Well, after the above post, I started a new thread:
My fry are dieing'
I lost around 70 fry because the 'Change in behaviour' was in fact Nitrite poisoning from my tank load being too high and my water changes too small to handle the build-up.
I was planning on getting rid of about 100 anyway (feeders for Earl) because 200 is NOT MANAGABLE. However, I would have preferred to do it on purpose and with control instead of by accident.
The fry are now in two tanks, 1 x 10gal and 1 x 5 gal. My 38 gal tank is not done cycling (nitrite spiking) so I cannot remove my small goldfish from my 17 gal, where most of the fry females will end up.
I have stopped the micro-worm feeding. My mentor breeder says that microworms are not very nutritious. I am feeding Sera Mikropan for older fry and a little BBS. In a few days, I will stop the BBS entirely.
I am also reducing the tank tempeature. It was 80-82F for a long time, and now I am bringing it down to 78F, and eventually to 74 - 76F. Why? Because most LFS betta tanks are only 72F, so I don't want my bettas to go into shock when I sell or trade them in!
The fry are now up to 5/8" (16mm) long, some show red on fins already, and the larger fry are getting a little nippy.
The 5gal has less fish, but the bigger ones. I will leave the smaller runts in the 10gal after I move the rest to my 17gal tank in a few days. Hopefully, this will give the runts some time to catch-up. If they don't.... I will feed them to Earl (my Gourami)
Thats it for now! New pics next post!