FreshwaterJeff said:
BV, man, you and I are bad influences on each you've got me really wanting to set up a small cray tank. what's stopping you?
FreshwaterJeff said:
Won't happen anytime soon (wife says no more tanks)
Sounds familiar.
You know how I circumvented the wife's stance on this one? I came home with a 10 gallon tank and said it was free because my purchase was over $25.00
In my case it really was free, just like I said...but I'm sure the wife wouldn't have known differently had it not been free.
See what I'm getting at, Jeff?
If she hardens her stance, just tell her she can't buy anymore pairs of shoes then if you can't have anymore tanks!
Big Vine
P.S. Let me know how this all works out, by the way. You can send me a copy of the divorce papers with your plant shipment.