Restocking my 55G

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Mostly yes. I just hate how they are portrayed as like the only fish that is a wet pet and the only fish that can be trained. Thats what they are portrayed like on this board when that is entirely not true. People don't think outside the box and have tunnel vision with oscars blocking their view of the vast # of species to choose from out there.

Endlers are basically like guppies.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
discus would be fun :) you should find a local breeder though, i distrust LFSs a lot when it comes to more expensive fish like this.
their fun too...i think mine is turning platy or something though 0.o

I know a place that sells really good discus. Would 5 be good in my 55G tank, cause i have herd that 4-5 young fit good in a 40G

Edit: Would it be possible to keep plecos in with the discus without them trying to stick to the discus and make them stress out and loos there slim coat and all that? Cause i am wanting to have 3-4 BN's in there and try to get a pair.

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Large Fish
Feb 14, 2007
I know a place that sells really good discus. Would 5 be good in my 55G tank, cause i have herd that 4-5 young fit good in a 40G

Edit: Would it be possible to keep plecos in with the discus without them trying to stick to the discus and make them stress out and loos there slim coat and all that? Cause i am wanting to have 3-4 BN's in there and try to get a pair.

Well if you want to grow and breed discus I would start with 6 juvi's in a barebottom 55 g tank with 50% water changes everyday. Then i would cull the ones that are growing slow. BN's are one of the only plecos that can be kept with discus. Most plecos like to attach themselves to discus and suck the slime coat off them. Just make sure you have enough time on your hands to do all those water changes because they are big pain in the ass but in end they are worth it because discus are def a unique and awesome fish!


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
dont get ottos...this is why i am having to get rid of my discus. every time i look into the tank i see her being harassed by an oto stuck to her forehead or her side.
i have kept clown plecos and BNs with discus perfectly fine, and of course corys work good too.
i would personally just recommend no otos with discus.
but then again plecos and otos have the same chance of eating the slime coat.

and i would stick with 5 discus, then maybe you could squeeze in a bottom feeder and a small tetra school 7-10 or less.

if you go with discus, do you plan on a planted tank?

Hmm....well i might just do corys now. The tank is partially planted, it has some water grass and some floating plants. Im gonna get 4 discus insted cause if i get them to pair up, then i won't have that loner discus that will get harrased and i don't have another tank to put him/her in. Would this be a good plan for the tank?

4 discus
2 keyhole cichlids
4 pristella tetras(x-ray tetras)
5 corys


Large Fish
Feb 14, 2007
I would get atleast 5 so one of them doesnt get picked on to much. It all depends on if you are getting juvi's or adults. If you are getting adult discus 5" and up You could do a planted tank and add tankmates. Adult discus dont need that many water changes and dont need to be fed as much because they have stopped growing. They also cost alot more money. If your going to get juvi's I would only do bare bottom and no tankmates. Juvi's need a lot of water changes because they need to be fed so much, so its really hard to grow plants. Its also a pain in the butt to clean around them because waste always gets stuck in them which is bad for the discus

So if you want to add other fish make sure they are able to survive in warm water.

Here would be some good tankmates for discus that tolerate high temps

2 blue rams

5 albino cories

10 rummy nose tetras

I plan on stocking my tank with all these fish after my juvi's are done growing.


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
I would also get 5, and you can always take the loner to your lfs.Rummy nose are also good because they can detect bad water.Im sorry but silver dollars, how do you sex angels and do you have any problems combining your angels and kribs?


Large Fish
Feb 14, 2007
80-82 is way to low for discus because they are easily susceptible to ich and other parasites at low temps . I wouldnt go lower then 84 . I think 85 is the ideal temp because most parasites can not survive at 85 and up. My temp fluctuates from 86-88 but my discus are always happy in high temps. Getting the adults is a good idea if you got the loot. Make sure you ask the LFS guy to feed the discus before you buy them just so you make sure they are all eating. Four discus might be ok. You just have to worry about 3 of them teaming up together and picking on the weakest one.