My 1 eyed Acanthicus adonis, just after purchase.
He's a little bigger...and plumper now.
Pair of Ancistrus triradiatus.
L264 - Leporacanthicus joselimai.
L200 -
Hemiancistrus subviridis I believe.
This guy's really doing well. Has a beautiful blue/green color to him now and is growing fast.
L205 -
Peckoltia sp. Peru trying to eat me through the glass.
Getting 3 more next week! *BOUNCINGS
The Albino yummin on a wafer.
Gots to have one of the Gibby. *SUPERSMIL
You can see him
here playing frysitter. He's a little frayed in the photo, it was a bumpy ride from L.A. to O.C.
You asked for it.
Wait...I totally forgot about the rubbernose...