters and it takes two weeks for my nitrate level to reach 15. My tank is also well planted. When I get my digital camera Ill post a few pics.


Large Fish
Aug 8, 2003
West Midlands, UK
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Also it depends what people mean by overcrowding, it could be with all fish fully grown,

1) To quickly reaching high levels of nitrate, ammonia or nitrite.
2) Not having enough oxygen absorbed at the waters surface for all the fish without airstones/filtration.
3) Not enough space for a fish to move freely-though I hope no one does this!
4)Not enough space for fish to avoid each other or exhibt natural behaviour.

This would be good for a new thread.


Superstar Fish
Aug 30, 2003
Palm Springs, Ca
Since when is a betta in a 1g tank cruel? Keeping betta's in cups or vases I consider cruel. But 1 male betta in a 1 gallon tank has plenty of room to swim and be happy. Actually our betta has more personal space than any fish in your 20g.

Sticking more than 1 male betta in any tank is cruel.

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