Ok, ill talk to the guy at the lfs(same one that i get my angels from and sold my jewel fry to which are full grown now) and see what my best options are with them and if he has any fish that i cang et with the discus.
well if it means that i have to move the keyholes, tetras, kribs, and betta just to get discus...then idk if i want to. I want something that is beautiful and will look REALLY good with the fish that are already in there.
Ya well i don't want to disturb the keyholes right now cause they have been cleaning off this rock and dancing for each other. But there not aggressive to any of the fish in there, so im not scared to add something and have them attack it, but i know that may happen when they have the eggs/fry. I want something that will catch peoples eye when they look into my tank and will have the other fish look colourful too.
ooo keyhole fry their such pretty little fish
and there are other fish too that are coloful. but angels, discus, and sevvies are the bigger ones i can think of that are eye catching.
just wondering. does your krib bother the keyholes at all?
The keyhole pair had there eggs yesterday and there doing good. Im stil not sure what i want??? How agressive and big do sevvies get cause i like them??????