The fry all seem to be doing well. Ammonia tests are still 0 and the fish show now signs of illness for far.
They are getting better at finding food and smarter too, they are staying near the front of the tank where most of the time I drop in their food. I spread it around, but they seem to know the right spots already.
The fry are also showing variations in size, some are still very small and thin, while others are longer and bigger bodied (big tummies too).
I feeding them three times a day, morning, 6pm and 11pm for overnighters. I think I might have to startup another BBS hatchery and another micro-worm colony soon, they are cleaning the tank between feedings!
I also helped a friend get a betta yesterday. I helped her pick-out a 3gal tank, young betta male, gravel, conditioner, food, etc.. for her new betta Winston. It is for a 10 year old boy who is staying with her, his single parent mother died just two months ago in August, and he is still very sad. My friend will be taking care of both of them, but at least the boy has a new pet to take his mind off the changes in his life.