
Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California

Welcome to the tank, but the biggest thing i can say and someone should have said first reply to this post... Read read read... these forums are by far the best source of information, we will answer all and any questions that are asked, but 98% of questions asked are already answered in a fun to read and easily accessable FAQ for beginners. You have access to the net as you have kept good eyes on the topic which is good, reading these forums builds knowledge and that is good thing. For future reference... Never ever add 12 fish at one time even if a tank is cycled... always buy one type at a time and no more than 4-6 fish per adding. If you add too many types at once could get aggression or illness from rapid change for them. There are exceptions i.e. ghost shrimp and stuff. We even have profiles of freshwater fish to give you picture of fish and description of their behavior so you know before walking into stores. Once again i say read the stickeys they will save you many questions that are already answered. Use the search box to find topics that are already active or completed for your question as well.

About the cycle until you get the nitrate test you can't prove or disprove that the cycle is complete, if they all read 0's it is not started if nitrates are above 5 ppm and others are 0 it is possible cycle complete. I would keep fish you have for about another month before adding more fish and test accordingly.


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Cas said:
Lol I think you misread it I got all the new fish around that time but the tank wasw up and running from christmas.

Cas :D
Even so... Christmas was just around three or so weeks ago, which is hardly time enough for a tank to cycle, unless you know how to accelerate the process. And, it doesn't even start to cycle until you put fish in it, unless you do a fishless cycle, which you would have known if you did that, it is a very deliberate process which takes some knowledge.

Using a couple of platies at first was good. However, the amount of bacteria it takes to process two platies' waste, even if you had waited six weeks or so for them to grow and develop-- a reasonable time period-- no way could that amount of bacteria process the waste of an additional dozen fish. Any time you add a big bunch of fish to a tank, even if it is a well established tank, you will have an ammonia spike followed by a nitrite spike. Please continue to monitor the ammonia until it spikes. ...<.. AND IT WILL...>... Whenever it is above 1.0 or so, do a partial water change to bring it down below that level. (Did you get your gravel vacuum? This will be very helpful at water change time.) When the ammonia is down to zero, you will have the nitrite spike. Do a partial water change whenever it is 2.0 or above to bring it down. When that goes down to zero, you should have nitrate readings. You will continue to test nitrates periodically in order to determine a good water change schedule for your tank. You'll want to keep nitrates at least below 20.

Even after your tank is cycled, wait at least a couple weeks before adding fish, and only a couple at a time to allow your bacteria colonies to expand to handle their waste products without a significant rise in ammonia and nitrite.


Medium Fish
Jan 10, 2007
I've been reading some of the FAQ's and profiles, but the profiles don't provide extra information, how do I find out more about the peppered cory's?

Cas :D


Medium Fish
Jan 10, 2007
Also 2 things -

I have been reading that they live in temps from 20 - 24 degrees. Is 26 okay?

And would 2 or 3 of them be okay, I raed on the net that even 6 may be better, but I don;t want tat many!!!!

Cas :D