Thanks Jessey. Here's another one for you (scroll down)...
jessey said:
remind me what the smallest acceptable tank for a cray is?
From everything I've been told from the cray 'experts' out there (on the crayfish forums), crays do not 'stunt' if kept in small quarters.
I can't just spew out an instant answer, because there are lots of variables to you'll have to bear with me...
Personally, my own guideline is this:
Any given tank is acceptable so long as it has adequate filtration and doesn't make the cray look too cramped for space. Any N. American crayfish should do fine as a baby and well into early-adulthood (i.e. 'juvenile' cray) in a 3 gallon setup (like the Eclipse I've got Rogue in right now). As a full-grown adult, 5 would be better, and 10 is really the smallest that would be considered 'ideal' for a small setup for a cray.
Australian crayfish (ballpark average 8-12" adult size) follow different guidelines because they typically get larger than N. American crays (ballpark average 6-8" adult size).
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