

Medium Fish
Jan 10, 2007
I wasn't going to get any more fish anyway until all my levels were right, I think the fish I have now will be fien though, and i wasn't going to get discus or silver dollars since I don't have enough room for discus and the silver dollars will eat all my reeds anyway.

Well mum didn't end up getting teh test since we live about a minute from the LFS and i found out that they provide free tests for nitrite and nitarte, ph and ammonia and stuff even though I already have those two tests, so we are going to do that tomorrow on our way out but I have been testing for ammonia heaps so that I can do a water change if it does go high, I'm actually about to do that anyway lol.

Lol Jumpfreak26 yep it's very freaky hehe

Cas :D


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
i wouldnt rely so much on the lfs. it is a bit pricey but can save you time and its good to be able to do your own tank readings. ive actualyl had wrong tank readings from a store once so they could get me to buy this and that.
dont buy any chemicals. like said before, dont listen to your lfs person. i consult with mine about discus on occasion because he bred them but i never take his words that seriously because he makes money off selling you things.
and just so you know for the future if the lfs guy says you need a cleaner dont get the common pleco. dont get a pleco in general. look at corys. maybe smaller ones like pandas.
make sure to do bunches of research on any fish you get.

good luck and welcome to the tank


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
Those that mentioned you reading the stickies are right. They're full of great info for us newbies. Many of them will answer almost all your questions. I am also currently going through cycling with fish (not by choice, since I did the number 1 NO NO......buying without doing the research first).

Good luck, and can I offer one more piece of advise, newbie to newbie? Don't do anything without checking with the informative gang on this site.

Keep us posted on your progress *twirlysmi


Medium Fish
Jan 10, 2007
Lol thanks for the advice my wonderful gang hahaha

Me and mum are going to a fish shop across town today don't worry weren;t not buying any fish lol but it is just like the biggest fish shop in the city so we are going to go check out a bigger variety.

Well I've been studying my fish lately and they have been a lot more lively (even my dwarf gouramis have come out of there shell and are swimming around) so the bottom is looking a bit bare. What are you guys thoughts on cory's or ottos? I would like some fish that would help clean up any algae, leftovers, etc, etc that will gather on the bottom and the glass, you know? I think I might go researcg those panda cories now, like Fuzz said, I'll see what I come up with.

Cas :D


Medium Fish
Jan 10, 2007
Well guys here is the verdict - I went to the store and they didn't have any nitrat etests (they are getting the stock in next week or something) so I just bought the nitrite one and here is what I came up with -

Ph - Neutral at 7.0
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0

So what do you guys think is it safe ot get more fish? Do I even need to get a nitrate test since both nitrite and ammonia are 0? Also I have been checking diligently but there seems to be no ammonia spike even though I put 12 fish in at once over.... a week ago I think..

Also, I want you're opinion on the following cats I liked they had at the LFS - shoudl I get them?

1) Freshwater Sole
2) Longfin Green Cory Cats
3) Bronze Cats
4) Otto cats
5) Panda cory
6) Peppered Cats

Also what's your opinion on thos elargish, bright white (tinted gold/yellow sortof) sailfin mollies, are they any good, and also the rainbow sharks (like are they aggressive)?

Lol lots of questions anythign will help thanks,

Cas :D


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
If you just added these fish without cycling the tank, the ammonia WILL spike. Make sure you purchased the drop test kits and not the strips. Give it some time and read the ammonia readings everyday. Do not add any new fish until that tank is cycled.

Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
You won't know that the tank is almost done with its cycle until you've reach a nitrAte spike, and that may be a little difficult since you don't have nitrAte testers. MissFishy is right, the strips are no good, make sure you have the drops. Plus they're more fun anyway.

I'm going to agree with countless others, DON'T add any more fish until the cycle is over! At least another few weeks.


Medium Fish
Jan 10, 2007
What are drop test and strip test kits? I have ones where you take a small sample of the water and add drops of stuff to it ( and also powder for the ammonia) and then compare the colour of the water to the chart.

So what I was asking was if those are my levels is my tank cycled? I know its when ammonia and nitrite are zero and nitrate is present, but if ammonia and nitrite are zero then does that mean nitrate is present and the cycle is completed?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Cas :D

Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
You have drop testers, the strips are actual strips of paper that you dip in the water. They are crap, what you have is good. As for whether or not your cycle is complete, no, it is not. Just because the ammonia and nitrIte are at 0 doesn't meant it's finished, it's only been a week since you got the tank for goodness sake. You need to check the nitrAtes I'd be willing to bet they're at 0 as well. Your cycle hasn't even started. Any day now you're gonna have a spike, and you need to keep testing until you do so you can start water changes and not kill all the fish you already have.


Medium Fish
Jan 10, 2007
Lol I think you misread it I got all the new fish around that time but the tank wasw up and running from christmas. Thank god I got the good tests I don't want to spend any money REPLACING the tests I buy let alone buying them begrudgingly (thats such a cool word)

Cas :D

Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
You know what, I think ALL of us misread you. I know I was under the impression that you JUST set the tank up and then put the fish in a few days later. I apologise. In any case, you probably just need to test for nitrAtes-either buy your own or take it to the store and ask them to test it-to find out if the tank has completed its cycle.