Round Two!! Finchy + Ruby


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Well, I have 40 jars in operation, and about another 30 sitting empty until I can get more fiberglass mesh for covers. I like the fiberglass mesh (ie: bugscreen) because it is flexible yet rigid enough to work with and allows air but no hairs and other floaties into the jars.

The males have grow considerably faster in the jars, and are acting like males now, flaring at each other, growing longer fins, ect... while the males left in the grow-out tanks are still pretty small.

I am cleaning the jars each week, by shiphoning each jar with a small tube (1/4" dia. line) to clean the bottoms, changing about 80% of the water each time, then putting a pail of fresh water on top if my shelving, and siphoning the water back into each jar from the top. It works pretty good, I just use my fingers to stop the siphon line flow in between jars and I can move along pretty quick. About 40 minutes to do 40 jars, including getting a couple pails of water from upstairs.

I am feeding them twice a day, staple flake food in the morning and frozen brine shrimp at night. I crush the flake and thaw the shimp cubes, then use one of those childrens medicine dispenser/needle-like things from my drug store clerk (free) and added a like airlline tubing to hold the water/shrip so I can put a drop in each jar through the small hole in the fiberglass mesh covers.

I am likely a month or so away from selling them yet, but so far I still have around 236 young adults in total, and I am managing to keep up so far.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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I just jarred another dozen males today. I have about 5 females mixed in with the original 40 I jarred at the beginning, and that is how they will stay till I sell them. So a total of 52 jarred betta for now.

I found some nice large GEM brand jars from my aunt, that hold a little less than a gallon each. My water change process eats up a good hour, plus another hour or two for my 4 other tanks, including the 2 grow-out tanks.

I also found my first case of fin-rot on one of the jarred females. This is my first illness for my fry (besides sudden death!) and I treated her with some Melafix and a little Kanacyn antibiotic. Her top fin is rotten down to the body, so it may turn into body rot or it might get better, only time will tell.

I have a few males at about 1 1/2" long now with fins. I am hoping I can sell them in April sometime, so I can re-claim my grow-out tanks and reduce my workload.

No regrets, and I might do this again, but I will certainly reduce the number of eggs from the onset and hope for a smaller (40-60) spawn the next time.

I am expecting my 2nd (human) baby in September 21st or 23rd, so I doubt I will be spawning for another year so I can spend time changing diapers instead of cleaning jars ;)


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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I lost my first jarred male this morning. I am not sure why.. but his stomac looked really full...

... in fact, quite a few fry have pretty big tummies ....

I really, REALLY hope this is not an early signs of Dropsy :( :(

That would just be terrible! I think maybe I am cheating on the water changes, not frequently enough, so I think I will try a 4 day water change rotation instead of a 7 day change and see if the better water quality reduces the symptoms.

I am not sure its dropsy... but I cannot rule it out either - there daddy (Finchy) died from dropsy-like symptoms a month or so ago.

I also accidentally killed a fry during the water change today. The fry swam underneath the syphon and it had enough pressure to blow his stomac open. I used scissors and cut him in two quickly so he did not suffer long.

I am going to keep a real close eye on the fry for the next few days. I am hoping this bloated tummy is just cause of food and not something else.

Oh, the fry in the grow-out tanks show few signs of bloating, likely because there is more competion for food.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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No other deaths lately.. just fat & happy young bettas :)

I plan on jarring the last 16 or so males soon (68 total)... the other males in my grow-out tank are getting a little nastier.

I also spoke with some smaller fish stores in my area about them buying some stock. The going rate is about $1.25 ea male, which is pretty low.

I will try to sell as many direct as I can first ($5.00 ea) to cover some of the costs of the equipment and food.

I will be selling them early to mid May sometime ... anyone in the greater Edmonton region send me a private message if you are interested!


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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My males are all primarily blood red, and some of them have metallic blue undertones and highlights in the finniage.

My goal was to have as pure-red bettas as I could, like their father, Finchy (RIP)., but it was not critical they all turn-out perfectly red. These fry will end-up as pets mostly, and hopefully not Oscar food!


Large Fish
Mar 31, 2004
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Awesome storyline.

Just wondering, but couldn't you put a SAE or Oto in the fry tank to help with clean up of any algae and maybe a ghost shrimp or dozen to clean up the other stuff. That way you wouldn't have to siphon so often and risk losing fry. Just curious and ignorant.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Actually, I do have 1 otto in each of my fry grow-out tanks. They have nice big bellies!

The siphoning is more an issue for the jars, which cannot support another fish, and a betta would certainly not like the company. Each jar is from 1/2 to 1 gal in size, with a floating piece of java moss for them to sleep/hide in, plus the moss seems to help control the algea growth a little.

I jarred another 8 males today, so now I have 60 jars to feed twice a day and clean weekly. Thats were I will keep it unless the last few males in my fry community tank get too nastly.

Actually, the larger females are doing most of the nipping in the fry grow-out tanks.

The fry are now 1 1/2" long, still about 1/2" too small to sell. Maybe another month so so... who knows?


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Betta's for sale!

Well, it looks like I will be able to sell about 50 to 75 of my female betta's in about a week.

I found out from a local breeder that female bettas are a little bit in demand with most fish stores because they don't ship very well (packed in small bags / cannot get to surface to breathe / tend to stress out and die).

I found a local chain fish store that will give me store credit in exchange for my females. Its a good deal for them... I trade my fish at cost (about $1.00ea) and then I get credit I can apply towards retail pricing, and they get to sell the fish at about $2.50ea.

Still, its better than selling them as feeder fish :( or culling them :(

I will keep my males a few more months, and sell as many as I can directly for about $3.00 each. Store credit will only get me $1.25, so I rather not do credit till the very end.